Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4045: He turned into a free ghost vs Amitabha Buddha Shakyamuni

   Chapter 4045 He turned into a free ghost vs Amitabha Buddha Sakyamuni's desire to read!

  "Dang..." It sounded like a lingering bell, and from the inside of the love, the heart beat vigorously, sending out a tsunami-like sound wave, the sky collapsed, destroying all things,

   Even close to the chains of the heart of the world!


   Upon seeing this scene, the ghost-faced old man's face changed drastically on the spot, and he hurriedly shouted. "Hey, are you crazy? Your current ability is not qualified to hit the curse chain, stop now.

   "Ancestor, if he can work hard, so can I!"

  He glanced at Chen Fei, who was almost half unconscious at this time,

   said very firmly!

And then,

   Slammed hard!



   "Rumble Rumble Rumble!"

   The terrifying force erupted, the chains of the heart of the world trembled, and a terrifying counter-shock erupted, causing Xueqing to vomit blood continuously. This was an extremely fierce collision! beyond everyone's imagination. The power of the catastrophe, and the power of the chain of the heart of the world, collided with the breath of heaven and earth,

   All the spectators who were shocked had their scalps numb and gasped.

   "Poof", "Poof"

   That love is even the supreme fairy pattern between his eyebrows,

   A fissure appeared, and upon seeing this scene, Rao Shibo Xun and the others couldn't help but blink. They naturally understand that this is because they are choosing desperately.

   "This, this is my strongest blow at present, originating from the supernatural powers of the ghosts of my ancestors' ghost clan, please see and taste it!" said with a trembling voice, already covered in blood,

And then,

   saw his unannounced shot.

   "Hey!" Don't pierce through the sky, the ghost world reappeared, and ghost kings appeared in the ghost world like a sea. The whole world started from two-dimensional to three-dimensional,


The sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and the terrifying ghost energy formed a huge wave, like a deep sea, incomparably huge, endless, terrifying ghost power was surging, swept away towards Bo Xun, Chaos, Yinan, the Seven Devil Kings of Hell and others. !

   At that moment...

  It is also extremely difficult to speak,

   "He turned into a free ghost, a ghost king and a bell!"

   "Boom!" The infinite power merged into one and turned into a ghostly bell, which rang, exuding monstrous sound waves, flashing dazzling brilliance, which made everyone extremely shocked.

   "Swallow the sky!" The roar of the gluttonous brand appeared again. In the void, in front of the ghost king's bell, a huge mouth appeared, and it suddenly opened its mouth and swallowed it...

   "Rumble Rumble Rumble!"

   However, it was actually shattered!

   "Boom!" The master of the seven emotions and six desires, Yanan, also shot again, seven faces, fourteen pairs of eyes, and twenty-eight weapons, and suddenly collided with the ghostly bell!

   rumble rumble rumble... The two collided, such as the flood, the sky crumbling and the earth cracking. In an instant, the countless weapons were shattered, and the ghost clock was also shaken and flew out.

   On the spot, Yenan, the master of seven emotions and six desires, was beaten and flew out and retreated far, far away,

   And that love vomited blood.

   But at the same time, the fluctuation of the ghost king's clock was even better.

"Let me do it…"

   Six Chaos came out and wanted to do it,

   but was stopped by another person.

   "I'll still come..."

   That person is Bosun!

   Among the six powerhouses, although there is no so-called first, second and third, they are also very clear in their hearts. If it is really about strength, the six-path demon king Bo Xun should be the first!

   And now this love persists,

   inspired Bo Xun's desire to shoot!


   There was a violent shock, and Bo Xun's body was filled with boundless demonic energy. It was the six-path heaven demonic energy, and it was also the most extreme desire. These forces began to evolve continuously, forming a picture scroll with mountains, rivers and rivers, all things in the world, thousands of Buddhas,

   And... Amitabha Buddha Shakyamuni!

   "This, this is the image of Amitabha Buddha Shakyamuni's desire?!" Outside the Shahai area, the ghost-faced old man's face changed wildly, because he did not expect that Bo Xun would actually use all his legendary methods.

   Amitabha Buddha Shakyamuni,

   Lord of the Buddha of the Immortal Realm!

   Mahayana Buddhism, Amitabha, future, present, past, ancient Buddha.

  One of the seven ancient Buddhas from ancient times to the present!

   At the same time, this wave is actually the demonic thought and opposite of the ancient Buddha Amitabha! Therefore, the ability of Amitabha, who can enable Bo Xundu to take the initiative to fight, is definitely a top-notch, super-immortal supernatural power!

   It is even very likely that it is the 365th Peerless Immortal Dao Divine Ability Level of the Immortal Realm!


  The Buddha's light shines brightly, but it is quickly polluted and becomes the six-path demon energy. I saw Nabo Xun sitting cross-legged in the void, with twelve-leaf black lotuses under his feet, and holding the Buddhist and Dao demon seals in his hands.

   hit the supreme power!


   The ghost king bell rang, but it was directly knocked into the air, even cracked and shattered, and when I saw this scene, my whole body trembled, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out.

   Then he murmured with blurry eyes.

"I lost…"


   fell to the ground with serious injuries and fainted. And seeing this scene, Rao is Nabo Xun... also took a deep look at her, and then looked at Fade Chen, who had also fainted at this time,

   then directly shook his head.

   "This should be considered a lose-lose, right?"

   "Very nice little girl!" The Asura King Styx also nodded and said lightly. "In the future, if she can withstand the curse of the Heart of the World, she may be able to surpass us!"

   "Beyond us, hehe, let's talk about it then!"

   The Seven Devils of Hell smiled arrogantly,

   disappeared in place.


   is the Asura King, the Asura King of the Styx!

  Reincarnation eats fairy beasts, gluttonous!

   Six Chaos Beasts, Chaos!

   At this point, only Na Bo Xun and Ye Nan, the master of seven emotions and six desires, first took a deep look at Chen Fei, and then said to Bo Xun. "Bo Xun, that matter is left to you! He has already qualified for that matter!"

"why me?"

   Bo Xun's face sank,

   "Who called you Bo Xun? Hahahaha..."

   The Lord of the Seven Emotions and Six Desires, Ye Nan laughed a few times,

   then disappeared too.

   The latter's face turned blue and then purple, and he was silent for a long time, but he still did not veto it, but at this moment, he suddenly seemed to have noticed something, turned around suddenly, and stared at the side of the girl who was lying on the ground.

And then,

   His face changed dramatically,

   Even faintly, there is still some horror and fear, which is revealed. Because at this moment, there was an old man unknowingly beside He Qing who had fainted in a pool of blood.

   "Old, old ghost?"

   Bo Xun murmured in awe.

   At the same time, the ghost-faced old man outside the yellow sand area also had a drastic change in his face, and he was even extremely excited. Then, he directly flashed and appeared beside the old man,

   bowed his head respectfully.

   "Ghost Lord!"

   Look carefully, this old man is not the one-eyed old man in the broken shop of Baixiao Palace, who is he?

   (end of this chapter)

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