Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4051: Heaven's great creation, the world tree of nothingness!

   Chapter 4051 Great creation, nothingness world tree!

   "The Void World Tree?"


  The fog group Mu Huayuan nodded, as if caught in a memory, and said softly. "When I got this guy, I expected it to help me go against the sky and break into the second heaven of the Immortal Ancestor, but I never thought that it was him who succeeded, and it was him who lost! I never imagined that I would not be able to. Resist the poison of reincarnation of this world tree of nothingness!"

   "The poison of reincarnation?"

   Chen Fei was stunned for a moment, a little dazed.


  The fog group Mu Huayuan nodded and said helplessly.

   "This world tree of nothingness grows on the other side of reincarnation, where there is a sea of ​​reincarnation, six paths, and countless natural disasters. This poison of reincarnation is one of them! It is also the source of power of this world tree of nothingness!"

   "In the beginning, it was because of the poison of reincarnation of the world tree of nothingness that my strength became weaker and weaker. When someone found an opportunity, they almost killed me. I had no choice but to hide in this sea of ​​heaven..."

   Hearing this, Fade Chen couldn't help but ask.

   "Senior, aren't you being sunk by this sea of ​​heaven?"

"Tianhai sinks? You want to say Tianhai slave? How is it possible? No matter how bad it is, I used to be a first-level immortal ancestor. How could this mere Tianhai be able to deal with me? It's a super-large one on the ancient court in Zhongzhou. Tianhai, maybe that's still possible!"

   "This northern deserted sky, huh, it's impossible!"

   That fog group, Mu Huayuan, sneered directly.

   "So the rumors are all false. Senior, you are being hunted down by your enemies, so you had to run to this sea of ​​heaven to escape disaster?" Fade Chen asked helplessly with a twitching corner of his mouth.

   "That's almost what it means..."

   "Then, do you want me to avenge you?"

   Chen Fei asked casually.


  The fog group Mu Huayuan froze for a moment,

   Then his eyes flashed and he said slowly. "If you can really help me get revenge, you can, and if it's you...it shouldn't be a big problem. Well, if that's the case, then I'll tell you! That person's name is Chen Yu, and like me, he's also an immortal ancestor. First Layer, and he is one of the Thirty-Three Days, one of the ancient emperors of the Chen Clan's Immortal Dynasty!"

"You just need to remember this person. It's been so many years anyway, so don't be in a hurry. This revenge can be avenged if you can, but it doesn't matter if you can't. I don't really care. If so, the one who ran was him, not me!"

   Speaking of this, even Chen Fei can clearly hear it. It seems that Mu Huayuan has long since been relieved, but if you think about it carefully, you can actually understand that the battle of the Great Dao is nothing more than life and death, you advance and I retreat,

   Besides, this is already the first layer of the Immortal Ancestor,

   It is also natural to understand that losing, in fact, is not as good as others, and there is no other reason or excuse. So, he has really let go of this.

   Even, if Chen Fei hadn't taken the initiative to mention this,

   He wouldn't even take the initiative to say it!

   Thinking of this, Fade Chen simply shook his head, nodded again, and said.

   "Chen's Immortal Dynasty?"

   "Since that's the case, let's see the situation later..."


  The fog group Mu Huayuan also nodded, then raised his head, stared at the towering divine tree, and said slowly. "With your current strength, this world tree of nothingness can only be drawn slowly, but you don't care about the poison of reincarnation. You have the immortal body of reincarnation, and this poison of reincarnation is completely ineffective for you, and even Instead, it will become your nourishment!"

   After a pause, he pointed to the layers of red clouds in the outer circle of the world tree of nothingness, and said softly. "Do you see that red glow? That is the condensed body of the Dharma Form of the World Tree of Nothingness. Its concentration and quality are far stronger than the inferior soul forms you have seen outside. I suggest you, start from here. let's start!"

   "Don't think about eating too much in one bite, it's good for you!"

   "I understand..." Fade Chen nodded, then turned around and bowed deeply to the foggy Mu Huayuan, and said respectfully. "Senior, this day's great fortune, I really thank you!"

   "Hey, don't thank me, in fact, you should have guessed it, right?"

  The fog group Mu Huayuan sighed and said helplessly. "Originally, I could have left this place a long time ago and reincarnated in the second life. When I reach my realm, the soul is immortal, and I will never die. Besides, I am still a walking soul. If I walk in the reincarnation, I can easily live the second life. But I'm stuck here all the time... This should be the power of this guy, it's too strong!"

"My remnant soul has always been held here by it, and I can't escape if I want to run away. If it continues like this, for a long time, I am afraid that I may be dragged to death here by it! Myself!"

   But Fade Chen still shook his head and said firmly. "Anyway, I, Chen Fei, will keep this blessing of good fortune in my heart! Senior Mu, thank you very much!"

   "Go... oh yes, there is one more thing, you carefully sense the world tree of nothingness!" The fog group Mu Huayuan raised his head and stared at the world tree of nothingness on the ocean,

   As soon as these words came out, Fade Chen did as he was a little puzzled, but in the next second, he saw that his eyes flashed directly, and he was surprised. "The flow of time here is so slow, about one-sixth of the normal world?"

   "You can even detect the difference in the specific time flow rate. Could it be that you also know the way of time?" This time, it was the fog group Mu Huayuan's turn to be surprised. He didn't expect that Chen Fei not only saw the problem at a glance,

   even accurately see the difference multiple of time flow rate,

   This suddenly made him realize,

   I'm afraid this way of time... Chen Fei is also involved.

   Thinking of this, he just smiled and said.

"Then congratulations, you are lucky, this world tree of nothingness not only contains a lot of soul power, but also contains the power of the law of the way of time, the passage of time here is six times slower than the outside world, and, also It can also be superimposed, in other words, if you are lucky enough and your ability is strong enough, maybe you can get a double harvest on this world tree of nothingness!"

As soon as these words came out, Fade Chen's eyes immediately burst into a frenzy. He didn't even bother to care about Mu Huayuan's exploration of the secret of his way of time. Great fortune, this is really great fortune. !

   Once both the way of reincarnation and the way of time progress,

   For him,

   There will be a new surge in strength!

   Thinking of this, Fade Chen took a deep breath, and then looked at the world tree of nothingness with hot eyes, very excited! Because he is very clear, this good fortune will be another transformation for him, I am afraid!

   "Go, it's time for me to teach my disciple too, just this time should be enough! Goodbye..." At the same time, after the fog group Mu Huayuan said again,

   just 'thrown away' Fade Chen,

   disappeared in place.

   "Thank you, senior!"

   Facing the place where the fog mass Mu Huayuan disappeared,

   Chen Fei bowed deeply, and then he no longer hesitated, his figure flashed, breaking through the void, and rushing directly towards the world tree of nothingness in the vast ocean!

   (end of this chapter)

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