Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4054: Crazy breakthrough!

   Chapter 4054 Crazy breakthrough!


   is bright,


   has endless soul power,


   is the supreme holy place for the cultivation of the way of the soul,

   But here,

   is also the real core of the illusory world tree! It's his territory!


  The terrifying force suddenly fell, and at this moment, it erupted overwhelmingly, sweeping towards Chen Fei. The torrent-like torrent of soul power is like a storm that is pouring from the sky and destroying the sun, constantly hitting, scouring, and destroying his body!

   That terrible power,

   is to destroy Chen Fei from the inside out.

  But, even so, in this desperate situation, Chen Fei's eyes were still very indifferent, and he didn't even move... Then, a fairy light emerged from his body! Brilliant!

   And that fairy light,

   is the power of the reincarnation fairy body!

   "Under the evolution of instinct, the foundation of my reincarnation fairy body is still slightly worse after all, I need to make up for this difference, and this world tree of nothingness is a very good choice!"

   Chen Fei muttered.

   He actually understood from the beginning. Although this reincarnation celestial body evolved by instinct is much more difficult than the reincarnation celestial body that is cultivated step by step and according to the cultivation method,

   But there is still a problem,

   That is, his cultivation realm is too weak, so weak that even the immortal body of reincarnation, which has allowed him to evolve successfully by instinct, has some inherent deficiencies and flaws.

   That's why he wants to swallow the world tree of nothingness into his body, and then use the power of the world tree of nothingness to infinitely nourish and nourish his immortal body of reincarnation, so as to make up for the innate deficiency!

Of course,

   The benefits of this world tree of nothingness are not limited to this,

   Not to mention, just the power contained in the Void World Tree itself can actually be regarded as a small and huge energy source that can support him to complete and do many other things!

   So over the years he,

   In addition to silent healing, more is actually thinking and planning, how can we get this world tree of nothingness, refine it, and swallow it into our body. take it away!


  He found a way,

   That is the book of reincarnation - a certain forbidden technique in Baishou's reincarnation sitting and forgetting the scriptures,

   and the attraction of that reincarnation fairy body itself!

The reincarnation power possessed by the immortal body of reincarnation is itself the superior of the soul power, not to mention the immortal body of reincarnation, which is almost the top and highest physique in the way of reincarnation. In between, there must be certain connect,

   is even attractive!


He just wanted to use this kind of attraction to make the world tree of nothingness willing to be swallowed by him... Of course, this is just his current plan, and it's still a bit naive, so it depends on whether it can be done or not. luck.

   "Fight, try it out!"

   Chen Fei gritted his teeth hard, and then started to do it.


  The monstrous energy fluctuations spread out,

   Fade Chen has a surging power of reincarnation in his body! Qi Qi rushed forward.


The vision appeared, and the reincarnation Tianmen appeared, rose into the sky, and the threads of the avenues fell. Its brilliance runs through ancient and modern times, and its power is unparalleled in the world. Return!

"it works?"

   Chen Fei's face was overjoyed, and he quickly pursued the victory!

   "Six spells!"

   "Heaven-turning mantra, sea-suppressing mantra, seven emotions and six desires mantra, **** devil mantra, Asura mantra! Swallowing the sky mantra!”

  The dazzling beam of light shone out from the reincarnation gate, and then, those forces turned into six spells, and when they appeared, they shattered the world, and everything around them was fading and slowly disintegrating.

   This is a suffocating power,

   This is a forbidden technique that transcends the suppression of superiors and subordinates with the attribute of strength.

  Let that make even the Void World Tree tremble.

"It's another kind of forbidden technique. Where does this kid come from so many weird methods, the Book of Reincarnation? But, isn't it that the forbidden techniques in the Book of Reincarnation are difficult? Why does it seem to be no difficulty for him? …”

   And seeing this scene,

   That Mu Huayuan couldn't help but be shocked,

   murmured somewhat dumbfounded.

   forbidden art,

   It's not that he doesn't understand,

But he has never seen such a forbidden technique as the Six Paths Reincarnation Heaven Gate and the Six Great Curses. In the past, he could only use this method on those immortal ancestors who were stronger than him. See,

   But now?

   Chen Fei,

   A little doll of the younger generation can be so skilled and so familiar... This really shocked him, but also made him feel a little shocked. Incredible.


   At the same time, Fade Chen also began to sublime to the utmost. In him, the power of the immortal body of reincarnation is constantly venting, shrouding it, burning constantly, and faintly, there is even a dreamlike brilliance flowing...


   And seeing this scene,

   That Mu Huayuan shrank his pupils and gasped.

   "Reincarnation Origin Divine Light?!"

   "Follow me, I just want you to help me, I need your strength to help me, I can assure you that after I get through this time, you are free to leave in the future..."

Chen Fei walked towards the world tree of nothingness step by step. In front of him, the so-called divine light of the origin of reincarnation in Mu Huayuan's mouth continued to emerge. Every section was like a giant dragon, flashing dreamily. the brilliance,

   Unleash amazing volatility!

   "Om!" These forces continued to spread, covering the sky and the sun, shocking everyone, even that Mu Huayuan was a little turbulent at this time, and his heart was beating wildly.


   At the same time, the world tree of nothingness finally moved. Suddenly, a brilliant light burst out from the center of the world tree of nothingness, and then, a vast rain of light appeared between heaven and earth.

   And the outside world tree body of nothingness,

   Indistinctly, it also began to become a little illusory.

   And seeing this scene,

   That Mu Huayuan also seemed to notice something,

   Then his pupils shrank, his mouth opened wide, and his face was full of incredible color.

   "No, isn't it, that's okay? It actually happened?!"


   In the next moment, countless light and rain suddenly gathered towards Chen Fei and entered his body, and seeing this scene, Chen Fei also took advantage of the situation to completely open up his own world in his body.


  The Gate of Reincarnation hangs above his own head,

   keeps blooming,

   Shine the Nine Heavens!

   And at the same time,

   Chen Fei also began to have more powerful and terrifying forces in his body, bursting out suddenly, and even increasing rapidly at an incomparably amazing speed!

And then,

   Immortal King's five-fold peak,

   Immortal King Sixth Heaven,

   Immortal King Sixth Heaven Peak,

   Crazy Breakout!


   In just a few breaths, the cultivation realm in Chen Fei's body directly broke through to the peak of the sixth heaven of the Immortal King, and then under the incomparably violent attack, it was like a broken bamboo.

   Stepped into the level of the Immortal King Seventh Heaven in one fell swoop!

  In an instant!

  Chen obeyed the Immortal King 5th Heaven and broke through to the Immortal King 7th Heaven!

   And, it's not even over yet!

   (end of this chapter)

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