Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 413: The blood blade is coming! ?

   Chapter 413 The blood blade strikes! ?

"Let's talk? I don't think we have anything to talk about. Besides, I also know that you are the Lord of the Arros family, but so what? Who told you to accidentally offend someone who shouldn't be offended? Haha." The one who blocked Floyd's head with a gun was a very handsome blond young man, but his eyes were extremely red and gloomy at the moment, and the words he said made people shudder.

"No, no, who shouldn't be offended? Hug, sorry, I really don't understand what you mean... I'm a member of the Arros family in England, and I have a lot of money, so let's make a deal, I'll take my money Give it to you, please, please let me go. I am serious, I am willing to give you all of my people, and I can swear to God. " After hearing this, Freud trembled.

   He is not stupid, on the contrary he is very smart, so of course he can feel the killing intent of the other party at this moment, it is not a joke, but a real one. And this also made him tremble uncontrollably, and the whole person was extremely frightened... Although in fact, until now, he didn't know what happened.

  Why did these people kill him?

  When did Freud accidentally offend someone who shouldn't be offended?

   But these are not important anymore, he just wants to live now.

"Money? Hehe, hahaha, I have to say, you are really humorous, puff... Do you think I need or lack money?" But at this moment, the extremely handsome blond young man heard the words but the corner of his mouth turned With a tick, he immediately laughed exaggeratedly. And at the moment when he laughed so exaggeratedly, a trace of depressing **** smell filled the air inexplicably, making the expression on Floyd's face, who had fallen to the ground trembling, even more frightening. His eyes narrowed suddenly.

"Huh!" With a loud voice, in the dark night in the villa, two purple wings that looked a little 'green' suddenly protruded from the back of the extremely handsome blond young man, and spread out into the wind, making the blood and The purple wings shone brightly. A powerful aura belonging to the superior of the blood clan, the marquis level, also exuded.


   "You, you, you are a respected Marquis!?"

   You must know that the Arros family is the first and third blood family in the United Kingdom. As an official member of the family, the blood of a great blood clan naturally flows in this Freud body, but it is not pure, so the cultivation realm is just a baron, and the sky is stronger than ordinary people.

   But now, he actually saw something! ? I saw a great and noble Lord Marquis and appeared in front of him like this! Still going to kill him! ?

  The strength of the blood clan is divided according to the titles of nobles, baron, viscount, earl, and marquis. There are three big realms between them, like a gulf, but now, such a great and noble adult actually came to 'find' him in person... Oh~ God, am I doing a nightmare? ? What the **** is going on with him? why! ?

"Respect, my esteemed lord, I, I... I really don't understand. Did I accidentally offend you?" Thinking of this, Floyd was completely dumbfounded, and he squatted on the ground tremblingly, with a horrified expression on his face. trembling.

   "Offend me?"

   But the blond man with the economy of the marquis' cultivation base actually smiled mockingly when he heard this, and the corner of his mouth immediately drew a playful look. He then said meaningfully: "If an ant like you just offends me, maybe it will only be killed or trampled with your feet, and will not affect other people. But now... I am sorry to tell you, because Your stupidity and ignorance, and the Arros family behind you will also be implicated and will be removed from the list!"

"...Because of your stupidity and ignorance, the Arros family behind you will also be involved, and you will be removed from the list!" When the blond young man blurted out these sarcastic and contemptuous words, Floyd's whole person was full of anger. Stupid, even so stupid that his whole body trembled completely uncontrollably, and a strong fear emerged madly in his heart.

   Because if this sentence came from other mouths, maybe he would sneer, thinking that this person is crazy and mentally retarded. But now, this kind of words came from the mouth of a great and noble marquis, how could he be indifferent? After all, you must know that even the most powerful family elder of their Alros family is 'just' a marquis! Not to mention that the other party is still so young!

   He is completely stupid at this moment. Once he really couldn't accept the strong background that he used to be proud of and rely on, now he seems to be inexplicably implicated because of some of his mistakes, and has since been removed from the name! Not to mention the most important thing is himself... The other party has not let go of the family behind him, so how could he let go of him as the 'culprit'?

   But he really can't figure it out! What exactly did Floyd do without his knowledge, to cause such serious consequences... So that a great Marquis of the blood race came to kill him personally, not to mention the situation even The family behind him will be implicated! Want to destroy their Arros family?

   In the end, Freud was desperate. Because he knew that a dignified blood clan marquis had come in person, how could he escape? But even so, he still wanted to figure out why!

   "Respect, Your Honorable Marquis, can you let me know the truth before I die? What did I do to cause such serious consequences?" So he asked tremblingly.

   "Want to know? It's actually quite simple..."

Hearing that, the blond young man's mouth showed a faint smile and indifference, maybe it wasn't as boring as killing someone by himself, so he simply said: "Remember yesterday that you took money with a British guy and hired our **** man. Killing people?" Floyd's eyes shrank sharply when he heard this.

"You, you, you are from the blood blade? Could it be that the Oriental has something to do with your blood blade, so..." Floyd was completely stupid when he heard the other party's words, and he murmured unconsciously. , did not expect the truth to be so. That Oriental is not a small character that he can easily bully in his eyes, but is actually related to the huge killer organization like Blood Blade. No wonder…

   But at the next moment, the blond young Marquis of the Blood Race smiled mockingly at the corner of his mouth, and continued to say something that made Floyd's scalp numb and his face horrified. Because he actually said: "You only guessed half right. I'm not from Xueren, but Xueren has something to do with the family behind me... Oh, look at me, I forgot to introduce myself, My name is Brackenci and I come from the Brad family in Italy."

   "Bu, Bu, the Brad family!? You, you...hs!" Hearing that, Floyd's eyes widened, his face full of trembling and horror in an instant.

  Because as a member of the blood race world, how could he have not heard of the reputation of the Brad family? You must know that it is the second horror family in the dark eleven seats in Europe. Even if you look at the world and the whole world, it is undoubtedly a top existence! But now, but now...

  Why would a mere oriental person startle such a terrifying family! Even the huge mafia family behind the Arros family is not a little bit worse than the other party. This…

   "It seems that you have heard of the reputation of our Brad family, which is easy to handle."

And the blond young man Brackenchi said this, but suddenly his face became hideous and fierce, his right hand shook, and his five claws immediately stabbed forward as fast as lightning, piercing into someone's heart: "Then Mr. Chen is a big man who even our Brad family doesn't dare to neglect at all. Even a small character like you dares to find someone to assassinate him, it's really courting death!"

   With a 'puchi' sound, his five claws crushed someone's heart.


  Floyd's eyes widened after hearing this, and he stared at Brad with such a terrified expression that he couldn't even feel the pain in his heart.

   Because the truth of this fact is really beyond his imagination! The origin of the oriental people is so terrifying?

   Even, even the great Brad...


   However, he no longer has the ability and vitality to think so much, because his heart has completely burst... Then he saw his eyes darken, and his somewhat stiff body gradually fell back, making a thumping sound of falling to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Brackenqi smirked and took back the five paws, glanced at the blood on it, and smiled with some disgust and a twisted face, and then saw him take out a handkerchief and wipe the blood on his hand. Clean, and at the same time, he said lightly to his subordinates: "Take care of it, I'll go first."


   Those Blood Blade members who were following Brackenchi suddenly responded loudly.

   And just after the Marquis of Brakench had dealt with Robin and Floyd, the Brad family also began to attack the British Arros family.

It is true that, as a subsidiary of a certain family, one of the three major mafia families in the UK, the Arros family does have some influence in the UK, but this ranks second in the European Dark Eleven seats, and is now known as the uncrowned king of Italy. For the Brad family, it was too insignificant.

At least the Brad family doesn't even need to use one-fifth of the family's power, oh, no... They don't even need to use one-tenth of the family's power, which is already a third-rate blood family like Alros. A terrible disaster.

   In just one morning, scandals about the Alros family have appeared in all media channels such as TV, newspapers, and the Internet in the UK and even the whole of Europe. And the stocks of listed companies held by their family have plummeted like a cliff! Under attack from various consortiums, even the British royal family and government rarely joined forces to investigate and arrest their people frantically.

   And this scene also shocked the Arros family and even the whole of England. What kind of power did Arros provoke? Moreover, this pertinence... is too obvious! ?

   (end of this chapter)

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