Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4164: Battle Emperor Feng!

   Chapter 4164 Battle Emperor Feng!

"I see…"

   Lin Mianmian muttered thoughtfully.


   And at the same time, on the arena, Di Feng's imposing aura was about to expand to the extreme, thus reaching an extremely astonishing height! Immediately after that, I saw that Di Feng stepped forward suddenly, walking towards Chen Fei, every step he took,

   There seems to be a terrifying air current in the void, rolling toward the front and whistling, thousands of dragons and tigers roaring, covering the sky and the ground, like a gust of wind, the power is boundless, and the terrifying imperial power pervades the air, as if it is about to overwhelm the world.

   This kind of aura is about to penetrate the heavens and the world, and the indifference, arrogance, domineering, and majesty in his eyes is even more intense at this time. It seems to collapse the void.

   "Make a move, if I make a move, you will definitely lose!"

  Di Feng stared at Fade Chen, his tone was cold and domineering.


   Chen Fei smiled,

   Then he didn't refuse, and shot out suddenly!


   Chen Fei's footsteps stepped out suddenly, and the terrifying momentum was immediately vented, and the terrifying power was directly surging and bursting on the Emperor Feng, however, it only set off a wave of ripples.

  Di Feng was still standing there so calmly, looking at him.

   "As expected of a strong dragon, this body is very powerful..."

   Chen Fei said with a smile,

   was not at all discouraged.

   Because he knew it was just a temptation. A piece of cake.

   Besides, the dignified Immortal Ancestor's fourth-level powerhouse cannot be that weak...

   "Then look at my methods too..."

   However, at this time, Di Feng actually gave up on his previous rhetoric. In the void, his palm cut through the sky, and then that palm turned into an overwhelming dragon claw. The terrifying dragon claws were wrapped in the sea, and the vision was born, falling from the sky, opening up an ancient road, and it was about to explode on Chen Fei.

   rumble rumble rumble…

   The terrifying sound of the explosion appeared in the sky,

  A huge mushroom cloud submerged the ring,

   But even so, at this moment, Di Feng's eyes narrowed fiercely, staring at the mushroom cloud, his eyes gloomy, not for a moment.

   "This is your power, and it seems like that..."

  The voice came, and Fade Chen stood there unscathed.

   His face was calm,

   Hearing and seeing this, Di Feng squinted again, but this time, seeing that he did not refute, instead he murmured a little horribly. "What a powerful body..."

   seems to be the same two sentences,


The mood of    is quite the opposite,

  The former is just a joke and a sigh,

   And this latter... But it comes from the heart!

   "Come again!"

   At the same time, that Di Feng made another move, the terrifying dragon claws hissed and roared the sky, constantly forming extremely terrifying attacks in the void! A terrifying real dragon was created, and the power of the terrifying dragon turmoiled the world, madly blasting towards Chen Fei,

   However, none of these forces could hurt Chen Fei in the slightest!

  The terrifying real dragon was constantly being torn apart, the sky, the void, the earth, the sky... being pierced constantly, both of them were equally relaxed, and they all contained terrifying power.

   After talking about hundreds of thousands of tricks,

   That Difeng took the initiative to choose to stop,

   At this time, the eyes he looked at Chen Fei were full of gloom and trouble.

   "You're not weak, but it's not enough!"

   That Emperor Feng said coldly.

   "Really? Let's continue, just right, I also want to see what your true power is like..." Fade Chen said calmly and indifferently. As soon as he finished speaking, Di Feng suddenly let out a long howl.


The huge dragon energy spreads across the world, the terrifying dragon soul emerges, the world seems to be divided, the real dragon roars, and the endless terrifying vision evolves in the void, and finally becomes a terrifying supernatural power, which contains infinite Power, pounce directly at Chen Fei!


Chen Fei didn't dare to hold back at this time. The power in his body continued to erupt violently. In the void, the Heavenly Gate of Samsara emerged, bursting with dazzling light, colliding with the terrifying supernatural power, and the day was cold in an instant. It turned into an endless crack, tearing apart the sky and the world in an instant.

   "Okay, so strong!"

   And seeing this scene,

  Lin Mianmian couldn't help but let out a sigh,

   Although standing on the opposite side,

   But I have to admit that Di Feng's strength is indeed very powerful! Now this level of collision, I am afraid that it is not inferior to the battle with the old man Yan Zhen of the Black Prison Wraith Clan.

   In other words,

   The strength of this Emperor Feng is definitely far better than that of the old man Yan Zhen of the Black Prison Wraith Clan!

   And his master Chen Fei... has become stronger and improved again!

   rumble rumble rumble…

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

   The battle in the void intensified,

   And that Di Feng's face became more and more ugly,

  Because Chen Fei's strength is really beyond his imagination, whether it is the mysterious power of reincarnation or the power of space, which makes him tense and his scalp numb!

   One carelessness may cause problems!

   After thinking about this,

   There was also a dash of ominous light in Di Feng's eyes...

   "Roar!" Immediately after that, the sky and the earth around Di Feng's body were changing, and above him, the sky rivers emerged, covering the dome! His body also began to change, turning into an ancient dragon. Wearing dark blue scales, each piece seems to contain countless worlds, countless seas, and countless people!

  The terrifying power constantly merged with him, and at the end, a dragon roared, the world shook, and the overwhelming terrifying pressure rolled towards Chen Fei.

   "Boom!" Fade Chen's face froze, his body seemed to collapse, his clothes burst, and he was about to be kicked out... However, after recovering, he stabilized.

   Immediately after, staring at the terrifying dragon attacking the sky and covering the sky,

   Chen Fei's eyes narrowed slightly,


   One after another terrifying force kept gathering in his body,

   Rumble Rumble Rumble!

   "Reincarnation Tianmen Town, the universe is swallowed up, all things are born and die, I am eternal!"


   Positive pressure finally, Fade Chen stepped forward and roared,

   Countless reincarnations of the heavenly gates came out of illusion, went up against the sky, suppressed the heavens and the earth, and blasted out towards the front, and then the terrifying bright light of hundreds of millions of feet continued to shine, and it was abruptly facing the terrifying dragon.


The terrifying force blew up the head of the terrifying dragon on the spot, but the terrifying dragon also tore apart the heavenly gates. The two forces kept fighting, colliding, shattering, and destroying... In the end, it was almost completely cancelled. Together, become nothingness.

  This collision,

   It’s a bit hard to tell the difference…

   At this time, Di Feng had completely stopped, looking at Fade Chen with a gloomy face, and didn't speak for a long time. Not long after this, that Di Feng actually turned his head and left without saying a word...

   When seeing this scene, Fade Chen was silent for a moment, but suddenly his face changed,

   turned his head away,

   But seeing that Wu Qing at this time,

   has actually turned into a drop of black water with a foul smell,

   Then it evaporated in place, and the soul was gone.

   "It's quite fast..." Chen Fei murmured, but he didn't expect this Di Feng to be so decisive. Seeing that he couldn't take him down, he simply killed Wu Qing. Totally for nasty people.


   all died,

  The debt of death is eliminated, it is not a problem.

   "Unfortunately, as soon as Di Feng leaves, we will have one less reinforcement!"

  The voice of love came,

   At the same time, his figure is already floating in the air.

   (end of this chapter)

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