Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4174: Enemy road is narrow!

   Chapter 4174 The enemy's road is narrow!

   "Son of God!"

   And seeing this scene,

   The blood-skinned man was even more puzzled and curious.

   couldn't help but ask.

   But the sixteen- or seventeen-year-old boy just turned and left. And seeing this scene, the bloody-skinned man couldn't help opening his mouth, and then looked at the position of Fade Chen again... But now,

   Chen Fei and the others have already left.

   "That person, he...is he really that powerful?!"

   The blood-skinned man remained silent for a long time, his brows furrowed, but in the end he couldn't think of a reason, he could only helplessly shook his head, engraved the matter in his heart, and then left quickly.

   And at the same time,

   Chen Fei and the others also began to go to the restricted area in the depths of the infinite sea,

   went on.

   "Where to go next?"

   "Also, this place is weird..."

   As he was on his way, Lin Mianmian asked. She glanced around, only to find that all directions were full of drowsy seas, sea water, rolling all of this, the dark surges and waves of the deep sea, like an invisible big hand, constantly suppressing and beating on them, making her feel It's weird or uncomfortable.

   everything around,

   is very lonely and dead!

   It seems that there are no people and anger here, it is completely a restricted area!

   "This is the power of Dongjun!"

  Naiqing seemed to know what Lin Mianmian wanted to say, so she just shook her head, her eyes twinkling. "The Dongjun family is the incarnation of the sea, and it is also the spokesperson for the power of the immortal world. His existence can control all the laws of the sea, the deep sea, and the water element! Even unconsciously, it can make Heaven and earth are overshadowed by it!"

   "The world is moved by it!"

   "And that's why the Xeon and High Immortal beasts are truly terrifying!"

   "And I heard..."

   Speaking of this and that, I paused for a while,

   "What did you hear?"

  Lin Mianmian asked. Looking at love.

   "I also heard that the so-called Infinite Sea Area is actually the body of the top powerhouse Dongjun. That is to say, the Infinite Sea Area is both Dongjun! Dongjun, it is also the Infinite Sea Area!" She said in a deep voice.


  Lin Mianmian couldn't help exclaiming. ,

   Infinite Sea is Dongjun?

   This is really scary!

  Although she is also a top-level evildoer, I am afraid that she is only half a step away from the immortality of the seven stars, but when she hears this kind of statement, she can't help but be full of horror and shock!

   Because this is already a height that she is completely incomprehensible.

   Infinite Sea, both Dongjun?

   This is almost equivalent to a small part of the fairyland, and even a small part of the land of Zhongzhou. This is completely more terrifying than the combination of thousands or even hundreds of millions of dimensional worlds! Simply unbelievable.

   "If there is a chance to meet the Dongjun family, that would be great..."

   At the same time, Chen Fei couldn't help muttering.

have to say,

   He was aroused a little by the words of love.

   Pure-blooded Xeon to High Immortal Beast?

   I don't know if he is stronger or weaker than this now? !

   "Don't talk nonsense!"

   "You can't talk nonsense about flowers here..." Chen Fei's words obviously startled Naoqing, and he couldn't help but be speechless. "I know you're amazing, but I advise you to take it easy. This is the Infinite Sea. Here, no one can be the opponent of the Dongjun family! The same is true for you! Don't implicate us."

   "Hahahaha, let's do it, let's do it..."

   Fade Chen casually hit haha,

   then shook his head and said. "Let's go, time is running out, keep going!"



   Soon, they passed through the twenty-eighth and twenty-nine heavens of the infinite sea one after another and came to a plain. It is extremely strange here. It is clearly at the bottom of the deep sea, but there are countless ruins and wreckage of strange rocks, as well as the sea breeze like Jiuyou frost, like a knife, it can hang on bones, and it can even pierce the soul, which is creepy. , trembling all over!

   "This is it..."

   "I didn't expect so many people to arrive..."

  喏 Qing's eyes flickered, but his face was a little unsightly,


   is the hiding place of the Eastern Monarch Divine Medicine that was reported some time ago, but at this moment, there are already many figures entrenched here, obviously they have come here more than before.

   "Master, you see it's them..."

   At this moment, Lin Mianmian suddenly said, with a hint of killing intent in his tone.

Chen Fei was slightly startled, then raised his head and looked in the direction Lin Mianmian's eyes could see, only to see there, the crown prince of the Qiankun Tianyuan crab clan, Xia Wudang, and the deputy chief of the Xumi Yuan soul world. , the phantom light, and the holy son of the hall of infinite longevity, the silent night,

   They were a group,

   is there now,

   "Just right, the enemy's road is narrow..." Fade Chen squinted and murmured, and then he didn't say much, everyone is here, so he's not afraid of them running away and coming to Japan for a long time.

At the same time, that Crab Wudang, Huan Guang and others seemed to have discovered the arrival of Fade Chen and others, and then they saw that Crab Wudang's face sank, some eyes flickered, and his face turned ashen. .

   "He's actually...not dead yet?!"

   Obviously, he has not yet received the news of the defeat and death of the people he arranged for him, otherwise, he may not have the courage to stand in front of Fade Chen like this!

   After all, such a strong lineup,

   Even for him, he could easily kill him dozens of times, but he was wiped out by Chen Fei.

   "The characters who can be attracted by the love fairy are naturally a bit capable." Huan Guang said with a smile, he knew that the crabs arranged it inappropriately, but he didn't take it to heart.

   After all, this is the restricted area of ​​the Infinite Sea. Outside, the outer area is just a little noisy. As for this restricted area, no one has the courage to mess around here!

   So the arrangement of the crabs seems to be powerful, but it is actually full of loopholes and is not worth mentioning. As long as you can escape the first wave and escape into the depths of the restricted area of ​​​​the infinite sea, it is equivalent to being saved, and it is easy to escape!


  Crab Wudang snorted coldly, his face was extremely gloomy, and he felt a little ashamed.


However, at this moment, in the depths of the earth, in a dark, deadly ruined cave without any light source, there was suddenly an extremely terrifying roar, explosion, and the roar of alien beasts, and then, a figure , burst out from it, the speed is very fast, but it is also very messy!


   And seeing this scene,

  Everyone's eyes were immediately attracted to the past!

   Even if it was the illusion, Xia Wudang and others were no exception.

   "What's the matter? There seems to be something terrifying hidden in there!"

   Lin Mianmian couldn't help but look shocked. At this moment, she only felt that the sea was rioting, like an earthquake, a crazy demon emperor. Their hearts jumped involuntarily.

   "Boom." The earth trembled more and more,

Everyone's faces became solemn, and at the same time, the whistling sound became even more solemn, the blood cut through the sky, and an extremely terrifying blood dragon appeared, rushing out of the wreckage, erupting roars, and messy sound,

  Ferocious escape!

   And seeing this scene,

  The expression suddenly changed, and he couldn't help being surprised.

   "Wedge Zhou?!"

   (end of this chapter)

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