Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4202: The white-hot battle of the Eighth Heaven of the Immortal Ancestor!

   Chapter 4202 The white-hot Xianzu Bazhongtian battle!

By now,

  On the basis of heritage, and value,

   Chen Fei in front of him,

   has even surpassed him completely.

   And all of this pushed him into a desperate situation!

   "It seems so, but it doesn't seem to be a big deal. After all, I haven't won yet, right?" Fade Chen felt the power coming from his body at this time, and finally settled down,

   His present strength,

  If you don't cast Time Recall,

   There is also a state that is slightly stronger than the ban of the seven gods. Because he is from the Immortal Emperor Nine Heavens to the Immortal Ancestor Seven Heavens,

   And if he was doing his best and his firepower was full, he had indeed entered the field of Yagami ban, and he should even be stronger than those ordinary Yagami bans!

   Because he is now the Immortal Emperor Jiuzhongtian,

   After he entered the first layer of the Immortal Ancestor,

   will definitely be stronger than those ordinary Immortal Ancestors!

   "I said, if you can't win, the one who wins in the end must be me!"

   Dongjun Shenzi said coldly.

   "Then try it out..."

The voice of    fell, Fade Chen's turn to take the lead, the void flickered, the power of space fluctuated, Fade Chen suddenly appeared in front of the Son of God, holding a sword in his hand, and threw it fiercely!

   Suddenly the ground trembled,

   turned into dust,

   The force of terror falls down,

   abruptly smashed the son of Dongjun and flew out,

   "Come again!"

   That Dongjun Divine Son also became ruthless, without any hesitation, he directly recoiled, and the terrifying force turned into a surging sea, huge claws, steel forks, pincers, tentacles, tails...

   is like a rain of stars,

  Fade Chen was out of breath and stepped back again and again,

   This battle,

   This is a complete upgrade,

   The two of them were completely on the bar...

   And this also made those people in the distance completely change their color, their faces paled. For them, the previous battle at the seventh level of the Immortal Ancestor was already scary enough, but who would have thought that the battle has now escalated again,

   combat power,

   The Eighth Heaven of Immortal Ancestor, to the Eighth Heaven of Immortal Ancestor!

   It just suffocates them, it feels so unreal like a dream,

"too strong!"

  Everyone has this feeling in their hearts at this time, even that Situ Zhenyun, the Son of Blood Dragon, etc., now have the same thoughts as everyone else, feeling that they are as weak as ants,

   And that Chen Fei,

  The Son of God,

   is like a monster that destroys the sky and destroys the earth, omnipotent and invincible,

   Strong and outrageous!

"I thought that Chen Fei could defeat the Son of Blood Dragon, just because of good luck and tricks, but I didn't expect him to be so strong, the Eight Gods Ban, this is the legendary Eight God Ban, even if it is a lot of pure-blooded Xeon and high immortal beasts , is also difficult to set foot in the field, he actually did it, I suspect that this guy should be an extremely terrifying seven-star immortal,

  ‘He is really too strong! "

  呱 Silent Night couldn't help but smile bitterly

   As soon as these words came out, everyone nodded,

   For them, this is the only explanation that makes sense.

  The Eight Gods Forbidden, the chaotic realm beyond the limit,

   This is something that even those pure-blooded Xeon and High Immortal beasts are striving for.

   they don't want to,

   In the same way, only those extremely top-notch, extremely enchanting ceiling-level seven-star immortals can do this! Other than that, there can be no other reason...

   But also because of this,

   They all worshipped and feared Chen Fei at this time,

   Even fascinated!

  The strong are always desirable and feared,

   What's more, this is a super strong man who has theoretically surpassed the pure blood, the strong and the high immortal beast. Such people are already gods and monsters to them!

   And that Difeng, Huanguang, Aoyue Guheng and others,

   At this time, he clenched his fists tightly,

in silence,

  I don’t know what it feels like in my heart.


   At the same time,

   The battle in the battlefield escalated again,


   Dongjun Divine Son Changxiao actually broke away from the form of a human body, and turned into a terrifying creature that looks like a Tianpeng, with a blue body and wings that can cover the sky!

   Obviously, this is his real body and his strongest state! and none of them.


   He shot out brazenly, swallowed the sharp claws and emerged, bursting with bright sea light, at that moment, the infinite sea pressure, the swamp-like suction, and the terrifying suffocating pressure appeared almost at the same time,

  Terrorist forces flow down the river, against the sky, and directly kill Chen Fei,

   At that moment,

  The whole body of Dongjun Shenzi is glowing,

   That is the power of blood,

   That gift of innate supernatural powers!


   At this time, Dongjun Shenzi has already tried his best, because of the power of this innate supernatural power, whether it is for any race, even the Xeon and the Highest Immortal Beast, the Jedi is a killer at the bottom of the box! It is no exception.

  The claws split the sky!

   The terrifying pressure shattered the four directions, the sky shattered, as if you could see extraterrestrial stars,

  The sea rolls, upstream,

   seems to be able to see another world in the distance,


  Dimensional space

   In the madness of destruction, be reversed!

   At this moment, as strong as Fade Chen, he also began to grit his teeth. Because even he felt a little overwhelmed by this power at this time. The power of the sea, falling down, contained all things, contained everything,

  It's not the claws that are scary,

   That is just illusion,

  What is truly scary is the power of that endless sea!


   Today's him, not everyone can pinch,

   "Rumble Rumble Rumble..."

At that moment, the sky cracked, and Fade Chen rushed out hundreds of millions of meters of bright light. The power of space was boiling, as if it was a melting pot. In the next moment, many terrifying powers merged into one, dazzling and dazzling, and then, A creature hidden in the mighty infinite space has emerged, the power of fire is constantly boiling, and it strikes down.

   "The Way of Space Forbidden Technique, Slaughtering Immortals and Burning God Technique... Sky Blue Divine Strike!"


   is like a blow from the gods. The terrorist attack came across dimensions and voids, tearing everything to pieces. Wherever he went, everything formed into nothingness.

   The power of the sea,

   the terrifying claws that destroy the world,

   was shattered instantly! And when he saw this scene, Dongjun Divine Son almost turned red, his whole body trembled, his strength was violent, and he was a little unsteady when he stood...


   He has almost exhausted himself now,

  Especially for their Xeon and High Immortal Beasts,

  The main body is the strongest state,

   And the innate supernatural powers are undoubtedly the most advanced killers, but even now, they are still defeated. This is a huge blow to him, and even the pressure has reached the highest point!

   "I can't lose!"

   Dongjun Shenzi let out a roar,

   "Since that's the case, let me show you my true power! Do my best!"

   (end of this chapter)

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