Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4204: Creepy old man!

   Chapter 4204 The creepy old man!

   "He, he actually really..."

  The Son of Blood Dragon trembled as he said these words,

But it seems that no matter what, he can't go on anymore. He must know that for him, the existence of Dongjun Divine Son Ling is no different from the sky that covers the sky above his head... firmly suppresses him. world, and worldview. It is a rivalry, supreme, and shocking the world, but it is an absolutely invincible monster-like existence!

to him,

   Dongjun Shenzi Ling, he is absolutely impossible to be defeated,

   But now what?

   so positive,

   In the case of one-to-one,

   Moreover, this is actually in this infinite sea,

  In so many eyes,

   The undefeated 'true god' in his mind, known as the incarnation of the sea god, known as the pure-blooded invincible, is the son of the Eastern King, Ling, who is the Xeon and Gao immortal beast. He was really defeated by Chen Fei? !

   for a while,

  The huge impact completely made him stunned, sluggish, numb,

   Sink into deathly silence!

   And this silence and shock,

   also followed all this happening in front of us. Similarly, it also covered and shrouded the hearts of everyone at the scene. How the overwhelming and overwhelming torrents completely swallowed and drowned them!

   all suffocated,

  Can't believe all this in front of me,

but in the meanwhile,

However, all of them invariably reproduced and evolved into a great reverence and look up. With their eyes, their eyes, their trembling and shocked faces, it was as if they were looking at the supreme god. , tremblingly looked at the black-clothed youth standing in the void.

At this time, they all understood that from now on, from today on, the invincible legend belonging to the Dongjun family has fallen, and replaced by a new myth, a new legend, and even a New...monsters, rising!

   Chen Fei,

   This guy named Chen Fei actually did it,

   He successfully stepped on a pure blood Dongjun,

  Success, superior!

  No one knows Fade Chen's real strength and how strong it is, just like no one knows how many trump cards a winner has. As long as you don't lose, absolutely no one can guess all the cards of a winner, but!

   But they all know the power of a pure-blooded Xeon to High Immortal Beast, and they also know how much gold a pure-blooded Dongjun in this infinite sea is!

   And now,

   These gold contents are also turned into 'capital' one by one,

   appeared in the hearts of everyone,

   gave Fade Chen a pivotal, even terrifying weight in their hearts! and deterrence.

   But at this moment,

   Just when everyone was immersed in this moment…

   Mutation Mutation!

   "Rumble Rumble Rumble..."

  Suddenly, it seemed that there was a big terror attacking from the sky, and a huge qi machine came down in an instant, suffocating everyone, even the scalp was numb, and the whole body was cold. Even Chen Fei is no exception.

   At this moment,

   Fade Chen only felt a terrifying aura that was indescribably huge and powerful,

   rushes in like a storm,

   chilled his bones.

And then,

   When he looked up,

   A huge and shimmering giant whale dharma, I don’t know when, it has already appeared there, as if it is silent. This is simply unimaginable, such a behemoth that is even enough to cover the universe, there is no fluctuation at all, and even he does not notice it... And this also made Chen Fei's mind instantly emerge two Character!


  The gap is huge!

   And... the strong, the real top strong!


At the same time, the incomparably huge dharma image of the giant whale suddenly glowed. Under the light of the light, the sea was surging, and the sky was full of colorful clouds. The charm of the sea seemed to sink completely at this moment. into the whole world,

   Let everyone be surrounded,

   And at the same time,

  A scrawny old man also appeared in the vast but gentle light of the sea. He showed his upper body and wrapped a strip around his lower body. He didn't know what kind of animal skin it was. It looked very primitive, but it gave people a terrifying sense of fear!

At this moment, he was slowly walking down, stepping down the sky, his eyes were looking at Fade Chen, his eyes were like stagnant water, motionless, without any waves, it felt very strange, Terrible too!

   What is even more surprising is that,

   This person’s body…

   was actually bound tightly by countless blood-red iron cables that seemed to be scalded. Countless blood lights, like flames, penetrated into his skinny skin, even if he just looked at it from a distance, Chen Fei also felt a sense of horror!

   "Okay, what a horrible thing..."

   "Who is this..."

   Chen Fei couldn't help muttering.

   "Old Ancestor..." However, at this moment, a weak voice came, and it was actually that Dongjun Shenzi Ling... He woke up. At this moment, although he looks pale and weak on the outside,

   But everyone present,

   can clearly perceive it,

  The great life force,

   The body of Natojun Godko is blooming! Whether it is his vitality, state, or even the strength of his entire body, he is recovering rapidly at an extremely terrifying recovery rate.

   Even for a while,

   The terrifying injury Fade Chen caused him earlier,


   is almost getting better, three, three, four, four,

   This is undoubtedly a very amazing and very scary thing!

   Because this completely means that Dongjun Shenzi Ling, it seems that he can continue to fight with Chen Fei... and then fight!

   "This recovery speed is simply too terrifying, no wonder no one can defeat the Dongjun family in this infinite sea! Even this time... I'm afraid it's just an accident!"

  Qing couldn't help muttering.

   Of course she knew what all this was about. It was because of the home field advantage of the pure-blooded Dongjun clan in this infinite sea. Indeed, it was so outrageous, so terrifying!

   is immortal

   It can even be called a monster-like recovery ability,

   and the increase in the ban of the eight gods,

   It is impossible to lose!

   However, her words fell into Lin Mianmian's ear beside her,

   only got a faint smile from Lin Mianmian.


   Maybe yes,

   but it doesn't make any sense anymore,

   After all, winning is winning, losing is losing, the fact is in front of you, this is already the result,

   At the same time, the old man suddenly spoke up,

   looked straight at Fade Chen,

   He didn't even pay attention to the salutation of the Emperor Dongjun.

   "Boy, what's your name?"

   "Chen Fei!"

   Chen Fei raised his head, looked straight at the old man with sharp eyes, and said slowly.

   "Senior, my name is Fade Chen!"

   (end of this chapter)

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