Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4207: The world beyond the limit, Dao Zun and ancient gods!

   Chapter 4207 The world beyond the limit, Taoist and ancient gods!

   And when he said this,

   The embarrassed look on the face of that love is a bit more.

   "Indeed, the nine detached constitutions in the nine forbidden books are not on the list!"

   After nodding his head, he explained carefully with his eyes flickering. "Whether it's the nine forbidden books or the race of the Xeon and High Immortal Beasts, they are the strongest peaks in this fairyland, and they are truly Xeon-like existences! Therefore, I am afraid that even our Baixiao Palace does not know them at all. What's the limit of them, how strong are they! Therefore, they are even less qualified to rank them for comparison! And it's not just them, in fact, there are some other special cases that are not on the list, but..."

   "But no matter what, this Myriad Dao Origin Immortal Physique ranks first on the Top Dao Immortal Physique list, and it should definitely not be weak!"

As soon as this remark came out, Fade Chen nodded slightly, joking, it was indeed an exaggeration to be ranked first among the fifty-three seven-star immortals. He even suspected that the so-called Taoist embryo should definitely be no better than that pure blood. The strong and the high fairy beasts are weak!

   Thoughts in my mind flashed,

   Then he looked directly at the Son of God Dongjun again,

  There are many things to say about love,

   but they are very superficial,

  If you want to know more, it seems that you can only pry it out of the other party's mouth.

   "Theoretically speaking, the Dao Embryo is indeed not weaker than our Xeon High Immortal Beast, and even in a sense, it is higher than the lower limit of our Xeon High High Immortal Beast!" Dongjun Shenzi said lightly.

   "What, what!?"

   Chen Fei was stunned,

   a little surprised,

  So Qing and Lin Mianmian are also,

What's the meaning,

The lower limit of    is higher than that of Xeon to Gao Immortal Beast, is it true or false? This…

   "The dao fetus is one of the top physiques in this fairy world, and it is also the direct product of all things in the heaven. To a certain extent, you can regard the dao fetus as the spokesperson of the laws of this fairy world."

   "Spokesman for the Law of the Immortal World?!"

   Chen Fei muttered.


   That Dongjun Shenzi took another sip of Lingbo wine, and then said lightly.

   "Do you know anything about the Tao of Heaven?"

   "Heavenly Dao?" Fade Chen froze for a moment, then shook his head directly and said. "No idea!"

"Since that's the case, then I'll keep it simple. Simply put, you can think of it as the largest, most terrifying, and the only creature at the top of this fairyland! That is to say, it, like us, is also alive. !"

   Dongjun Shenzi said lightly.


   As soon as these words come out,

   Chen Fei and others were even more shocked.

   "The way of heaven, is it alive?!"

   Lin Mianmian's mouth was dry, and his face was full of disbelief.

"It's actually no big deal, the law of heaven, both this whole world, the whole fairyland! Also, for the extraterritorial chaotic world, I believe you should not be unfamiliar with it, and for the extraterritorial chaotic world, our fairyland, It is one of them, and one of the existences that seem to be the world, but are living beings!"

"Let me give you another example. If you compare yourself to this entire fairyland, then your thoughts and wills are the way of heaven, and the various forces in our bodies are even every tiny particle. It's very simple, that's all the living beings in this whole fairyland, you should understand now, right?"

   Dongjun Shenzi said softly.

   However, Chen Fei and the others felt a huge impact and shock,

   It turns out that the true meaning of this fairyland is actually like this,


   is a living being,

   And themselves, just a speck of dust?

And then,

   That Chen Fei suddenly froze, as if he had thought of something, and then he saw him look at Dongjun Divine Son again, and his eyes flickered and asked slowly. "Then what are the differences between you Xeon and High Immortal Beasts, as well as our descendants of the Way of Transcendence, and my disciple of the Way?"

   "Good question!"

   That Dongjun Shenzi smiled, then looked at Chen Fei and said. "I ask you, the most powerful forces in your body should be the reincarnation, time, space, and chaos?"


   "To you, they are the Taoist embryo."

   Dongjun Shenzi said softly.

   As soon as these words came out, Chen Fei's eyes flashed.

   he understood,

   "That is to say, you Xeon and High Immortal Beasts, as well as our descendants of the Way of Transcendence, are all uncertain factors!"

   "That's right!"

   Dongjun Shenzi smiled and said. "The immortal world is alive, which means that it will grow, become stronger, and continue to grow in the chaotic world. Therefore, theoretically, the relationship between us, the creatures in the immortal world, and the immortal world and the way of heaven complement each other. Both glory and disgrace. We are strong, and the immortal world will be even stronger! But..."

   "But this has to be all within control?"

   Fade Chen didn't speak this time, but Lin Mianmian couldn't help but speak.


   That Dongjun Shenzi smiled and shook his head. "For Tiandao, we are geniuses, but we are too geniuses, so it is too much. Therefore, the existence of those of us is uncontrollable! For it, it either suppresses, assimilates us, and turns us into' Controllable', either destroy, kill us, and eliminate unstable factors, or we can only break the shackles of this immortal world, go beyond the limit, and enter chaos!"

   "Into Chaos?"

   Chen Fei muttered,

   She seemed to understand what the other party said.

   "Yes, entering Chaos, there is no doubt that it is a world that is more vast and grand than this Immortal Realm! Even this entire Immortal Realm is just one of the Chaos Worlds."

   "So in a sense, entering the chaotic world, for us, is actually an ascension in another sense!"

  Speaking of this, Dongjun Shenzi paused, then shook his head again. "So, based on these, at the end of the original world power, after the Immortal Ancestor Realm, there are two completely different paths!"

   "One is the way of detachment!"

   "The second is the way of heaven!"

   "The Way of Heaven?"


  The Son of Heaven nodded, his eyes flickering. "Actually at the beginning, when this fairy world was just born, the end of the power of this fairy world was indeed the pinnacle of the Immortal Ancestor Nine Heavens, but with the growth of time, with the continuous strength of this fairy world, the power of this world has become stronger. Strength, and limits, are also increasing!"

   "Up to now, even the pinnacle of the Immortal Ancestor Nine Heavens is nothing more than that!"

   Chen Fei pursed his lips and suddenly remembered the Earth Immortal Realm back then.

   In fact, it was the same in the fairyland back then. Obviously, it is only the realm of the lower realm. Logically speaking, its limit should be only the realm of immortals, but the realm of immortals even has golden immortals! It's simply beyond the limit.

   Between the two,

   is exactly the same!

   But when you think about it carefully, it is excusable, even taken for granted.

   Immortal world and lower world cultivation world,

   That complete relationship between superiors and subordinates,

   The superior is like this,

   Shouldn't the following be like this?

   "Tell me about this way of detachment, and the way of heaven." Fade Chen said.


   That Dongjun Shenzi smiled, and then continued to speak. "After the Immortal Ancestor Realm, you will have to face choices. First, the way of heaven, as the name suggests, is actually to accept the control of the will of the immortal world and become a member of its subordinates. If you choose this path, the road behind it will be blocked. called Dao Zun!"

   "The realm of Dao Zun, also known as the three realms of Dao Zun, is Guihun, Tianyuan, and Sacred! That is, Guihun Dao Zun, Tianyuan Dao Zun, and Sacred Tao Zun!"

   Chen Fei muttered

   "Is the Taoist three realms?"

   Then he couldn't help asking again. "Since it is subject to control, what will be the consequences?"

   "It's very simple. After you become a Taoist, it will no longer work if you continue to practice. There is a fixed number of powerful people in the Taoist realm, whether they are Heavenly Yuan or Sacred!"

   "Fixed amount?"

   Chen Fei couldn't help being stunned,



   Dongjun Shenzi nodded and said softly. "Now in this entire immortal world, under the will of the Tao of Heaven, there are only forty-eight seats of powerhouses at the level of Tianyuan Dao, and this is related to a Tianyuan Dao Fruit. Only after obtaining the Tianyuan Dao Fruit can you become Tianyuan Dao Zun! As for There are only three holy Dao Venerables in the whole world!"

"in addition,

   After a pause, the East Lord Godzi thought again,

   Then he continued. "So when you choose this path, your future is basically bound to the will of heaven in this immortal world, and it is also a true honor and a disgrace! Perhaps in the future, the immortal world will become stronger. , the end and limit of its power, will continue to grow, and you will be stronger, but vice versa!"

   "I understand..." Fade Chen nodded, then shook his head again, and continued to ask. "What if you choose another path? What kind of path is that?"

   "If you choose the road of detachment, then the world and the world after the peak of the Immortal Ancestor Jiuzhongtian will be called ancient gods!"

   "Ancient God?"


   Dongjun Shenzi smiled and said softly. "Ancient God, also known as the Five Heavens of the Ancient God, or the Five Realms of Transcendence, they are Transcendence, Stepping on the Sky, Slaying Thousands of Dao, Entering Chaos, and Shattering the Void!"

   "Beyond the ancient god, the ancient **** of stepping on the sky, the ancient **** of slashing all Taos, the ancient **** of entering chaos, and the ancient **** of shattering the void!"

   (end of this chapter)

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