Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4213: The four seven stars are immortal? Tianfeng is coming!

   Chapter 4213 The four great seven stars are immortal? Tianfeng is coming!

"The other two are the Evil Eater King of the Hungry Ghost Realm, Yimu, the God Son of Taotie, and the 'Little Devil King' of the Hell Realm, Azazel! The former is the one who has awakened from Chaos as soon as he was born. Alien gluttonous gluttonous force! The awakening of the power of chaos can devour all things, without life, which makes him even more terrifying than those pure-blooded gluttonous gluttons!"

"And Azazel is just as terrifying! It is said that when Azazel was born, a demon glow appeared in the entire **** realm, covering the heavens and the earth, covering everything. It brought an extremely terrifying and powerful demon blood - the blood of the gods and demons! Since then, the **** world has ushered in a truly top-level enchanting genius, Azazel!"

  Phantom said with a serious face.

   "That is to say, with you, the entire younger generation of the Six Paths of Reincarnation actually has four seven-star immortals?" Fade Chen couldn't help but pouted, and his eyes flickered.

   If this is the case,

   Then the background and strength of the Six Paths of Reincarnation are really scary!

   As soon as these words came out, the magic light couldn't help being stunned for a while, then he laughed dryly, shook his head and said. "It counts...but it doesn't count! Because to tell the truth, in my opinion, although the three of them are not weak, they are still a little far from the real seven-star immortality... Anyway, at most, they are only better than That Blood Dragon Holy Son, Situ Zhenyun is first-class, how much stronger is it?"

   "But whether it's a real seven-star immortality, to be honest, I'm not quite sure!"

   As soon as these words come out,

   Chen Fei couldn't help laughing directly,

   How much stronger than that blood dragon son and Situ Zhenyun first-class?

  If it's just that much...

   Of course that is not considered immortal at all,

   Then he didn't say anything more, but looked at Lin Mianmian next to him and said softly. "Let's go, it's time for us to go, I plan to go to Tianjin Xianyu from here first, and then go to the Six Paths of Reincarnation Ancient Court!"

   "Let's go now?"

   Hearing this, the phantom couldn't help but regain his energy, and immediately spoke.

   "Brother Chen, Fairy Lin, if you don't mind... or let's go on the same road together, to tell the truth, I'm going to go to the ancient court of the Six Paths of Reincarnation now!"


   However, Fade Chen shook his head directly and said.

   "Next time!"

  The reason why he is willing to stay here and talk to each other,

   is nothing more than just wanting to know some news about the reincarnation war from the other party's mouth, and now, all the questions that should be asked, and all that should be known, are also known, so naturally it should be over.

   As for the same road?

   They haven't gotten to that level of familiarity yet.

   is also not necessary.

   "Okay..." After being rejected, Huanguang couldn't help being a little disappointed, but he didn't dare to mention it any more, and then he saw him facing Fade Chen, and Lin Mianmian bowed and said with a slight wry smile. "That being the case, Brother Chen, Fairy Lin, we can only leave it now, and see you when the reincarnation fights, but then, I hope Brother Chen can be a little more merciful to me!"

   "After all, compared to you, I really have no confidence at all!"

   "Compared to me?" Chen Fei smiled and smiled slightly. "You don't need to compare with me, just compare with other people. The way of reincarnation and the dual-path fellow practitioners with the power of dreams, you have more potential than some seven-star immortals, and you don't have to be so unconfident!"

   As soon as these words came out, Huanguang was stunned for a while, and then he could only laugh helplessly.

   It sounds arrogant, though.

   But he knew very well,

   Chen Fei... he is indeed qualified to say this!

   "Let's go..."

   At this moment, Fade Chen directly stretched out his hand and sprinkled it lightly, and a crack in the space with several people separated from the left and right appeared directly in the void in front of him. This is the space coordinate passage leading to the twenty-seventh layer of the infinite sea, and with his current strength, he can completely ignore the far distance and go directly to the end of the space coordinate!

   "Let's go, see you in the reincarnation war!"

The voice of    fell, and Chen Fei stepped directly into it,

   And seeing this scene,

   That Lin Mianmian followed with a calm expression,

   Only the phantom light remained in place, with a wry smile on his face, some speechless,


   And at the same time,

   the land of the Middle State,

   Above the boundless sky of Tianjin Xianyu,

  The starry sky is dazzling, the chaos is boundless, and there is no end. The huge stars twinkle with the mighty heaven and earth, aura, and fairy light, like diamonds scattered between the heaven and earth, so touching and extremely beautiful.


   "Rumble Rumble Rumble..."

   However, at the end of the extremely beautiful and boundless starry sky, the space suddenly vibrated,

   Then there was an extremely harsh roar, and a huge shock wave spread in an instant. Yes, many passing monks in all directions couldn't help but stop and watch,

"what happened?"

   "The more terrifying pressure, could it be that some top powerhouse passed by here?!"

"The space is split, and someone is traveling through the space at a very long distance, very fast! Even the power of my spiritual sense, the old man, is difficult to capture its traces, and... and that power is so terrifying, it is so far away, it is actually The power of divine sense that can burn and smash me! Wait, no, this power seems to be…”


   In the next moment, a huge oscillating sound emerged, resounding through the world,

And then,

The space that had been vibrating violently exploded directly, and a scarlet terrifying divine bird, like the sun, flew out of it, and a great peerless pressure vented out, directly letting that Everyone's faces changed, and they even trembled a little, and their souls trembled!

   "Heaven, Tianfeng?!"

   A strong man with the strength of a high-level immortal ancestor directly shrank his pupils,

   murmured while staring at the terrifying divine bird with a trembling voice.

   With his knowledge and ability,

   can be recognized naturally,

   That extremely terrifying, crimson divine bird was actually a supreme and supreme immortal beast—Tianfeng! ?

   "I, my God, is really a phoenix, and it doesn't seem to be an ordinary phoenix, hurry up, hurry up, don't look at it! We can't afford him, don't cause trouble! Hurry up!"

   "Come on, that's Tianfeng!"


The word   Tianfeng seems to have magic power,

As soon as    appeared from everyone's mouth, it immediately seemed like a plague, infecting everyone, causing everyone's complexion to change dramatically, and they were all scared like snakes and scorpions, and panicked! Everyone was throbbing and moved.

   Then, this area, which was originally a small number, became extremely empty at this time, and it began to become empty. Everyone ran away to make way for the existence of the extremely terrifying Tianfeng!

   "It seems to be here, Tianjin Xianyu, from here, you should be able to find that guy Ling!"

   And at the same time,

   A murmur came from Feng Tian's mouth,

   Then I saw its wings fluttering,

   Its huge body instantly turned into a spark, rushing out of the sky and the earth, the whole body turned into a huge flaming spark, streaked across the sky, and disappeared instantly!

   Only the terrifying aftertaste was left, and it was still left on the faces of passers-by in the distance. At this time, each of them was still a little shocked, his face twitched, and his whole body was shaking. A heartbroken look!

   That is Tianfeng,

   is really scary!


   (end of this chapter)

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