Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4230: Yunzhai Wanlong Sword Formation, the Twin Kings of Sword Gate!

   Chapter 4230 Yunzhai Wanlong Sword Formation, King of Swords!

   "Okay, let's go!"

   Chen Fei just waved his hand casually. The reason why he chose to help is nothing more than casual, drop by, and he saw a very difficult quality in the other party, that is to fight!

   Opportunities are earned,

   Waiting for the opportunity, the chance of failure is also very high!

   So, it’s okay to be half busy, just do whatever you want.

   "Thank you, senior!"


  Na Wenwen kowtowed to Chen Fei again, and then saluted Lin Mianmian, Yuan Rong Qinghua, Bai Chuannan and others one by one, then he gritted his teeth suddenly, got up and left,

   set foot on the holy land that he dreamed of


   However, at this moment, a mutation suddenly occurred!

Just when Wen Wen stepped into the territory of Jianzhou, an extremely violent and powerful aura suddenly erupted in the void. Countless sword energies erupted from the earth, the void, and the sky, converging crazily. come,

Then, time and light were distorted, space channels appeared, and the sky was full of black holes. Finally, with a loud noise, all the black holes in all directions cracked open, and the terrifying sword energy like a sea of ​​swords surged out. Countless giant dragons covered the sky and overlooked them. The icy sword energy and killing intent even locked them to death!

   "What is this? Sword formation?!"

   "What a horrible thing, even I was a little shivering..."

   Chen Fei's face changed slightly, and he felt a little shudder. This sudden sword formation is definitely not ordinary, and even conservatively estimated, at least it can threaten the Eighth Heaven of Immortal Ancestor, or even higher!

   "Hey...Isn't this the mountain guarding sword formation of Yunzhai Jianmen, Yunzhai Wanlong Sword Formation?!"

   "No, why does this sword formation appear here!?"

   And seeing this scene,

   That Bai Chuannan's complexion suddenly changed, and he gasped.

   There was a hint of horror in the depths of his eyes!

   Yunzhai Wanlong Sword Formation,

  Yunzhai Jianmen's mountain-guarding sword formation, and this is even a Taoist ancient god-level sword formation that surpassed the limit! The ancient **** of leisure, even if the Taoist priest is here, if he is entangled by this Yunzhai Wanlong Sword Formation, it will be extremely dangerous!

   Hu Hu Hu...

   A terrifying hurricane came from his ears, and the sword qi whistled and whistled, as if it was about to burn. Bai Chuannan's complexion changed, and his face even turned pale. He didn't know what to do.

"What exactly is going on?!"

   He had no idea why this happened!

   "This isn't the real Yunzhai Wanlong Sword Formation, it's just its branch Sword Formation... But that's it, it's terrifying. Once the Immortal Ancestor Seventh Layer like me is involved, I'm afraid there is only one way to die!"

  The old voice came,

  In the carriage, the footsteps of the Luna Elder also began to sound slowly.

"I don't know which friend of Yunzhai Jianmen is here. The space **** domain Bai family, the elder Moon God in the clan, are polite." His voice floated, and the whole person began to slowly lift into the air, revealing all over his body. A powerful force that is not strong, but it is also terrifying!

   As a carriage chamber of commerce,

   It is his duty to ensure the smooth and safe journey along the way!

   So now, it's time for him to play,

   "Bai Family..."

   "I know it's you, but now you can't pass!"

   It was also a hoarse and old voice, which came from the space passage in the void, and then, a middle-aged man in armor with many immortal swords behind his back walked out slowly!

   And when I saw that man appear,

   Whether it was that Elder Luna, Chen Fei, or even Lin Mianmian, their eyes narrowed, and then their expressions changed. Or his face is dignified, or his eyes are slightly narrowed.

   Because of this comer,

   is a super powerhouse of the Eighth Heaven of Immortal Ancestor!

   "Friends, my Bai family and your Yunzhai Jianmen also cooperated, so can you tell me what happened?" Elder Luna frowned slightly.


  The middle-aged man just shook his head and said coldly. "I said, no matter who it is, you can't pass now! There is no reason, and there is no reason."

   As soon as these words came out, the Luna elder first narrowed his eyes slightly, and then he cupped his hands at the middle-aged man, and then said slowly. "In that case, let's take a detour!"

The voice of    fell,

   Elder Luna just turned around and looked at Nan Chuan.

   And seeing this scene,

  Although Chen Fei and Lin Mianmian were full of doubts,

   but didn’t say anything,

   Take a detour and take a detour,

   is nothing,

   However, at this moment, another thing happened.

"Wait!" At this moment, there was another voice in the space passage behind the middle-aged man, and he was relatively young, and when they saw this scene, everyone's eyes were directly is the gathering of the past,

   Even the eighth-level powerhouse of the Immortal Ancestor of the Yunzhai Sword Sect,

   is no exception,

   In the blink of an eye,

  A figure passed through it and flew out. Looking closely, it turned out to be a rather young-looking man in yellow robe. Moreover, as soon as this person appeared, the middle-aged man and Bai Chuannan were stunned almost at the same time, and then blurted out.

   "Tong Jun, why are you here?!"

   "How is he?!"


   Seeing Bai Chuannan's reaction, Lin Mianmian immediately asked in a low voice.

   "Who is this person? Do you know?!"

   "Well..." Bai Chuan Nanyuan's face changed a few times, and then he said slowly. "This is the leader and pinnacle of the younger generation of Yunzhai Jianmen, the little sword king Tong Jun, known as one of the twin twin kings. He also has an older brother named Tong Ziwang, who is even better than him, comparable to pure blood. The strongest immortal beast!"

   As soon as these words come out,

   Chen Fei couldn't help but stunned,

   Another guy who is comparable to a pure-blooded Xeon to High Immortal Beast?

  How can this happen? Isn't it a bit too coincidental.

   "The first seat of Xuandu!"

I saw that Tong Jun bowed his hands to the middle-aged man before, and then looked at Fade Chen and others with indifferent eyes, swept over their faces one by one, and then landed directly on Fade Chen's face, sneered. . "The first seat of Xuandu, now is a special period, these people appear here inexplicably, I'm afraid it's a conspiracy, let's take it directly!"

   As soon as these words come out,

   Everyone's faces changed,

  Especially Chen Fei...

   He raised his head and glanced at the Tong Jun, frowning slightly, because he already knew that the other party seemed to be coming at him!

   "But Tong Jun..."

  The middle-aged man who was called the first seat of Xuandu was a little hesitant.

   said in a low voice.

   "They are from the Bai family after all..."

   "Hehe, the Bai family, what about the Bai family?"

   That Tong Jun sneered directly, as if he didn't care, and even said in a sarcastic indifference. "This is Jianzhou, and my Yunzhai Jianmen is the master of Jianzhou! What about the Bai family? It's not worth mentioning..."

   As soon as these words come out,

   That Elder Moon God's eyes suddenly condensed, revealing a bit of chill.

   Bai Chuannan's face also sank,


   This Tong Jun's attitude seems a little too arrogant!

   (end of this chapter)

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