Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4233: Heavenly Alliance World!

   Chapter 4233 Heavenly Alliance World!

  However, the departure of Chen Fei, Lin Mianmian, Bai Chuannan and others did not bring peace to the middle-aged strong man of the Eighth Layer of Heaven, the immortal ancestor of Yunzhai Jianmen, but his face became more and more gloomy. There was even a trace of solemnity in some eyes, and fear...

   Although he is the Eighth Heaven of Immortal Ancestor,

   Although, he is the elder-level powerhouse of the first sword gate in the world, Yunzhai Sword Gate,

   But the killing intent of that Elder Moon God before he left...

   made him feel very uneasy!

  White family,

   Zhongzhou is famous!

   is the overlord level of the space **** domain, the forefront of the ten major Taoist forces!

   It is no exaggeration to say that even the Yunzhai Sword Sect behind him, this level of behemoth is very taboo! Because of this, if a behemoth of this level really wants to kill him...

   I'm afraid...he would be really dangerous!

   "Elder Xuandu..."

  Suddenly, a deep voice came,

   The middle-aged man was slightly startled,

   Then, he saw the messy, gloomy boy king, and the expressionless boy king with sharp eyes and a high and terrifying sword intent, the two of them, went and returned.

   "Tongjun Son, Ziwang Son..."

   The middle-aged man's eyes flickered, he raised his hand to salute,

  Tong Jun did not speak,

   But the boy king just opened his mouth and said indifferently.

"Elder Xuandu, I see that the power in your body seems to have broken the mirror, or you can simply return to the sect and practice in seclusion. As for your task of guarding the territory, I will find someone else to take you to complete it, how about it? "


   As soon as these words came out, the middle-aged man's pupils suddenly condensed, and he was a little surprised.

   How did he not know?

   The boy king is using excuses to save him!

   Offends the Bai family, if he continues to stay here, it is bound to be extremely dangerous, but if he can return to Jianmen... No one wants to touch him. After all, the title of the first swordsmen in the world of Yunzhai Swordsmen is no joke!

   There is definitely one of the few dragon ponds and tiger dens in this Zhongzhou!

   Even if it is a low-level ancient god, or even a Taoist priest, don’t even think about being presumptuous with them!

   Thinking of this,

  The middle-aged man was directly excited,

  Worshiped towards the boy king...

   "Thank you son, son, son!"


   The boy king waved his hand,

  The latter is no nonsense, it just flashed and disappeared in place.

"Big brother, do you need this? Is it possible that the Bai family dares to offend me, Yunzhai Jianmen?!" After the middle-aged man left, Tong Jun, who was beside the boy king, had a gloomy expression on his face. said coldly.

   seems a little irritable.

   "Do you think the Bai family is weak?"

  The boy king turned his head to look at him and said coldly. "One of the three ancient gods! Even without the existence of the Space God Realm, they are still very powerful! Moreover, the ten major Dao Master forces in the Space God Realm have always been of the same spirit. If they turned against them, it would be equivalent to the entire space. God's Domain turned his face, do you think your face can be so big?"


  Tong Jun's face suddenly stiffened,

   Some are speechless,

   turned his face with the space **** domain,

   He naturally doesn't have such a big face,

   is even less courageous,

   So, we can only honestly shut up,

   At this moment, the boy king also spoke again and said slowly.

   "This Xuan is all doing things for us. If he dies, what will other people think of us? No one would be willing to support a cold-blooded, indifferent, ignorant person, and it's just a small effort..."

   "Okay, okay, big brother, I got it!"

   The voice was not finished, but was interrupted by that Tongjun.

   I saw that he shook his head irritably, then stretched out his hand again and wiped the blood from his face, then looked at the boy king again and said slowly. "Brother, this guy... he really can't stop the gods?!"

"I do not know either!"

  The boy king shook his head,

   At this moment, a trace of solemnity appeared in his pupils. "If his current cultivation realm is really the first level of the Immortal Ancestor, then even if he is not the Eight Gods Ban, it is not too much..."

   "Then what if he is not the Immortal Ancestor's first-level heaven, but is higher, or even the Immortal Ancestor's third-level or fourth-level heaven?!"

  Tong Jun said quickly.

   "I really can't see through his real cultivation realm, but..." The boy king paused, then looked towards the gloomy younger brother, his eyes twinkling. "But do you think Dongjun Shenzi can't penetrate him?"

   As soon as these words come out,

   That Tongjun's lips twitched a few times,

   But in the end it was silent,


   What kind of person is Dongjun Shenzi? The descendant of the dignified Dongjun clan, the pure-blooded Xeon and the highest immortal beast, and even the ranking in the Little Heavenly Dao League, is still far higher than his brother... A monster of that level, it is impossible for him to have such poor eyesight and ability!

  Since the news came from there,


   has now been confirmed by their brothers,


   must be inseparable…

   crunch, crunch…

   Thinking of this, Tong Jun couldn't help but grit his teeth and muttered unwillingly.

   "That's forbidden by the Eight Gods, what kind of virtue is that guy, why?!"



   Chaos Eight Gods Forbidden,

  Rare in the world!

   Very few even in history! It is no exaggeration to say that the super evildoer of that level has definitely broken the ceiling limit of the words evildoer, genius, and genius.

   Even those pure-blooded Xeons and High Immortals who are not so monstrous and terrifying,

   also can only look back at it, and sigh,

   This level of potential talent,

  Who doesn't want,

   Who does not desire,

  Who is not jealous? !

  Why is this level of potential talent not in them, but in Chen Fei and Chen Void? !

   This is so unfair!

   And when the boy king heard this, he just shook his head calmly and didn't say much. He understood very well what his younger brother was thinking at this moment, and his jealousy and unwillingness, but so what?


   The person who is least qualified to say fair,

   It's them,

   The twin kings of the sword gate,

   One half-step seven-star immortal,

   Even he himself is a real seven-star immortal. For others, they themselves are the biggest injustice, and because of this, the word fairness, they really have no right to say...

   "Next, stay here for a while!"

   "The Heavenly Sword's change is of great importance, so you must be careful and must not cause trouble!"

   The boy king shook his head and said.

   As soon as these words came out, that Tong Jun also woke up, looked at the boy king, his eyes flickered.

   "Brother, what about you?"

   "I'm going to the Heavenly Dao Alliance, those guys should be waiting for news from us!"

  The boy king said slowly.

   "Heavenly Alliance World..."

  Tong Jun's eyes showed a trace of throbbing,

   seems a little envious,

   But in the end he didn't say much, just nodded slightly and said.

   "I see! Big brother, you go!"

   (end of this chapter)

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