Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4237: The war broke out, the Three Holy Lands of Buddhism!

   Chapter 4237 The war broke out, the Three Holy Lands of Buddhism!

   "Major event? How big of a deal is it that you deserve to be so rude? Anyway, this guy is also a descendant of the Bai family. The so-called major event that is so casual shouldn't let you do this, right?"

   Bai Chuannan's abnormality immediately made Chen Fei, Lin Mianmian, Yuan Rong Qinghua and others interested, looking at Bai Chuannan with curiosity, Yuan Rong Qinghua asked with twinkling eyes.

   "This time is different, this time is really a big event, a big event, even enough to make a sensation in Zhongzhou!"

   Bai Chuannan sat down in front of Fade Chen and the others, and said solemnly.

   "A sensation in the Central State?"

   As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned,

  Because they all know very well that the so-called major event in Bai Chuannan's mouth is actually such a statement... It caused a sensation in Zhongzhou, if they dared to say so, then most of them should... It is indeed a bit 'big'!

   "What the **** happened? What happened?!"

   Chen Fei couldn't help but ask.


   Shirakawa Minami said slowly.


   As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed.

   "You mean, there is a war in the Six Paths Reincarnation Prison?!"

   "How is it possible? Who is so courageous to actually attack the ancient court of the Six Paths of Reincarnation?!"

  Lin Mianmian said incredulously, with a look of surprise on his face.

   Today, she is no longer that Wuxia Amon,

   also knew the power of the ancient court of the Six Paths of Reincarnation earlier!

  The ancient court of the six realms of reincarnation has six major branches, namely Heaven, Human, Asura, Hungry Ghost, Animal, and Hell! Among these six branches, the Tao of Heaven is the strongest, and the Tao of Humanity is the weakest.

   But even this weakest human being, on the bright side, at least has the background of 'one double ancient god'! A double ancient god, with such a background, even if you look at Zhongzhou, it is absolutely terrifying.

   This level of strength is in Zhongzhou,

   It is absolutely not too much to be called the overlord of one side,

   What's more, on top of this Human Dao, there are five other more powerful ancient branches of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. When they are combined, it is no exaggeration to say that Zhongzhou definitely has a pivotal position!


   A behemoth of this level,

   Some people actually dare to start a war against them?

   What is this concept?

   Isn't this courting death? !

"Although I don't dare to imagine it, the news I just received is indeed true. There is a war in the Six Paths Reincarnation Prison!" Bai Chuannan said with a solemn expression, also somewhat unbelievable. . "And the scale and level of this war are also extremely amazing. It is said that it has even covered the level of the ancient gods!"

   "Ancient Shinto Venerable?!"

   As soon as these words came out, the audience was shocked. Whether it was Lin Mianmian, Yuan Rong Qinghua, or Chen Fei, their expressions changed.

   was shocked.

   "What the **** is going on? All the ancient gods and Daoists participated in the war? What force has such a great spirit?!"

   Chen Fei asked.

   "I haven't entered the war yet."

"The ancient **** of the gods has not yet participated in the war, but there are already many people who have traced their traces. The ancient gods and gods are on the battlefield. This is a gesture in itself, and it is also a war situation. upgrade!"

   Shirakawa Minami said with a wry smile.

   Then he was silent for a while before continuing. "According to our news, the forces that fought against the ancient court of the Six Paths of Reincarnation this time are the Four Buddha Temples, one of the holy places of Buddhism!"

   "Four Buddhist Temples?"

   Chen Fei and others looked at each other,

   Then Lin Mianmian couldn't help but ask.

   "What force is this?!"

   "There are thousands of Buddhist holy places in the world, but there are only three Buddhist powers that can truly be the top, invincible, and shock the world, namely Mahayana Buddhism, Four Buddhist Temples, and Tuolan Temple!"

   Bai Chuannan opened his mouth and said slowly.

"In the Three Holy Lands of Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism is the number one, not only the most prosperous incense, the most disciples, all over Zhongzhou, but also its strength is the strongest! This Mahayana Buddhism is known as the three ancient Buddhas and the sayings of the five great Buddhas. These eight powerhouses are all Buddhas, equivalent to the outside world's Daoist level!"

   "Not to mention that among the three ancient Buddhas of Mahayana Buddhism, there is also Amitabha Buddha Sakyamuni, the first powerhouse of Buddhism!"

   "The number one powerhouse in Buddhism?"

  Lin Mianmian couldn't help being surprised,

"Yeah, this Amitabha Buddha, known as the Lord of all Buddhas, is currently in the center of the Mahayana Buddhism's 'Three Buddhas' speech, meaning the most central and central existence of Buddhism's past, future and present, and this alone is already very scary. But more importantly, this Amitabha Buddha is an ancient Buddha of Tianyuan, which is what we call Tianyuan Taoist!"

   Shirakawa Minami said slowly.

   "Tianyuan Ancient Buddha?"

  Lin Mianmian was completely surprised.


   That Bai Chuannan nodded again and said softly. "Looking at Zhongzhou, what we can know at this level, there are only more than ten Tianyuan Daozuns with names and surnames! That is to say, apart from the supreme sacred Dao Zun, Tianyuan Dao Zun, or It means that the ancient Buddha of Tianyuan is already the peak limit of our immortal world, and the super powerhouse of that level can completely change the pattern of the world, which is extremely terrifying!"

   "If that's the case, then this Amitabha Buddha is indeed powerful, but... I heard that this Amitabha Buddha and Sakyamuni are the same person as the Heavenly Demon King Bo Xun in the ancient court of reincarnation. Is there such a thing?"

   Chen Fei asked suddenly.

"It's true, but it happened many, many years ago. For us, it's just a legend." "Then Bai Chuannan couldn't help but nodded and shook his head again. .

"It is said that the Demon King Bo Xun that day was originally just the demonic thoughts of this Amitabha Buddha Shakyamuni. Many years ago, Amitabha Buddha Shakya took the initiative to go to the Six Paths of Reincarnation in order to purify himself and cut himself off. The demon thoughts, emotions and desires, and many causes and effects in his body were stripped away one by one, and in the end, he was completely stripped away, leaving only Buddha nature and Zen heart, and he also achieved the legendary myth of the number one Buddhist monk!"

"And those negative demonic thoughts of Amitabha Buddha and Sakyamuni did not disappear, but under the annihilation of the source power of the six realms of reincarnation, they merged and survived inconceivably. Later, when the demonic thoughts regenerated and transformed into me, it became The current number one in the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the Demon King Bo Xun!"

   "Then who is more powerful?!"

   Lin Mianmian opened her mouth,

   asked curiously.

   A person is divided into two, but each has become the well-deserved first powerhouse in their respective fields.

   This does sound legendary and shocking.

   "To say who is more powerful, as far as I know, it should be Amitabha Buddha Shakyamuni!"

   This time, Bai Chuannan didn't hesitate much and just said it.

   (end of this chapter)

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