Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4241: Soldiers approaching the city, the Supreme Four Books!

   Chapter 4241 The soldiers are under the city, the supreme four books!

   "But this Jian Emperor Palace is still a little too arrogant. After all, this is Junluocheng, after all, it is the site of the ancient court of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. What do they want to do?!" But there were also people whispering in a low voice, some in disbelief.

As one of the famous commerce and trade cities under the Six Paths Ancient Court of Reincarnation, the importance of this Junluo City is self-evident. Anyway, it is absolutely so simple, and for the Six Paths Ancient Court of Reincarnation, it is also of great significance. .

   But now what?

   was actually blocked by the people from Jian Emperor Palace,

   This is really incredible!

more importantly,

   Considering the difference in strength between the Jian Emperor Palace and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Ancient Court, some of them really don't believe it now. This Emperor Jian Palace...do you really have the guts to fish in troubled waters and pull the tiger whiskers of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Ancient Court! ?


   What are you thinking! ?

   "However, this Jian Emperor Palace dares to do this, and I can understand..." But some people couldn't help but whispered. "Don't forget, the Sifo Temple has already taken on most of the pressure, and in the final analysis... This Jian Emperor Palace is a double Taoist after all, and this is already very powerful. Is it possible to let that reincarnation Six Taoist ancient At the same time, Ting is at war with the Four Buddha Temple and Jian Emperor Palace?!"

   "I suspect that they either joined forces a long time ago and did it on purpose, or they wanted to take advantage of the fire. This time is also the best time! Put all the pressure on the ancient court of reincarnation!"

   These words made many people look at each other,

   Indeed...it's a fact!

   Once the Four Buddhist Temples and Jiandi Palace join forces, it will not be as simple as one plus one. The four ancient Buddhas, plus the two Dao Zuns of the Jian Emperor Palace, what kind of concept, this is enough to have six Dao Zuns exist!

   Such pressure, even the ancient court of the Six Paths of Reincarnation would not dare to try it easily!

  Thinking like this…

   is even more tense.

  The arrival of the army of Emperor Jian's Palace immediately covered the heads of the people in the entire city with a thick haze.

  The atmosphere, I don't know how nervous it is.

   After all, the power of Emperor Jian's Palace is not just empty words, but five words, a double Taoist deity. Looking at Zhongzhou, there are not only a handful of forces worthy of these five words, but they are definitely very rare...

  Especially at this juncture,

   This kind of pressure is even greater than usual!


   rumble rumble rumble…

At the same time, outside the city, an astonishing aura suddenly erupted, and then, everyone's eyes quickly looked over, only to see that there, a young man with an imposing aura just walked out. , the entire popularity swallows mountains and rivers, and has the potential to surpass the sky.

   This young man was dressed in a long blue robe, and the front of his clothes moved with the wind. There was a ruthless will all over his body, which was shocking, and he dared not look directly. This man stepped through the void step by step,

   Actually, a vision descended from the sky, the world under his feet was born, and the emptiness of the universe above his head spread. In this moment, it was as if he had mastered the Dao and the universe in his hand, giving people a feeling of reigning over the world.

   "Natural visions, ruthless thoughts, natural Taoism, the heavens are easy to change...oh, my god! This...is this the treasure of the Jane Emperor's Palace, the Supreme Four Books, the power of the ruthless Heavenly Book?!"

   "No, this person actually has the qualifications to practice the ruthless scriptures, who is he? Could it be that the emperor's son Wuningzi of the Jian Emperor's Palace?!"

   When seeing this scene, many people's pupils shrank, and their eyes were shocked.

  Supreme Four Books, also known as the Four Great Books in the Immortal Realm, no one knows its origin, but no one dares to underestimate it! Because many, many years ago, there used to be a behemoth called 'Supreme Dao Palace', and with the help of this Supreme Four Books, it became the land of Zhongzhou, and even the top overlord in the whole immortal world in one fell swoop. !

   In that era, the Supreme Dao Palace at its peak was even enough to rank in the top five in the Immortal Realm. Even some weaker Xeon and High Immortal beast races were suppressed by them. It is conceivable how terrifying the opponent's strength is!

   But unfortunately, this Supreme Dao Palace has not been able to last until now,

   The test of time,

   makes it crumble,

   became history,

   Later, the Supreme Four Books were also spread,

   was jointly divided by many top forces and powerhouses in the fairyland and the land of Zhongzhou,

   Since then, there has been a lineage of the Supreme Four Books in this immortal world.

Moreover, there are many descendants of this lineage, and they all began to consciously want to juxtapose these Supreme Four Books with the Nine Great Forbidden Books. Although they still failed to succeed in the end, it also shows that these Supreme Four Books are powerful. !

   Even if it is not as good as the nine forbidden books,

   is not far behind!

Later, the founder of Emperor Jian's Palace, Emperor Jian's Yunxin, obtained the Ruthless Book of Heaven, one of the Four Books of Wushang, and finally evolved into "Book of Wuxin, Thirty-Three Volumes", which also officially became the Wuxin Book of the Emperor Jian's Palace. The classics, regarded as the core of the core, have been passed down to this day!

  Because of this, the cultivation qualification of this ruthless book of heaven is really not for everyone. Looking at the Jian Emperor Palace, I am afraid that there are only a few people like this. If it is more specific to the contemporary, I am afraid that only the contemporary emperor of the Jian Emperor Palace - Wu Ningzi, has such qualifications!

   And now the person in front of him has actually practiced the Ruthless Heavenly Book. Could it be that this guy is really the 'Early Emperor' of the Jian Emperor's Palace, the Wuningzi who is known as the strongest descendant in history? !

"No, it's not him... This is Yan Rutie! Under the command of Emperor Jian's Palace, the contemporary eldest prince of the great dynasty, and also the man of power in that Emperor Jian's Palace! He even competed with Wu Ningzi for the throne of the senior brother. It's a pity that Wu Ningzi is so evil that he was defeated too thoroughly, and in the end, this guy seems to be subdued by Wu Ningzi..."

   Someone stood up,

   revealed the identity of that person,

   "It turned out to be him... Yan Rutie!"

"Speaking of which, this guy is also a top-level monster, born with a royal body, half-step seven-star immortality, but unfortunately he encountered Wu Ningzi, a rare monster in that era, otherwise, the first seat of the younger generation of Emperor Jian's Palace, he Absolutely qualified to sit!"

"There's no way, a monster-level descendant like Wu Ningzi depends entirely on luck, and you can't get it. Even among the younger generation of kings in the Six Paths of Reincarnation Ancient Court, no one seems to be able to compare with him. ...By the way, there is one in that Four Buddha Temple!"

   "The name of the Zen Buddha, the name of the epicenter of the state, the Buddha's heart is in his grasp, he is a natural candidate for a strong Buddha, that guy is also a real monster, outrageously strong!"


   The appearance of Yan Ru iron immediately caused a great sensation,

   Although the sign of the younger generation of Emperor Jian’s Palace is that Wu Ningzi,

   This is as strict as iron, but it is really not weak! Born with a royal body, backed by a great dynasty, and even a half-step seven-star immortal, if it weren't for 'bad luck', then Jian Emperor Palace would have produced a more powerful, 'monster-level Wu Ningzi', he would be as strict as Tie is the current number one in the Jian Emperor Palace! This is definitely a very difficult master,

   (end of this chapter)

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