Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4264: Posen is at the door!

   Chapter 4264 Bo Xun comes to the door!

   One can imagine where the limit of "Wuxinshu, Volume 33" will be,

   At the very least, he must be the strongest soul-guiding Taoist, or even Tianyuan Taoist!

   And more importantly, in essence, this "Wuxin Book, Thirty-Three Volumes" is actually the ruthless heavenly book, one of the four supreme books! Therefore, this is a key that can restore the key to the ruthless book of heaven.

   Although the prestige of these supreme four books is not as good as that of the nine forbidden books,

   But at its peak, there was still the behemoth of the Supreme Dao Palace, which represented it. With this ruthless book, it meant that it was qualified to pursue the other three Supreme Four Books.

   This is a hope full of temptation and magic, and the attraction is huge!

   As for the Buddha's relic sitting on the ancient Buddha,

   Not to mention. It is the most profound Buddhist power that remains after an ancient Buddha exists and is transformed. Once it is used properly, it may even be able to create a new ancient god, or an ancient Buddha or a strong Taoist!

   Its value is completely limitless!


   These things don’t add up, even if they are calculated separately, even if it is any one of them, it can make an ancient god, or even an ancient Buddha and a Taoist-level powerhouse moved! It is definitely a treasure of immeasurable value and immeasurable value.

   And whoever has the last laugh,

   will be the big winner at the end, and win completely! Completely earn.

   And after paying attention to these things,

  Rao is Chen Fei...Also a little moved,

   "I didn't expect this reincarnation war to end up like this... These rewards are really big!"

   Although the so-called "Wuxin Book, Thirty-Three Volumes",

   He is not very interested, but it is undeniable that its value is really really high! For him, to obtain the so-called "Wuxin Shu, Thirty-Three Volumes", one of the so-called Supreme Four Books, does not necessarily require cultivation.

   but can be used for reference!

   By analogy!

   Based on his current situation and cultivation realm strength, he is no longer fixed on a single cultivation method, but integrates his understanding, self-breakthrough, and begins to walk his own path and evolve his own path!

Therefore, he was able to get to this point without the follow-up exercises of the Book of Reincarnation, Book of Time, and Book of Space. In general, it was because he was already writing his own. Dao, because of his own practice. But it is not perfect and has no name, but his ambitions are not small!

   "Perhaps I can try to collect this so-called "Supreme Four Books". Even if this thing is really inferior to the nine banned books, it should be very good, and it is worth my reference and study..."

   Chen Fei muttered.

   As for the chaotic plant with the power of reincarnation,

   There is also the Buddha's relic in which the ancient Buddha was seated,

   Although not fully understood,

   But he also felt he had to get it...should be of great use!

   "It looks like you are very satisfied with these?" At this moment, a slightly unruly sneer suddenly sounded, causing Chen Fei's eyes to shrink. Because he didn't notice the other party's existence.


Then, the demonic energy surged, a portal opened, and the other had black wings, with terrifying demonic energy all over his body, countless demonic symbols painted on his skin, and staring at the tall figure with two curved demonic horns on his head, appeared in front of him.

   And as soon as the other party appears,

   His heart trembled immediately,

   trembling all over,

   Even seems a little suffocated...

   raised his head, a dignified look appeared in Fade Chen's eyes, and then he saw that he spit out a few words heavily.

   "The Demon King Bo Xun..."

   That's right, this person is not the person who came, it is the Demon King Bo Xun that day,

   Instead, it seems that it is not a demon avatar, but his real body!

"It seems that you don't seem to welcome me very much, why, are you afraid of me, hahahaha..." The Demon King Bo Xun laughed, as if mocking Fade Chen, and this also inspired Fade Chen's heart arrogant.


   Chen Fei snorted coldly and said coldly. "Sit down and say something, although I really want to see you, but I'm more interested in your purpose!"

"Hahahaha, it's okay, if you're really afraid of me, it would be so boring and disappointing." The Demon King Bo Xun laughed a few times, then sat down on the floor with a sneer in his eyes. Looking at Chen Fei, he said with a smile, not a smile.

"Actually, the Lord of Reincarnation and the others only prepared the treasure of Chaos Zhiyuan for you, but I didn't expect your luck to be very good, those bald donkeys in Sifo Temple, and those in Jiandi Palace. You idiots, you actually sent it over on your own initiative!"

   "It's funny! Hahahahaha..."

   Hearing this, Fade Chen's eyes flashed, but in the end he couldn't help but ask.

   "Who are the reincarnation saints?"

   "Hahaha, you should have been aware of their existence, right? However, about them, you can only wait until they want to see you and tell you. Anyway, I dare not tell you in advance!"

  The Demon King Bo Xun shook his head,

   said indifferently.

   "In other words, they are more powerful than you?"

   Chen Fei's eyes flashed and asked.

   "What do you say?"

  The Demon King Bo Xun sneered, and didn't care about Chen Fei's temptation, but said indifferently. "Don't use meaningless temptation, it's useless to you, get stronger early, catch up early, this is what you should do now!"

"Do you know why I came to see you today? It's very simple, just to tell you, you have now broken through to the realm of immortal ancestors, and the amulet on your body is gone. From now on, you will face you The trials and dangers that really need to be faced! We can help you with these, but we can't help all of them.

   "So, be careful next, it's up to you!"


   Chen Fei was silent,

   Some do not understand what the other party means,

   The real test and danger? What is that? !

"Also, after you win the battle of reincarnation, you will have to deal with that kid in the Demon Buddha Kingdom. The war book is here, hit me hard and hard, as long as you don't kill me, everything will be fine. The consequences will be resolved by this king!"

   That day, Demon King Bo Xun took out another jade sticker,

   is full of demonic energy,

   And on the front and back, there is clearly a demon written on it - war!


   This is a gauntlet,

   Moreover, it was the gauntlet that the Demon Buddha Xiao Ming Wang sent to the Heaven and Demon Dao!

   And seeing this scene,

   Chen Fei couldn't help but pursed his lips and said coldly.

   "Why should I help you?"

   "Why? Hehe..." The Demon King sneered that day, looked at Fade Chen, and said coldly. "No reason, no reason, but the choice is yours! That's it!"

The voice of    fell,

   That day, Demon King Bo Xun stood up directly, turned around and was about to leave,

   But at this moment, Fade Chen suddenly spoke up and said.

"and many more!"

   (end of this chapter)

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