Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4268: Pure crystal fairy body! The Crown Prince of the Crystal Jade Dynasty!

   Chapter 4268 Pure Crystal Immortal Body! The Crown Prince of the Crystal Jade Dynasty!

  The Crown Prince of the Crystal Jade Dynasty,

This name may not be very familiar in their six reincarnation prisons, or the four Buddhist temples, or the Jiandi Palace, but in the farther immortal realm of all countries, it is very bright and very famous. name!

   This is because the crown prince of the Crystal Jade Dynasty is a seven-star immortal! It is called 'Pure Crystal Immortal Body'! The immortal power of the seven stars is reflected in the unparalleled and powerful defense. All attacks in the world, physical, immortal, soul, curse, rune, law, etc., are almost difficult to break through its defense. Will be weakened to the extreme!

   Because of this,

   Even many people secretly call the crown prince of the Jingyu Dynasty,

   is called 'the man with a tortoise shell',

   Judging from this title, although it is a bit rustic and indecent, it is not difficult to see how deeply the world's impression of the Crown Prince of the Crystal Jade Dynasty is!

   It is no exaggeration to say,

  Looking at Zhongzhou Contemporary,

   The defense of the Crown Prince of the Crystal Jade Dynasty is definitely top-ranked!

   may even be on a par with that pure-blooded Xeon to High Immortal Beast,

   Of course, it's just defense. Although the Crown Prince of the Crystal Jade Dynasty is powerful, even though he is immortal, but from the current point of view, he is only strong in defense, and other aspects are mediocre.

   In addition, the background identity of the crown prince of the Jingyu Dynasty is also amazing. The Jingyu Dynasty, one of the ten kingdoms of the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Immortal Domain, was created by the ancient **** Jingyu. The current Jingyu Dynasty is still very powerful, and even the ancient **** Jingyu is still alive. In other words, this Crystal Jade Dynasty is an ancient god-level behemoth!

   As for the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Immortal Territory, it is a top Immortal Territory! It is said to have "a kingdom of immortals with more than 10,000 seats", with endless creatures, a vast territory, and a strong comprehensive strength, enough to rank in the top 30 of the top immortal regions in Zhongzhou!

   Combining these,

   It is not difficult to see how powerful the Crown Prince of the Crystal Jade Dynasty is,

   And more importantly, if it wasn't for the reincarnation war, people wouldn't even know about it... This crown prince of the Crystal Jade Dynasty, he is actually the descendant of the Book of Reincarnation. All along, he has shown people in pure crystal fairy body!

   In other words,

   This hole card is hidden deep enough! Moreover, if the fusion of the pure crystal fairy body and the book of reincarnation can really be completed... I am afraid that the future of the crown prince of the crystal jade dynasty will be limitless!

   And at this time,


   "Rumble Rumble Rumble..."

   When the people of the Jingyu Dynasty were about to pass by Chen Fei and the others, they saw the crown prince of the Jingyu Dynasty, suddenly glanced at Chen Fei and the others, and then waved to stop.

   "In the next Jingyu Dynasty show, I saw all the fellow Daoists. I don't know how many are?"

The    drama is the real name of the crown prince of the Jingyu Dynasty, but he rarely uses this name, usually on very important occasions, or very important people who need to be treated seriously... He will only use it.


   Although he didn't know Huanguang, Chen Fei, Lin Mianmian and the others,

   But also saw some clues.

   "The crown prince is welcome, my name is Huan Guang, this is Brother Chen Fei Chen, and this is Fairy Lin Mianmian Lin, and Brother Chen's servant." Huan Guang smiled and said softly.

   It is reasonable to say that a contestant with the identity of the other party should be greeted by a special person to show respect and courtesy, but he will not do these things in person, so it is very casual now.

   "Magic Light, Fade Chen, Lin Mianmian?"

   But as soon as he said those words, the Crown Prince of the Jingyu Dynasty was also startled, and looked at them in disbelief.

   The other party obviously heard about them too,

   Know their identities better!

  One is the personal biography of Bo Xun, the Heavenly Demon King,

  The other, has been a peerless monster who has been famous in Zhongzhou recently, equally famous as Ruchan Buddha, a monster-level Tianjiao without Ningzi, and there are even rumors that he has defeated the descendant of the Dongjun family, Ling…

  The last one, born Daoist, born Daozun!

   In fact, he only noticed Huanguang and Lin Mianmian at first, but he didn't expect that one of these three people counts as one, and they are all monsters and freaks with astonishing status, status and strength...

   Thinking of this,

  Rao even the crown prince of the Jingyu Dynasty couldn't help being a little more polite and said with a smile. "I've admired the name for a long time, but I didn't expect it to be the three of you. I'm really honored to be able to see you here. I'm polite."

   "The crown prince is polite..." Huan Guang smiled and said softly. "Since there is a fate, let's go together. The place where the battle of reincarnation is located is in the depths of Liwang Lake. I will lead the way for you."

   "It's work."

  The Crown Prince of the Jingyu Dynasty said politely.

   Then he couldn't help but looked at Chen Fei and Lin Mianmian together and asked.

   "Are you both going to participate in the Reincarnation War?"

   "I will, but she should not." Chen Fei pointed to Lin Mianmian and said with a smile. The latter was stunned for a moment, then took a deep look at Lin Mianmian for a few more times, his pupils shrank too suddenly, and he blurted out:

   "Xianzu's triple heaven peak?!"

   Obviously, he was also frightened by Lin Mianmian's cultivation realm.

   It's not good to say something,

For him, the immortality of the contemporary Seven Stars is actually not uncommon. If you calculate carefully, there may even be many, but if this contemporary young generation of immortal ancestors is at the peak of the triple heaven... even if it is him, it is really nothing. I have seen a few!

   In other words, this is a proof in itself,

   A proof of strength and potential talent!

   "As expected of the legendary Taoist embryo, it's really powerful..." The Crown Prince of the Jingyu Dynasty murmured. That Lin Mianmian smiled indifferently, showing confidence and pride. In front of Chen Fei, she couldn't be proud, but in front of others...

   She is completely true to anyone.

   Therefore, she will focus on that demon Buddha Xiaoming Wang. Ordinary people have no such courage at all.

   "I heard that Wu Ningzi and Ruchan Buddha will also participate in this reincarnation battle. I wonder if Brother Chen has confidence in them?" The Crown Prince of the Jingyu Dynasty spoke again, as if chatting slowly.

"I have never fought against Zen Buddha, but he can be ranked as one of the three Buddhas of the Buddha School. I believe he is definitely not an ordinary person! It should be quite tricky, but it is Wu Ningzi. I have fought with him before. ...I have to say that he is really good. With my ability, I can only rely on defense to get beaten in vain. In the end, if he didn't take the initiative to get bored, I might be the loser."

  The phantom seems to be interested,

   asked with a smile.

"The Crown Prince's pure crystal immortal body is really good. It has an invincible defense and is very difficult to break. I heard that the Jingyu ancient **** of your Jingyu Dynasty also has this physique, and his old man once persevered under the hand of the Queen of Dongchi for three days. Three nights?"

   just said this,

  The Crown Prince of the Crystal Jade Dynasty couldn't help but let out a wry smile, shook his head and said. "What insists on, it's not just being beaten alive. The ancestors also told me about this. Fortunately, Queen Dongchi was merciful, otherwise he wouldn't be able to live now. Queen Dongchi is who she is, that's dignified Tianyuan. Dao Zun! The terrifying strength, most of them are inferior to Lord Demon King that day..."


  Phantom Light nodded, his eyes twinkling. "At that time, Buddhism preached in a big way, invaded the various immortal realms, angered the Queen of Dongchi, and personally took action to break into Mahayana Buddhism, almost sinking that piece of Buddha land, and even that Amitabha Buddha Sakyamuni was unable to resist her three You can imagine how powerful the Queen of Dongchi is!"

   "In comparison, my master is indeed inferior."

   "Who is this Queen of Dongchi? Is she very powerful?"

  Lin Mianmian seems to be interested too,



   Then, when there was a topic, everyone started chatting and walked all the way to the depths of the Liwang Lake.

   (end of this chapter)

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