Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4273: Ancient God Carp King, the rules of the war!

   Chapter 4273 Ancient God Carp King, the rules of the war!

   Upon seeing this scene, Fade Chen glanced at him, then looked at Wu Ningzi in the void, and spit out a few words indifferently. "Then wait and see!"

   Although it is very simple and bland, people have read a hint of edge from Chen Fei's tone! But sometimes, it is this kind of thunder and turbulent hidden under the calm that makes people even more frightening and terrifying!

   "This Chen Xukong and Wu Ningzi are right..."

   There are ripples in the hearts of many people,

   especially those contestants,

At this time, they feel lonely because they can't become the arrogant figures like Chen Fei, Chen Xukong, Ruchan Buddha, Wu Ningzi, but they are also excited and looking forward to the upcoming battle of the arrogant peak. !

   After the prince of the sky bird,

   Wu Ningzi took the lead to stand up,

   To fight this Chen Fei and Chen Void,

   This is a peak battle, which is really exciting and exciting!

   "Humph! Then you just wait for me!" That Wuningzi also snorted coldly, then withdrew his gaze, and stopped talking and paying attention. And after seeing this scene, everyone knows that this turmoil has temporarily come to an end...

   But this is only temporary,

   Next, they will naturally collide again,

   At that time, the tip of the needle is on the wheat awn,

   It will definitely explode! Crashed!


   And in the next period of time,

   There are also more and more people coming here one after another, but the really powerful people have basically arrived ahead of schedule. Naturally, these latter people have nothing to pay attention to.

   Soon after this,


  Finally, a terrifying dragon roar that was enough to shake the heavens and the earth suddenly resounded between the heaven and the earth.

   And seeing this scene,

  Everyone also completely quieted down, looking at the starry sky, where the starry sky is bright, the sky is boundless, and the crystal-like distorted space palace hangs high there, sitting on the Jiuzhongtian, making everyone daunted!

   There is the legendary existence of the ancient gods, the residence of the carp king, and it is also the place where the real top powerhouses gather in the battle of reincarnation here!


   At this moment, the void split open, and an extremely terrifying coercion spread out, traversing the audience, and immediately made everyone's scalp numb... From the bottom of my heart, I felt suffocation and trembling!

   "Ancient, ancient gods!"

   The voice of awe sounded out of nowhere,

   Then, there was a bit of fear and yearning in the eyes of others,

The ancient gods, the most terrifying monstrous existences in the fairyland, second only to the supreme beings of the Taoist group, anyone, any creature, even the legendary pure-blooded, powerful, and supreme immortal beasts, are all based on this goal. Challenge and shock.

   For such an existence, no one is not afraid, but no one is not eager or expected!

   Maybe one day, they will become such existences,

   Stand in the heavens, ascend to the highest, and become an ancient god!

   And at the same time,

   Above that void,

In the crystal-like palace, there are already several old figures. Each figure is a skinny old man with the characteristics of the sea clan, such as tortoise shells, shrimp claws, octopus legs, shark heads, etc. Wait, every one of them is like an old man who has run out of fuel,

   But no one dared to underestimate that seemingly fragile old body,

  Because beneath that, there is a hidden power like destroying the sky and destroying the earth. That is the power of the Immortal Ancestor Jiuzhongtian that has surpassed everyone present, completely above them, and even the pinnacle-level power of the Immortal Ancestor Jiuzhongtian!

   And in front of those old figures,

   is a carp with golden dragon scales all over his body. At this time, he is nine days high, overlooking the world. A pair of golden pupils are shining brightly, exuding infinite light, making people feel small and suffocated.

   "Carp King..."

   these two words spit out from the phantom light,

   "Is he the carp king?"

   Chen Fei also stared at the golden carp with a little dignified eyes. Obviously, he has already felt that the strength of the other party is really terrifying... This should be the real ancient **** powerhouse, right?

   "That's right..." Huan Guang nodded and said softly. "I once heard Master say that, among the ancestors of my Heavenly Demon Dao, although the King Li is not very powerful, his old man is one of the oldest existences, because he is even like my master. It is a living fossil-like existence that has survived from ancient times to today. It is extremely ancient, and it is even more unfathomable!"

   "Ancient times..."

   Chen Fei muttered,

   He now understands,

   People who can relate to the ancient times are very scary! Unexpectedly, in this reincarnation war, even the living fossils of the ancient times like the other party actually showed up in person. It is conceivable that the ancient court of reincarnation Six Paths attaches great importance to it!

   "My little fellows, I'm very happy to meet you here. Of course, whether you know me or not, let me introduce myself as an old man. I'm the carp king!"

   In the void,

   came the indifferent and kind voice of the carp king,

   immediately caused a great sensation, and many people were excited and boiling.

   In fact, for many people, the existence of the ancient gods is completely in the legend, and it is out of reach. Many of them have never even seen a real ancient **** powerhouse in this life!

   Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, it is naturally difficult to calm down after such an experience. very excited.

   But that carp king... but they didn't let them talk too much,

   But after smiling,

   continued speaking.

   "About my six-path reincarnation war, everyone should be familiar with it, and I won't say much about the rules. Everything is as usual, but this time because of the special situation..."

   Speaking of this, the golden eyes of the carp king seemed to fall on the heads of the Four Buddha Temple and the Emperor Jian Palace, and they all trembled suddenly, and then he shook his head again and continued to speak. road.

"So the form of this reincarnation war will be slightly different from the past, and some are slightly different. Let's talk about the first round of the test first. The first round of the test, your destination, is the old carp king lake! "


   As soon as the voice fell, in the void, there were countless golden rays of light like stars appearing directly. Each of those golden rays of light was extremely bright, filled with the power of vigorous space, and the picture appeared in it, like an image,

   was immediately attracted,

"Next, you need to enter the specific Liwang Lake area through these teleportation portals. From there, you will be strengthened or weakened by the rules of the power of law that I personally left behind. In the cultivation realm of Zu Yizhongtian, as well as the inexhaustible cultivation realm power, the next task for you is actually very simple, crazy battles, crazy fights, defeating the enemy, until the final When there are 100 people left, this first round of trials will be completely over!"


   (end of this chapter)

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