Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4278: The supreme Buddhist country, the opportunity of the ancient gods? A million ye

   Chapter 4278 Supreme Buddhist country, ancient **** opportunity? A million years later!

   Chen Fei's eyes flashed,

   Then took a few steps forward,

  The power of divine sense directly penetrated into it and watched it,

  OM... Suddenly, in his mind, four big golden characters appeared.

   Supreme Buddha Land! It turns out that this is actually a Buddhist inheritance, and from what it looked like before, the inheritance force called 'Supreme Buddhist Kingdom' seems to be still very strong, and it should not be weak!

   Thinking of this,

   Chen Fei suddenly got into trouble.

   "Do you want to practice this?"

   It’s not that the so-called Supreme Buddha Kingdom is too weak, but that he feels that this thing seems to be a little too strong, so if he really wants to cultivate this, there is probably no suspense.

   And if so,

   is meaningless!

   "Want to stop taking a look?"

Fade Chen passed this thought in his mind, then glanced at the other golden rays of light, and then he simply wanted to leave, and searched among the golden rays of light, sure enough, among those golden rays of light, all were One by one, the Four Buddha Temples, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Ancient Court, and the inheritance power left by the strong man of the Jian Emperor Palace!

  Each one is a separate inheritance, and it seems to be a complete set of immortal methods!

   To the end of the exercise, you may even become its successor and benefit a lot.

   It’s just that the more you look,

   Chen Fei felt entangled again,

  Because he discovered that the inheritance in those golden rays of light, its body is actually mostly the powerhouses of the Immortal Ancestor Nine Heavens... That is to say, most of those so-called inheritances are just Immortal Ancestor Nine Heavens,

   He is almost at this level now,

   What are those inheritances for?

   is completely meaningless, and even less interesting.

   So, how do you choose? !

   Chen Fei was tangled.

   Just when Chen Fei was entangled, a bone-piercing killing intent came again. Chen Fei was stunned and looked up, only to find that Li Xuantong had actually found the most powerful inheritance among the many golden rays of light. At this time, Li Xuantong's eyes were bright, exuding bright light, his eyes swept to Fade Chen, his eyes were cold, and he seemed to have changed.

   At the same time, behind Li Xuantong, a halo appeared, and the power of the law of terror poured out, which actually matched the power of the ruthless scripture in Li Xuantong's body!

   The movement is great,

   is amazing.

   "So, is this the inheritance of the ancient gods?" Fade Chen glanced at it and immediately understood that the original body of the golden light actually originated from an ancient god-level powerhouse! Even stronger!

   "That's it!"

Fade Chen shook his head, the fusion suddenly trembled, and a faint Buddha light burst out from the body, and the fusion turned into a Buddha statue, double-sided, staring coldly in the void, and then, the power of the void, the reincarnation The power exploded, turning into two weapons in the hands of the Buddha statue, two extremely terrifying Heavenly Swords!

   Rumble Rumble Rumble!


   Chen Fei shot directly, Sword Sovereign Void, destroying the sky and destroying the earth, the explosion sounded, covering everything, and then, this power actually forcibly passed down the terrifying ancient **** to suppress,

   "I don't need you to help me..."


   at this moment,

  Then Li Xuantong also shot, but said with some gritted teeth.

   On him, the power of the ruthless scriptures emerged crazily, turning into boundless divine might, and then, it exploded into a sonic-like substance, penetrating the void, making it impossible for many destructive forces to approach.

   "I just wanted to save time!"

   Chen Fei opened his mouth and said indifferently. "Now, I have chosen, and you have chosen, then see you in a million years!"

The voice of    fell,


   The void trembled, and it turned into a realm directly. Today, Fade Chen's strength is already terrifying. When raising his hand, condensing his own world is as simple as eating and drinking.


   When the realm in that realm appeared,

   His people, that is, completely disappeared,

   Now, Li Xuantong has the inheritance of ancient gods, and he has the inheritance of half-step ancient Buddha, so it should be almost the same. The two of them are now at the same starting point, and then... they can only see their efforts and gains for the next million years.


   After seeing this scene and hearing it, Li Xuantong could only grit his teeth and curse, trembling with anger, how could he not know that Chen Fei was just taking him as a joke to kill time. not serious at all,

   Because of this,

   will actually take the initiative to help him,

   If it was normal, he would definitely not want such alms, but... but now!

  Li Xuantong's eyes filled with gloom and uncertainty for a while, but he finally gritted his teeth and muttered coldly. "Chen Xukong, you will regret it. I, Li Xuantong, will definitely make you understand that if you are too arrogant, you will lose completely!"

   "This time, I must win you!"

   And at the same time,

   Chen Fei has already started to cultivate that supreme Buddhist kingdom,

  Speaking of which, this is the first time he has encountered this kind of Buddhist method, so he is both fresh and curious, wondering what his talent in this area will be like. But he is still confident!

   is just a Buddhist means,

   shouldn't be that difficult, right?

   Such and such, time is slow, and soon it will be a million years later,

  Millions of years are enough for a lot of time to happen in this Liwang Lake. Among them, some people have gained a powerful inheritance and rose like a dark horse, while others have fallen sadly and become the dust of history.

   Of course, there are more people who choose to admit defeat,

   Either at the time of life and death, or when the harvest is full, you retreat bravely and choose to leave. So until now, the number of contestants in this Liwang Lake has already dropped sharply, and it has even fallen below the thousand mark.

   There are only a few hundred people left,

   is still fighting and fighting in this carp king lake, trying to stay until the end,


  When the number of people reached such a low point, the reduction rate of the number of people actually began to slow down rapidly. First, because of the reduction in the number of people, the opportunities for everyone to meet, fight, and fight began to decrease. The second is because the weak are only a very small number of people who can stay until now, and most of them should be considered strong.

   Between the strong and the strong,

   may be defeated,

   But it is not so easy to admit defeat and quit,

   Therefore, the elimination speed naturally slowed down,

   After realizing all of this, many strong men outside the Liwang Lake seem to be starting to act.

   "Boom!" On this day, the world suddenly trembled, and a voice that shocked the world came, like a thunderous explosion, causing everyone to break through the barrier in an instant, regain their sanity, or stop fighting.

   Everyone is waiting for the next chapter.

"From now on, the area of ​​the forbidden area of ​​Liwang Lake will continue to shrink until it reaches a certain level. At that time, if the remaining people have not reached the requirement of 100 people, then don't blame the old man to take action and clean it up at random. I've lost the extra people..."

   "Little guys, wait until then, the old man won't be merciful, so let's start the fight next time, you don't have much time left.

   That majestic and old voice appeared in the void,

   silenced everyone,

   (end of this chapter)

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