Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4283: The rules of the second test! One hundred thousand years later!

   Chapter 4283 Rules for the second test! One hundred thousand years later!


   Phantom shook his head and said softly with a pale face.

   "I went to fight against the Zen Buddha, but unfortunately I didn't fight..."

   "The Zen Buddha?!"

   The Crown Prince of the Crystal Jade Dynasty was immediately taken aback, his face full of surprise. Fade Chen also glanced at the magic light, then shook his head and said softly. "Fortunately, the injury is not serious, otherwise it will affect the subsequent battles!"


  Phantom Light nodded, shook his head again, and said nothing more,

   It's just that his face is a little depressed and bitter.

  Although I was mentally prepared,

   But he still feels a little uncomfortable in his heart... he still lost!

   "Okay, are you all registered?"

   "Then let's continue..."

   At this time, the carp king in the void spoke again, and the huge voice resounded directly all around, like thunder, deafening. "Next, it's the second battle. Before that, you have the right to choose to quit once. Those who think that the journey is over and don't want to continue, can choose to quit!"

   "As a reminder, in the second test, there is no such thing as admitting defeat in the middle of the battle. Either fight to the end and persist until you leave the battle area, or you will be killed and become a stepping stone! This battle will be even more cruel than before!"

   "So, little guys, think about it carefully!"

   "Exiting at this time is not a failure."

quit? !

   When the ninety-nine people heard the words,

The eyes flashed involuntarily. Some people's eyes were full of firmness, but some people's eyes were a little hesitant. Some people couldn't help but raised their heads and faced the ruthless Zen Buddha, Wu Ningzi, Chen Fei, Monk Jin Nian, the crown prince of the Jingyu Dynasty and others looked at them, their eyes flickered violently, their faces struggled... Then they seemed to have made a choice!

   "I opt out!"

   Someone spoke,

   actually chose to quit,

  “I also opt out of…”

"Me too!"


  Someone started this, and many people responded. One after another, in the end, more than ten people chose to quit, and there were only more than seventy people left.

"very good!"

   "It's a good thing to know how to give up, and it's a good thing to have self-knowledge!"

   In the void, the carp king spoke again, and then he didn't move much. With a bang, a supreme divine might descended, sending everyone who opted out of the dimensional world.


"The second test is also very simple. First of all, no matter how many people you have left, in the end, only ten finalists will be decided! That is to say, those who can continue to advance this round will be Only ten of you..."

"At the same time, once you successfully enter the ranks of the last ten people, you will have the qualifications of my true disciple of the six realms of reincarnation at the same time! As for this real disciple, there is actually no secret. I believe you all know that in my six realms of reincarnation, the true disciple of the six realms of reincarnation. The status is second only to the Holy Son and the Holy Daughter, and at the same time, he also has the qualification to be able to choose a certain ancestor to be a teacher..."

   "Of course, it's just qualifications. Whether the other party will accept you depends on your luck and ability! However, this should be considered relatively good, right? Hahahaha..."

   Kind laughter, echoing in that void,

   makes the eyes of many contestants,

   has a touch of fiery and excitement!

   Being able to be the ancestor of the carp king himself, you don't have to think about it, it must be at least the existence of ancient gods! That is to say, once it becomes the True Inheritance, you can recommend yourself once in front of many ancient gods in the ancient court of the Six Paths of Reincarnation...

   Even if it is not inevitable,

   But this opportunity is also enough to make people feel crazy.

   That is the ancient **** powerhouse,

  Once it is successful, it is simply a step to the sky!

   "As for the way of the game, it's also very simple..."

The Liwang spoke again, and beams of light shot out from the bright golden pupils, going straight into the depths of Liwang Lake. In an instant, the sea churned, splitting left and right, and the void was like melted ice and snow, turning into snow and fluttering golden like snow. , Look closely, and there is already a space channel, or the entrance to the dimensional world!

   And the number of such dimensional world entrances,

no more, no less,

   Exactly ten!

"The second test is in these ten battlefields! The entrance of each dimension world represents a battlefield and a promotion quota. There are no restrictions, no requirements, and no rules. Assassinations, alliances, sieges, bullying, etc., all are allowed!"

   "As long as you can live to the end and become the last winner, then the promotion quota for this round will be successfully obtained!"


The voice of    fell, and a terrifying storm suddenly appeared, overturning the sea of ​​Liwang Lake, and the waves of hundreds of millions of feet engulfed the world and irrigated the battlefields in the ten-dimensional world. Then everyone saw the scene of the battlefield in that dimensional world.

   It is amazing that each one has an identical altar!

   "In order not to make this second field test so boring and monotonous, I will add some more difficulty and changes for you!"

   The voice of the carp king echoed in the void, making everyone's eyes freeze. "These ten altars each have a fierce beast sealed. In terms of strength, they range from the Eighth Heaven of the Immortal to the Nine Heavens! There is only one fierce beast with the strength of the Nine Heavens! You can choose to open these altars. , you can also choose not to open it, defeat it, and you will get different levels of rewards according to the difficulty!"

   "As for what this reward is... Hehe, you should all know this thing, right?"


   In the void, golden light suddenly bloomed, and drops of brilliant golden juice appeared, filled with fragrance, everyone was startled, staring at the golden juice, trembling all over.

   "It's actually the golden liquid of the carp king..."

  The Crown Prince of the Jingyu Dynasty couldn't help muttering.

"What is this?"

   Chen Fei asked.

"It is said that it seems that the stalactite stalactite liquid, the law of the place where the carp king becomes enlightened and cultivates, will only breed a small amount every hundreds of millions of years. I care, and it has a wide range of uses, such as breaking through the realm of cultivation, forging foundations, prolonging life, acting as energy, etc., all can be!"

   "The most important thing is, because this thing is the product of natural Dao rhyme, so it has almost no side effects. If I can get it, just a few drops should be able to directly break through..."


   Chen Fei nodded, his eyes twinkling. "That's really okay."

"Next, you can arbitrarily choose which battlefield you want to enter, that is to say, the opponent, location, and difficulty are all up to you to choose and measure, but you must make a choice, otherwise, I don't mind one by one. Throw it in, hehe, from now on, rest for 100,000 years, and start entering the ten major battlefields!"

"Little guy, cultivate well, recover well, I will look forward to your next performance, by the way, the next round of the top ten battles will be held in my Liwang Palace, where there are already the ancestors of the major forces. Existence is watching you, so, work hard, work hard, and perform well!"


   The terrifying figure of the carp king disappeared again without a trace. One hundred thousand years is left for them to recover and rest, but for people of their level, it is only one hundred thousand years, very fast, just a snap of a finger.

   so and so,

   Soon after 100,000 years...


   (end of this chapter)

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