Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4286: A battle that just ended! Sensational world!

   Chapter 4286 The battle that just stopped! Sensational world!



   The void flickered, and Fade Chen burst out, this punch almost reached the pinnacle of strength and blood! His blood was boiling, and his own combat power also reached the peak, his black hair fluttered, and his eyes shot lightning. At this moment, he was like a **** of war!


   And at the same time,

  The golden salamander also started,


At this moment, the terrifying Immortal Ancestor Eighth-layer Heaven's peak cultivation realm is undoubtedly terrifying. Countless golden rings of nine gods appear on his body, wrapping him layer by layer, as if there are nine immortals. doors overlap,

  Invincible defense!

   actually blocked Chen Fei's fist,


   Chen Fei's eyebrows were the same, and then he shot again,

"Reincarnation Tianmen!" This time, the power of the Tao of Reincarnation turned into boundless Tianmen, one after another, one layer after another, the number of which was uncountable, poured over like a waterfall, and knocked the golden salamander out. ,

   rumble rumble rumble…

   At that moment,

   The countless divine rings were shattered one after another, and a monstrous shock erupted, but they were still stuck here, unable to continue. Later, the golden salamander roared, and the sky and the ground actually descended into the sky and the earth at the same time. The dazzling auspicious colors descended from the sky to the ground at the same time. Chen Fei…


   Such attacks,

   Chen Fei didn't even face it,

   Instead, use endless space to avoid…

   However, the golden salamander seemed to realize that he failed to attack Chen Fei, and his body burst out with a powerful aura, and the sun, moon, rivers and mountains were about to be fractured.

   “Wow! Wow! Wow…”

   A strange cry appeared,

   At that moment, the infinitely terrifying golden divine might permeated down. The golden salamander was very small, but it seemed like a giant was attacking.

   bombarded Chen Fei's chest hard...


   Violent vibrations,

   Actually let that Chen Fei be blasted out!

   "It's amazing..." At this moment, even Chen Fei had to admit that the strength of this golden salamander is really strong, and most of them have really touched the peak of the eighth heaven of the immortal ancestor...

   This is a challenge for him!

   "Come again!"

   Chen Fei's eyes burst into a dazzling gleam,

   And then shot again!

   "Reincarnation Heavenly Sword!"

   "Space Heavenly Sword!"

   He was so angry that he fought a bull, and in an instant two great swords were condensed.

  The sword energy rushed to the sky, and it seemed to cut down the stars and ancestors floating in the outer universe.

   smashed it out...

   "Rumble Rumble Rumble!"

   "Wow! Wow! Wow..."

   This time,

   That weird cry finally turned into a painful scream. One left and one right, Samsara, the two Heavenly Swords in the space unleashed their power together, and actually chopped off the golden salamander's feet and forelimbs. Coercion of Jiuzhongtian, shaking Jiuyou prison, the vast swordsmanship and divine might spread out, beyond imagination, sweeping all directions, swallowing mountains and rivers.


   "Okay, so strong!"

  People gasped, extremely shocked! Only then did I realize that Chen Fei's real strength has reached such a level that he can really compete with the monster at the peak of the Eighth Heavenly Ancestor? !

   is simply horrible!

   However, even if his feet are cut off,

   That golden salamander is still monstrous, covering the world, and it is terrifyingly strong!


   The supreme divine power spreads out,

  The golden salamander actually transformed into a void and became a fantasy of the avenue, bursting out with terrifying extreme power, and a huge beam of light ripped apart the world, completely swallowing Chen Fei...

   And seeing this scene,

   Many people outside the venue,

   Even if the ancestors of the major forces exist,

   At this time, I couldn't help my pupils shrinking, my scalp was numb, my heart was trembling, and I was suffocating!

  Because this is definitely the top-level blow of the golden salamander, the terrifying power, even their audiences and spectators were intimidated, not to mention Chen Fei who was in it...

that moment,

   Chen Fei stood up with cold hair all over his body,

   The trembling feeling I haven't felt in a long time,

   appeared on him…

no doubt,

   This blow is really terrifying enough to threaten him, so... even he is a little afraid to take it hard! Because of this, he chose to avoid it. The power of the endless space was activated, and he ducked,

   But the power of countless beams,

   is almost going to pierce this battlefield world...

   After the horrific explosion,

   the shattered void,

   Huge cracks, criss-crossed, appeared on the void and the earth, everything seemed to be destroyed, extremely terrifying, this blow actually pierced through this world!

   If it weren't for his endless space to be able to control space arbitrarily,

   easily avoided the past,

  This blow, if he was really hit, even him would probably be very uncomfortable!

Thinking of this, Chen Fei hurriedly cheered up and prepared to fight again... But at this moment, he was suddenly startled, because the golden salamander, after performing this peerless blow, actually disappeared like this ? !

   There are countless golden stars floating in the void.

   Chen Fei was a little speechless and stunned.

"What's the meaning?"

   "The energy is exhausted, this is the end?!"

   At this moment, he even seemed to be cursing,

   After bullying those so-called opponents whose strengths were not equal to him for so long, he was already looking forward to and longing for a battle like today, but what the **** happened? !

   He has just opened his body,

   Get ready for a good fight,


   Is this gone? !


   Fade Chen, who was so angry, roared, slapped out, and shattered the remaining battlefield spaces on the spot. His face was dark, his face was shaking with anger, and he didn't speak for a long time.


   But at this moment, a few drops of crystal clear golden juice already appeared in the void. It was the treasure that the carp king had shown before—the carp king gold liquid! Falling from the void, it came to Chen Fei.

   And seeing this scene,

   Chen Fei's face was cloudy and uncertain,

   In the end, he sighed helplessly,

   silently put away the few drops of carp king gold liquid.

   "It seems that if you want to play a good game, you can only get the finals, or even the demon Buddha Xiaoming after the finals! Hey..." A sigh was enough to tell Fade Chen how many stories he had at this time. How depressing.

   As for what needs to be done next...then just wait silently! After waiting for the battle on other battlefields, after the curtain falls, it is time for the battle of the top ten to start.

   And at the same time,

   The audience outside the venue who witnessed all the previous things with their own eyes,

   is already boiling completely at this moment,


   (end of this chapter)

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