Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4290: The ultimate evolution! The prototype of the six reincarnations!

   Chapter 4290 Ultimate Evolution! The prototype of the six reincarnations!

The rest of the people, Huanguang, the Crown Prince of the Crystal Jade Dynasty, the gluttonous goddess Yimu, Qing Yao, Qian He, the giant copper ant statue, the stone statue giant Sang Quan, they were all silent at this moment... In the void, A dead silence! And when they saw this scene, people couldn't help but sigh, such a stage, such a peak battle, in a word, no one dared to fight?

   Worthy of being Wu Ningzi,

   One of the top evildoers in the epicenter state at that time,

   Such a peerless style,

   is really awesome and enviable!

   But this dead silence didn't last long before it was broken by someone.

   "It's all about fighting anyway, so let me try your strength!"

  The phantom light actually came out, his face was indifferent. As he slowly stepped into the void and ascended to the sky, in the void, in the dimensional world in all directions, there were also extremely terrifying visions. One after another, the reincarnation Tianmen emerged, and the distorted dream images loomed and loomed, causing many people to shrink their pupils and be surprised!

   "Hey...that's the power of the way of reincarnation, and, moreover, there's the power of dreams?!"

   "This magic light is actually so powerful? The two fellow practitioners of the Way of Transcendence have such a profound background that they are comparable to pure-blooded Xeons and High Immortals! What is this concept? He actually..."

"What is comparable, you don't even know this? The two fellow practitioners of the Way of Transcendence, once they are completed, are stronger than the average Seven Gods Ban! This is a long time ago by all the top forces, even the strongest and the highest. The fact that the immortal beast races have recognized... I didn't expect this phantom light to be so powerful, it seems that he is the strongest descendant of the ancient court of the Six Paths of Reincarnation!"

   "Hey! It's more powerful than the Seven Gods Forbidden City? How is it possible, doesn't that mean that this phantom light has already surpassed Wu Ningzi, Ruchan Buddha, and even those pure-blooded Xeons and High Immortals?!"

"It's not the same. I'm talking about the Dao of Transcendence, the two fellow cultivators have achieved greatness. Has the power of his Dao of Reincarnation and the power of dreams have been achieved? I don't think so, besides, the Seven Gods Ban is just that pure The starting point, not the end, of the Xeon Xeon High Immortal Beast. It's not that simple to defeat the Xeon Xeon High Immortal Beast."

   "Anyway, you'll know when you watch it! It's worthy of being a reincarnation battle, it's really exciting, and there's such a good show as soon as it comes up, Wu Ningzi fights Mirage, I hope you won't let us down..."


   The real details of the phantom light, its real potential talent, was finally revealed to the world by him at this moment.

   And this also surprised many people, shocked,

   After all, the title of the two fellow practitioners of the Way of Transcendence,

   is indeed a bit bluffing...

   Time can surpass the power and heritage of the forbidden category of the seven gods, how much can there be? There are only a handful of them, and the two fellow practitioners of the Way of Transcendence are one of them. One can imagine what this concept is.

   At least for their onlookers and audiences, this kind of potential talent is definitely a legend and myth. Looking at the history and the present, they are all evildoers, and they are upstream!

   Don't even say it's them,

   Even in the crystal palace, the ancient gods and Dao venerables of the great powers above, they all became interested because of the appearance of the phantom light. Start talking and laughing.

"It has always been difficult and difficult to follow the path of detachment! It is precisely because of this that it is indeed very good to be able to merge and accommodate two fellow practitioners at the same time! Looking at Zhongzhou, they are all outstanding people..." Huang Longyao Zu said with a smile, then looked at the Ancient God of Demon Heart, and continued to smile. "This is the descendant of the Bo Xuntian Demon King? It's really good, the Bo Xuntian Demon King is a successor, hahaha!"

   "According to the demon Zu Jiyan, but this kid is still a little immature now, and needs to be tempered."

   The Ancient God of Demon Heart smiled and was quite satisfied with Mirage's appearance today! As for the outcome of this battle? That doesn't matter anymore. Ordinary people see the outcome, but their existence at this level sees the future.

   Up to now, the potential talents of the two fellow practitioners of the transcendental way of the magic light have begun to show. Once they can continue until they reach the peak, if they reach the highest level,

   He, might not be the second Yellow Dragon Demon Ancestor,

   and even the second Demon King…

   That is the real value, the future of Mirage, that is the top priority!

   "Humph!" Seeing Huanglong Yaozu compliment Huanguang so much, King Watanabe of Jian Emperor Palace couldn't help but snorted coldly, but he still held back and did not mock and belittle Huanguang's potential talent.

   After all, his identity level is placed there, some things are what they are, and forcibly reverse the black and white, it will only lose his own face, and it is even more meaningless!

   As for the ancient Buddha of Kasyapa, ... but he seemed to not care, sitting there quietly, his face was calm, like a sculpture, silent and silent.

   And seeing this scene,

  The Yellow Dragon Demon Ancestor glanced at the Watanabe Heavenly King, then smiled and said softly. "This little guy really needs to be sharpened. After all, it is not so easy for these two fellow practitioners to achieve great success, especially now that he..."

Speaking of which,

   Yellow Dragon Demon Ancestor shook his head slightly,

   He can see it naturally,

   Whether it is the power of the way of reincarnation or the power of dreams, today's magic light is still too immature, so these still need time to change and evolve!


   And at the same time,

   On the battlefield in the void,

  Phantom Light and Na Wu Ningzi also started to act...


A monstrous war broke out in the body of the phantom. At that moment, it seemed that the power of endless reincarnation was falling from the sky, and then, six mysterious ancient roads emerged in the void, releasing an indescribable ancient breath. , ancient and mysterious, deep and powerful, all of this also made many people shrink their pupils and blurt out.

   "Six Paths of Reincarnation?!"

   "No, it's not a complete reincarnation of the six realms, this seems to be just a prototype!"

"It is already very good to have a prototype. You must know that if you want to evolve the physical power of the six realms of reincarnation, at least the immortal body of reincarnation has to reach the point of completion. It is possible! This illusion is really powerful, even I see this There is still a fight!"


  People were shocked,

   Eyes full of shock staring at the phantom light, a little horrified,

   In other areas and places,

   Maybe that reincarnation fairy body is the ceiling,

   But in this ancient court of six paths of reincarnation, they are the masters of the book of reincarnation, and they are also the people who are best at and cultivating the book of reincarnation, so, here, the immortal body of reincarnation is not the ceiling!

   Only the evolution of the six realms of reincarnation,

   is the real limit!

   At the same time, the power of the evolution of the six paths of reincarnation is also the ultimate core of the book of reincarnation! There are even rumors that the Six Paths of Reincarnation in the Demon King City are not naturally formed, but the evolution of the power of a supreme being...

   But the problem is that the six paths of reincarnation in the Demon King City,

   How many top powerhouses have you cast?

   Amitabha Buddha Shakyamuni,

   Heavenly Demon King Bo Xun,

wait wait wait!

   One can imagine what the concept is, and even more so, how terrifying and exaggerated the power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, its potential and upper limit, has almost reached the pinnacle of this immortal world! Invincible.

   And at this time,

   revealed the phantom light after the power of the six rudiments of reincarnation,

   His face was indifferent, standing in the void, staring coldly at Wuningzi,

at the same time,

   That Wuningzi, and even that Ruchan Buddha, are staring at him coldly...

   (end of this chapter)

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