Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4300: Give up, fight for the others!

   Chapter 4300 Admit defeat, other people's battles!

  Strictly speaking,

   This means of naming the Supreme Buddhist Kingdom should not be the signature Buddhist supernatural power of the Four Buddha Temple, nor is it among the Buddhist methods, which are more ceiling and peak.

   But even so, this hand of the Supreme Buddha was almost played out in the hands of the Zen Buddha, and it was almost perfect! Brilliant. Has extremely amazing power.

   And it is.

   With the means of this supreme Buddhist kingdom,

   That phantom light never turned the sky again. Even though he has tried his best, he is still like a monkey at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain, a terrifying beast in a cage, crushed to death. There is no hope of a turnaround. Not a single sign can be seen.

"I surrender…"

   And seeing this scene,

  Phantom still smiled bitterly in the end and chose to admit defeat,

   Although he did not expect to win this battle,

   However, I still did not expect that the gap between them was actually getting bigger and bigger. It seems that in the first test, Luchan Buddha really put a lot of water on him, otherwise, it would not be like this at all...

"who is the next?!"

   defeated Huanguang, Ruchan Buddha Gujing Wubo, and continued to challenge the remaining people, but after seeing the real fighting power of Ruchan Buddha with their own eyes, they all 'awakened'. Thus making the most correct and wise decision.

"I surrender!"

"I surrender…"


  In an instant, almost all the top ten evildoers remained, that is to say, except Fade Chen, Wu Ningzi, and all six people except that Huan Guang, they also chose to admit defeat!

   so and so,

   That is to say, the achievements of this Zen Buddha at this time,

   has come to eight battles, eight wins, and the most terrible victory! And now, only the last one of his enemies is left... People's eyes began to circle back and forth on the Zen Buddha and Chen Fei. His eyes flickered with anticipation.

  ru Zen Buddha, vs Chen Fei,

   Will this be a new peak battle? !

   But then, something unexpected happened.

Luchan Buddha, who had won all eight battles, looked at Chen Fei, who was still sitting on the top ten thrones and consolidating his cultivation realm, and then, unexpectedly, he chose to admit defeat. .


   "Master Chen, I will admit defeat in the next battle..."

   As soon as these words come out,

  The audience was dead silent.

It is no exaggeration to say that I am afraid that no one at the scene of this reincarnation war would have thought that this ruthless Zen Buddha would admit defeat... They all thought that this ruthless Zen Buddha would take over the mind and footsteps of Wuningzi, War against Chen Void,

   Draw a final perfect sentence for this wonderful reincarnation war,

   But he didn't expect that he would admit defeat.

  Thinking of this, many people are completely silent at this time, and their minds are blank! The mind is chaotic and the mood is very complicated. Some people even covered their faces, their eyes widened, speechless.

   "Actually admit defeat..."

   In the void, the ancestors in the crystal palace obviously did not expect such a thing to happen. King Li sighed, and then glanced at the ancient Buddha Kasyapa in the Four Buddha Temple again, his eyes flickering, his eyes were inexplicable.


The first person to speak was the King Watanabe of the Jian Emperor Palace. He snorted coldly, but didn't say much. After all, he had already conceded defeat in place of Wu Ningzi before. There was such a precedent. I didn't stand to say anything more,

"The Buddha said the true self, and the mirror reflects the soul. Being strong is strong, and since you are not sure, there is no need to force a fight. This little donor Chen is indeed very powerful. He is ashamed of Zen Buddha, but it is normal, not counting. what.

   At this moment, the ancient Buddha Kasyapa spoke up and said lightly,

   doesn't seem to be at all angry with the behavior of the Zen Buddha.

  However, this admission of defeat this time is really not just a simple admission of defeat, it's that simple, you must know that this also involves the final result of their three major forces' gambling war!

   In other words,

   With that Zen Buddha admitting defeat, the outcome of the gambling battle between the three major forces has become completely clear... This time, their Four Buddhist Temples and Jiandi Palace have all lost! The one who had the last laugh was actually the ancient court of the Six Paths of Reincarnation!

   "Since that's the case, then let it go, hehe..."

  The Ancient God of Demon Heart laughed,

   didn't say much.

   Knowing me well, knowing advance and retreat,

   This can only mean that Ruchan Buddha is more dangerous than Wu Ningzi's sharp-edged and indomitable character. Compared with this level of enchanting seedlings, the mere betting trophies are really nothing.


   "Master Chen, you won this time, but next time it won't be so simple,"

   At the same time, after admitting defeat, Zen Buddha flashed at Chen Fei again. "If we meet next time, maybe you and I should be able to have the strength of an ancient god, or even a Taoist rank. At that time, the poor monk will ask you for a lesson or two."

'I am waiting! "

   Chen Fei opened his eyes and glanced at the Zen Buddha,

   and said with a smile.


  RU Chan Buddha folded his hands together, nodded slightly, and then turned around and left just like Wu Ningzi. In the nine battles of these top ten battles, his final result was fixed at eight wins and one loss. Although it was not complete, it was really terrifying.

   And this also means that, if nothing else, this Zen Buddha should be regarded as the second evildoer in this reincarnation war. Second only to Chen Fei, slightly higher than that Wu Ningzi!

   Such an impressive record,

   is indeed worthy of the identity and title of the Zen Buddha!


  After turning around and leaving with this Zen Buddha, the remaining top ten evildoers were relieved.

   "These monsters... finally waited until their end..." The Crown Prince of the Crystal Jade Dynasty gave a wry smile, and then his eyes flashed with a hint of fighting intent. "In the next time, we should let us show one or two."


  Although it is an equal battle between the top ten, they are also very clear that there is a huge gap between them and Na Wuningzi, Ruchan Buddha, and Chen Fei that they cannot catch up, and because of this,

   those previous stages and battles,

   is more like the scheduled battle of the top three in this reincarnation war…

   And besides Chen Fei, Ruchan Buddha, and Wu Ningzi, they are naturally not even supporting roles, and they have become the same spectators as the audience outside the show! watched silently.

   But now,

  ru Zen Buddha, Chen Fei, Wu Ningzi,

   The three of them have almost divided the outcome, and they have even gone two out of three, so next, naturally, it is time for their supporting roles to come on stage.

   "The next top ten battles should be our stage!"

   Such thoughts flashed through the mind of the Crown Prince of the Crystal Jade Dynasty,

   And then I saw it leap out of the void,

   growled loudly.

   "Let me challenge you next, who will fight me!?"

"Boom, rumble, rumble..." At that moment, the crown prince of the Crystal Jade Dynasty revealed thousands of bright and pure crystal lights. It was the power of the pure crystal fairy body, full of terrifying defensive power, surging blood, and the sky was like a dragon. It makes people feel suffocated from a distance,

   (end of this chapter)

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