Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4302: Weird green monster (below)!

   Chapter 4302 Weird Green Demon (below)!

   Because they finally reacted at this time...

   A low sense of presence may mean weak, but if it is a low sense of presence, it can actually compete with a monster like Chen Fei, and the aura is not weak at all,

   That only shows them,

   was deceived!

   This guy named Qing Yao is clearly a big monster wearing a low-key skin!

In the    Crystal Palace, the Demon Heart Ancient God was already staring at the green monster with a frown. Not long after that, he suddenly spoke.

   "Carp King... Go and check, what's the origin of that little guy?!"

   "Hmm..." The carp king nodded slightly, his whole body trembled suddenly, a terrifying thought came out of his body, and after such a moment, he saw the carp king returning with a strange expression on his face.

   "It seems to be from the Qingming Immortal Territory, a descendant of the power of the Tianxuan Dao..."

   "Tianxuan Dao..." This time, the Demon Heart Ancient God didn't speak, but the Watanabe Heavenly King couldn't help speaking. Immediately, everyone glanced at him, and the Li King asked directly.

   "King Watanabe, do you know the profound way of heaven?"


   King Watanabe nodded, his eyes twinkling.

   "It's a very common ancient court-level force. Originally, it didn't even have an ancient god, but some time ago, I heard that an ancient **** was born in the Profound Heaven Dao. It seems to be called Gao Tianning, known as the ancestor of Tianning!"

   As soon as these words come out,

  Everyone was silent,

   Then, at the same time, he looked towards the blue monster in the battlefield space, a strange look appeared on his face, and the gaze in the depths of his eyes was also flickering slightly.

   Such an ordinary ancient court force,

   How can you have such an amazing descendant of evildoers?

what is this? any luck? !

   And at the same time,

   In that dimensional world, the green monster in the battlefield space finally spoke up. He raised his head and looked at Chen Fei from a distance, a fox-like smile slowly appeared on his clean and fair face. Looking at Fade Chen with a smile...

   "Fade Chen? Haha, when did you start to notice me?"


   Chen Fei smiled, looked at him, and said lightly.

   "Maybe at the beginning?"

   "I just glanced at you casually, but I didn't expect that you were looking at me too."

"Yeah... It's a pity that it was exposed like this!" Qing Yao smiled, then slowly stepped out and stepped onto the heavens. Like Chen Fei, he stood in the void and smiled lightly. Look at Chen Fei.

   "To be honest, I just wanted to take a look at it, I didn't plan to fight you now, but... it looks like you don't plan to let me go?"

   Hearing this, everyone was stunned, and then their faces became solemn, staring at the green monster with an incredible look on their faces. just looking around? Not going to fight now? That is to say, the previous admission of this guy was fake? !

   "Actually, it's equivalent to that Zen Buddha and Wuningzi, but I'm more interested in you..."

   At this moment, Fade Chen spoke again,

   But as soon as he opened his mouth, he was completely shocked, scaring everyone.

   "How is that possible? What does he mean by that? Could it be that the green monster is stronger than Ruchan Buddha and Wu Ningzi? How is this possible? It's impossible!"

"But, but this guy called Qing Yao is really strange. Even before, as long as you don't look at him, he has almost no sense of existence, but if you go to observe him carefully...you will find that watching him , that kind of feeling, actually seems to be staring into the abyss!"

   "Yeah, this guy's aura is so strange, I can't see through it at all, old man!"

   "Hey... According to you, isn't that true!?"

   "It's hard to say, let's take a look, but I feel that this green monster is definitely not weak!"


  People are completely boiling,

   was taken aback by Chen Fei's remarks, as well as the presence and momentum of the green demon.

   First of all, Chen Fei's remarks are the most direct. Also the scariest.

   is equivalent to the Zen Buddha, Wu Ningzi, he is more interested in the green monster? In other words, this guy is stronger than Ruchan Buddha and Wuningzi? ! Wu Ningzi and that Li Changfeng can be compared to the Xeon and Gao Immortal Beasts, but what about this green monster? !

   Is it possible that it is the same eight gods ban as Chen Fei? !

  This, this is impossible, right? !

  Secondly... This is also their most real and intuitive feeling!

   To put it bluntly, even if they are only spectators, their strength is not weak, and even some of them are the top powerhouses in the major regions, major immortal sects, and holy places!

In this situation,

   They distinguish a person's aura and aura,

   It is almost impossible to make mistakes. The strength or weakness of a person will be reflected intuitively in his aura and coercion. And it's an expression of self-confidence.

  The weak will bow their heads and be afraid of everyone, while the strong will go forward bravely and have the power of the mountains and rivers. That is a unique and supreme power, and it is impossible to fake it.

   More importantly, now Chen Fei and Chen Void, first defeated Wu Ningzi, and then frightened him, scaring away Ruchan Buddha, that kind of power, that kind of continuous momentum, all reached the ceiling! And in this case, it is very difficult for them to resist that kind of momentum, so they will admit defeat, but the green monster has no feeling at all...

   can even compete with it, without falling behind,

   This is undoubtedly very realistic…

   is also a terrible thing!

   And this also fully shows that this green monster is really hidden deep, he is really not easy!

"Ruchan Buddha, Wu Ningzi? You mean those two guys from before? Haha, please, don't compare me with them..." Qing Yao spoke again, but his words this time made everyone wonder He couldn't help but raised his eyebrows again, and even his face twitched.

  Although what he said was very light-hearted,

   is not even finished yet,

   However, everyone is not a fool, and they all understood the meaning of his words.

   It seems that he doesn't even look down on the Zen Buddha and Wuningzi? !

   This is too arrogant, right? The breath is so small...


   At this time, in the void, the King Watanabe in the crystal palace also snorted gloomily, and then looked down, staring at the blue monster with a fox smile in the sky, and said coldly.

There was a contemptuous arc on the corner of his mouth: "Little thing, with such a big tone, why bother to show us in person. You said don't compare you with Wu Ningzi, Ruchan Buddha, and the others, then you dare to fight that boy named Chen. One match, a winner and loser!?"

It stands to reason that with his status and strength, he should not have the same knowledge as a junior like Qing Yao, but this Qing Yao's tone is too loud and his attitude is too arrogant, which makes him unhappy, so he simply pushes the boat and lets him and Fade Chen. One more fight!

   Of course he doesn't believe in this green monster, it can really be stronger than Wuningzi and Ruchan Buddha.

   Therefore, once the fight starts, the person who is cleaned up will definitely be the green monster, and this way, it can also let him breathe out. Leverage Chen Fei's hand to clean up that little thing that knows no bounds!

However, he never expected, or said that everyone at the scene, they did not expect that after hearing the words of the King Watanabe, the green demon first showed a trace of contempt, and then, saw him Lifting his head, that icy gaze fell on the face of Watanabe Heavenly King unexpectedly.

   And then, his indifferent, cold, and slightly disdainful figure reverberated in this world!

   resounds through Lingyun!


   (end of this chapter)

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