Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4319: The power of Chaos Divinity!

   Chapter 4319 The power of chaos divinity!


   "Rumble Rumble Rumble..."

   In the void, the demon Buddha Xiao Ming Wang held a black halberd in his hand. At this moment, he gave the impression that he was like the immemorial Thor coming into the world. The vast and majestic aura overwhelmed the sky, suppressed Jiuxiao, and was invincible in the world! This is an invincible and downright powerful power!

   Thunder power, one of the most domineering powers in the world, has now been completely released by that demon Buddha Xiaoming King,

   Immediately, a domineering arrogance with peerless horror rushed out, peerless murderous aura rushed out, such as the birth of a chaotic dragon, which could shatter the heavens and the earth, and roar the sky. This power made everyone tremble with fear.

   "Fade Chen, get ready, this is the last blow, and my strongest blow!"

   "If you can carry it, then I lose!"


   "Thunder Road Supreme, Thousand Thunder Slash!"


   With the roar of the demon Buddha Xiaoming, he made his move. Thunder Dao's divine power was extremely powerful, and the black fierce soldier halberd slashed down, suddenly the heaven and the earth shattered, the chaos **** thunder danced wildly, and the sky shattered!

   The black thunder wave fills the sky,

   can simply suppress the world!

   This is an invincible blow! Totally beyond imagination. Even this piece of heaven and earth was smashed to pieces at once, like a tattered picture scroll. In the roaring wind, there was a clattering sound. Such an attack broke out completely, it was simply destructive, and it was contemptuous.

   What is even more terrifying is that when this halberd was completely slashed down, the power of the terrifying Chaos Divine Thunder was completely runaway. That boundless sea of ​​thunder turned into a black world,

   pressed down,

this moment,

   Chen Fei was completely crushed by the terrifying pressure!

   "Break the ban, he actually broke the ban!"

   "His current power has completely obtained the Immortal Ancestor Jiuzhongtian, especially the power of the Chaos God Thunder Black Halberd, which has even broken the ban and entered the Eight Gods Ban!"

   "Then Chen Void is finished, the cultivation realm of Immortal Ancestor Fourfold Heaven, and the power of the Eight Gods Forbidden! This time, he is sure to lose!"

  The son of the Daluo Heavenly Palace said quickly. His face was full of shock, he really didn't expect to see the demon Buddha Xiao Ming Wang break the ban with force, and ascend to the Eight Gods ban against the sky! It just broke his heart. Got a huge shock and shock!

   Even he is like this,

   That Wu Ningzi, that Li Changfeng, was even more frightened and solemn,

   Can't even speak.

Previously, they all admitted that the demon Buddha Xiaoming was very strong, but after all, it was still in the category of the Seven Gods Ban, which was acceptable. However, now this Demon Buddha Xiaoming has managed to break the Eight Gods ban. This is a real blow to them all. !

   That is forbidden by the Eight Gods! what concept.

   There were no more than five people in the fairy world, and there was only one Yao Qingzhu on the spot!

  As a result, now, there is another demon Buddha Xiaoming!

   This is a legend, a miracle!

   "But in this case, he should be defeated, right? Although he is indeed very strong, with his current strength, it is still impossible to defeat the pinnacle of Immortal Ancestor Jiuzhongtian!"

   Looking at Fade Chen under the terrifying Chaos God Thunder Black Halberd,

   Even Yao Qingzhu felt that the outcome was already decided!

   Chen Fei, he should be lost!

   But at this moment,

   Fade Chen on the Six Paths Martial Arts Stage, but suddenly there was a change that everyone could not expect,

   "Boom!" I saw that in Chen Fei's body, the power of the four great ways of transcendence all over his body was slowly dissipating one by one at this time.

   And then, the pure power of chaos, and the power of the extremely profound way of chaos, actually began to linger and gather from his body as quickly as it was replaced!


   Immediately in Chen Fei's body, an extremely astonishing and violent momentum began to rise into the sky, and that force became more and more grand and terrifying. In the end, it was actually under the suppression of the six martial arts platforms...

   turned into a mad roaring storm of Chaos power!

   What is even more incredible is that the momentum of this power has surpassed the previous limit of Chen Fei, even like the demon Buddha Xiao Ming Wang who has broken through the eight gods.

   has actually broken through to the realm of the pinnacle of the Immortal Ancestor Nine Heavens!

   In other words,

   Chen Fei's power at this time,

   actually became stronger again? !

"what happened?!"

"what's going on?!"

   Upon seeing this scene, the expressions of many top powerhouses outside the field, even the existence of the ancient gods of the major forces, changed slightly at this time. His eyes are full of surprise!

   Obviously, for Chen Fei's sudden and inexplicable strengthening at this time,

   Even they have no clue at all,

   But the only thing that is certain is that,

   Chen Fei at this time is really getting stronger again.

   Not only that, but at this time, with this kind of aura that has become stronger, he can even compete with the demon Buddha Xiaoming, who has broken through the ban on the eight gods, and can compete with him in a showdown!

what is this? !

   "Genius! This guy is a complete genius. He actually wants to use the chaotic divinity to carry the power of the Four Great Ways of Transcendence?!"

   Just at this moment, it seemed that someone finally saw some clues, and then blurted out directly, screaming in shock. If you look closely, this person is none other than the Eight Gods Forbidden Demon - Saintess of Dongchi, Yao Qingzhu!

   "Chaos Divinity?"

   "Saint Yao, you say he already possesses the divine nature of chaos?!"

   The Son of Daluo Heavenly Palace was immediately shocked and asked in surprise.

   "Do I have to lie to you?"

   Yao Qingzhu glanced at him and said slowly. "You can feel it carefully, the chaotic divinity in that guy's body, I think with your ability, it shouldn't be difficult to detect that power, right?"

  The latter's face suddenly froze, and then he exerted the power of his spiritual sense, and carefully observed it in Chen Fei's body. After a while, a great horror and shock appeared directly in the depths of his eyes!

   "My God, it's really chaotic divinity..."

"Since the day he made his debut, King Demon Buddha Xiaoming has always contained the tone of his body, the golden bamboo of the Thunder Dao, and until today, this tone has completely evolved into the power of Chaos Divine Thunder! This is his countless years ago. The result of Qianruyi's efforts, but Chen Fei is imitating him at this time!"


"He uses the chaotic divinity as a carrier to cultivate that breath of reincarnation, time, space, chaos, and the power of the four great ways of transcendence! The particularity of **** also gives him the ability to break through the limit! In other words, the next blow is probably the ultimate blow that he carries the power of chaotic divinity!"

   "In this case, it's hard to say who wins and who loses!"

   Yao Qingzhu said quickly.

   And the other people were also in a great shock, and it was difficult to calm down.

   (end of this chapter)

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