Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4322: The Queen of Dongchi!

   Chapter 4322 Empress Dongchi!

   "Holy maiden, if you have something to say, you might as well say it now."

   Looking at the Yao Qingzhu, Chen Fei said slowly,

   "That's the case... I'll just say it straight." Yao Qingzhu nodded, then looked at Lin Mianmian with a flickering gaze, and said. "I'm actually here for you!"

"for me?"

  Lin Mianmian was startled for a moment,

   Then suddenly he seemed to notice something,

   Then, all of a sudden, his brows furrowed slightly,

   But Chen Fei and Ji Fengyuan seemed to have guessed something long ago, so it was not surprising to Yao Qingzhu. Just look at her so quietly...

   And seeing this scene,

   That Yao Qingzhu also took a slow breath,

   Then he opened his mouth and said. "My master, Queen Dongchi, knew that you were born with the Dao, so I want to take you back, accept you as a disciple, and teach you to practice."

   As soon as these words came out, Chen Fei and Ji Fengyuan didn't react, but Lin Mianmian shook his head without hesitation, and said firmly. "Thank you for the kindness of Senior Empress Dongchi... But I don't need it!"

   Regarding apprenticeship, she actually had thoughts and decisions in her heart a long time ago.

   That is, she will not recognize everyone except Chen Fei, and she will not be a teacher. No matter how high the status and strength of the other party is, she is not willing! As for why? It's actually simple.

   is nothing more than herself... She has the determination and confidence to become stronger by herself!

one more. In fact, it may also be the main reason, that is, in her mind, the person who can be recognized by her, who can make her sincerely and surrender to the last sentence of master and master, except Chen Fei, there is nothing else!

   After all, she is not a child anymore.

   Over the years,

   Through all the ups and downs,

   No matter how hard and thorny the road is, she has walked through it herself!

   She has grown up. She can rely on herself, and she doesn't need so many so-called backers, so-called strong people, so-called masters, to help her and let her rely on.

   As a born Daoist, as a super evildoer, she has this spirit and ability!

   also has this confidence!

   And seeing Lin Mianmian's answer,

   That Yao Qingzhu also gave a wry smile, not surprisingly,

   Then he spoke again, softly. "Actually, you will refuse. I have long thought of it. If you replace me with you, I am afraid... I will make the same choice as you. But... "

   heard this but,

  Lin Mianmian couldn't help but look at the same Yaoqingzhu, then remained silent, waiting for the next article.

  Strictly speaking, they are the same kind. One is born with Dao fetus, the other is born with eight gods forbidden, they are all super evildoers! And more importantly, they are of the same age, and they are all women!


   If it was someone else to persuade her, she might be disgusted, but if it was Yao Qingzhu... She would still be willing to listen to what the other party would say and do.

   "Actually, my master, she has noticed you a long time ago, and her old man also wants to bring you back to Dongchi and teach you carefully, after all, you are the real people of the same kind..."

   "Similar people?"

  Lin Mianmian was stunned for a moment, then looked at Yao Qingzhu, who nodded slightly and said. "You may not know that my master, like you, is also a born Dao fetus!"

   "born Dao fetus..."

   Yao Qingzhu said this, and the audience fell silent.

   Even Chen Fei and Ji Fengyuan were a little silent at this time. The Queen of Dongchi is actually born with Dao fetus? Then this is indeed the same kind of person in the true sense.

   "But I don't want to either!"

   But at this moment, Lin Mianmian spoke up, even without hesitation. "No matter what she is, whether she is born with a Dao fetus or the Queen of Dongchi, I already have my own master, and I don't want to have a second one! So, sorry..."

   Seeing that Lin Mianmian's attitude is so firm,

   That Yao Qingzhu opened his mouth,

   Then he could only laugh bitterly,

  I don't know how to answer.

To put it bluntly, although she came here this time as a lobbyist, the problem is her status, as well as her terrifying potential talent and strength, how can it really be a high-level talker What about the guest?

   Her identity strength,

   is already doomed that she will only be very simple and straightforward to persuade,

   But now Lin Mianmian's answer is so firm and straightforward,

   But she didn't know how to continue...

   "Looks like I'm really not suitable to be a persuasive lobbyist..." Yao Qingzhu smiled helplessly, a little depressed and embarrassed. But at this moment, on the hairpin at the top of her forehead, a group of shining clouds suddenly appeared,

   In this cloud of light, a halo surrounds, and the figure of a woman with a peerless elegance and supreme grace is faintly revealed. At the same time, a woman's voice also emerged from the cloud of light.

   is very gentle,

   But also mature and majestic.

   "You don't have to be my teacher, but you need to follow me and learn something!"


Yao Qingzhu was stunned for a moment, then immediately blurted out, bowing respectfully to the peerless figure... And seeing this scene, hearing the words and seeing the situation, whether it was Lin Mianmian, Chen Fei, Ji Fengyuan, Yuan Rong Qinghua and the others were all stunned. Then there was a bit of shock and solemnity in his eyes.

  The master of Yao Qingzhu, the saint of Dongchi?

   Isn’t that…

   "Senior Dongchi..."

   The next moment, Ji Fengyuan directly bowed slightly towards the graceful figure.

   Then, he also took a handful of Chen Fei and Yuan Rong Qinghua. The latter two just woke up like a dream, and then they immediately bowed to the front and bowed. "I've seen seniors!"

   "No need to be polite. Chen Xukong, Ji Fengyuan... I've heard the names of the two of you for a long time. You two are as good as Qingzhu!"

The figure of the Queen Dongchi glanced at Fade Chen and Ji Fengyuan quietly, then turned to look at Lin Mianmian, who was already a little stunned at this time, and even appeared on the outline of that beautiful figure. A faint gentle smile.

"Qingzhu is right, I am indeed here for you, and you should have heard what I said just now, you don't need to worship me as a teacher, I know that in your heart, your little master should occupy a lot of space. An important position, I didn't think about wanting to compete and occupy his position, but..."

   "For yourself, for your future, and for our future in the Celestial Realm, you must go with me! Follow me and learn something from me!"


  Lin Mianmian hesitated,

   but was interrupted by the Queen of Dongchi.

   "How about you listen to me first?"

   (end of this chapter)

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