Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4327: The secret of the Supreme Palace!

   Chapter 4327 The secret of the Supreme Taoist Palace!

   "Get up..."

  Empress Dongchi waved her hand and pulled up Yuan Rong Qinghua, who was kneeling on the ground, and then her eyes flashed again. Suddenly, a colorful and terrifying space tunnel appeared in front of people's eyes.

   "Okay, let's go!"

   After hearing the words and seeing this, that Lin Mianmian, that Yuan Rong Qinghua, all bowed deeply to Chen Fei again, then turned around resolutely, and stepped into the colorful space channel with eyes full of determination!

And then,

   is that yao green bamboo….

   After she took a deep look at Fade Chen,

   This was said suddenly.

   "If there is a chance, we can also learn from each other."

   Chen Fei froze for a moment, then laughed without hesitation, said. "it is good!"

   The voice fell, and Yao Qingzhu nodded as if he was very serious, then turned around and left, stepping into the space passage. And then, the Queen of Dongchi...

   The latter took a deep look at Fade Chen,

   Then he shook his head,

   said slowly.

"Lord Tianqing, and Lord Reincarnation, they all have high expectations for you, and I hope you don't let them down. Also, although the pressure of the Eternal Immortal Realm will cause many people to temporarily give up internal fighting and agree to the outside world. , but you must understand that there will always be exceptions to everything, and when you are too sharp, there will definitely be many people who dislike you!"

"Moreover, today's Celestial Immortal Realm is not a piece of iron. Many people are afraid of the power of the Eternal Immortal Realm, so they choose to be a ghost, or even a lackey! With them, you are probably already deadly. The list, right? So, in the days to come, you have to be careful! Because the dangers and enemies you will encounter next, I am afraid that there will be ten times more than before, and thousands of times stronger!"

   Hearing this, Fade Chen's face fluctuated a bit,

   But then there was a dash of absolute confidence and a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Thank you for the reminder, senior, but the soldiers will block the water and cover up, but who are they, if they want to kill me, they must be prepared to be killed by me in advance! I'm not afraid that someone will miss me, I'm just afraid, they are not strong enough , not strong enough!"

   "After all, that would be really boring."

   As soon as these words came out, the Queen Dongchi couldn't help but laugh.

  Elegance is peerless, with a smile like a flower.

   "You kid is very interesting, keep up the good work, I look forward to the day when you really grow up, and maybe even then, we old guys will have to rely on you! Hahahaha..."

   Accompanied by that gentle loud laughter, Empress Dongchi just disappeared in place. In addition to that, the colorful space channel, Lin Mianmian, Yuan Rong Qinghua, and Yao Qingzhu also disappeared together!

   Until they left completely, Chen Fei shook his head, then looked at the master who was still beside him, Ji Fengyuan, and said with a smile. "Okay, Master, they're gone too. Now let's talk about your business. What is it that you need to come to me personally? Look at it...it seems interesting!"

   "I guess you should be satisfied."

   Ji Fengyuan smiled,

   Then I just sat down on the spot,

   took out a pot of refreshing immortal wine on the ground, and then he spoke again and said with a smile. "Let's talk while drinking. It seems that we master and apprentice haven't drank like this for a long time. This is a good thing. The special product of the Sikong family in the space gods, the space fairy brew from the chaotic world, even I have been for so many years. , you can only get such a small pot."

   "Come on, cheers!"

   Ji Fengyuan smiled, then directly raised his glass and drank it at Chen Fei.

   Hearing this, Fade Chen laughed directly, then immediately sat on the ground, picked up the wine glass and clinking glasses with Na Ji Fengyuan, and then drank it all. "cheers!"

   "Do you know the Supreme Dao Palace?"

   After a tour of wine,

   Ji Fengyuan waved the fluorescent jade cup with a little wine left, and asked suddenly.

   As soon as these words come out,

   Chen Fei was startled first, then nodded and said. "I know a little. It is said that the Four Supreme Books were originally the treasure of the Supreme Taoist Palace, and then the Supreme Taoist Palace was destroyed for some reason, so that all the Four Supreme Books were circulated."

   "Actually, the reason for the destruction of the Supreme Dao Palace is very simple, because they chose to be the inner ghosts of the Eternal Immortal Realm." Ji Fengyuan smiled and said lightly, but this statement surprised Chen Fei.


   Chen Fei looked at Ji Fengyuan in surprise.

   "Is there such a thing?"

"Well, but if you really want to count it, the Supreme Dao Palace is not an inner ghost, at most it can only be regarded as an undercover, because they were originally a big force in the eternal fairyland, secretly planted in our blue sky fairyland, supporting The undercover power that has arisen! Even the so-called Supreme Four Books are actually the inheritance of a power called Supreme Academy in the Eternal Immortal Realm..."

   Ji Fengyuan said softly.

   Now Chen Fei just shut up and waited quietly for the next article.

   These news are all secrets to him, but for Ji Fengyuan, who has already established a firm foothold in the Space God Realm, it really should be, and he should know more or less.

"This Supreme Academy is also considered to be an extremely top-notch overlord-level force in the Eternal Immortal Realm, because like the Sun Moon God Court, this Supreme Academy is also a Taoist lineage of the Heavenly Venerate level, and at its peak, it is said that it was once a A Double Heavenly Venerate!"

   "Another Heavenly Venerable Dao Lineage?"

   Chen Fei was a little stunned and speechless at the same time.

  Speaking of which, the Heavenly Venerate of the Eternal Immortal Realm is a terrifying supreme powerhouse that is even better than the Sacred Dao Venerable of the Azure Heavenly Immortal Realm, but how do you feel that it seems to be the same now!

   If you don’t move it, the Heavenly Venerate does not say it,

   And, it's not just one. but two! Even three!

   But when you think about it, it’s not.

   First of all, they are here in the Celestial Realm, which is separated from the Eternal Immortal Realm by an entire Chaos World Immortal Realm barrier. If it is not strong enough, how can it be spread from the Eternal Immortal Realm to their Azure Heaven Immortal Realm? !

one more,

   In fact, he is about to reach the highest level of the Celestial Realm. Like the Queen of Dongchi, the Space God Realm behind Ji Fengyuan, which is not the giant and overlord of their other immortal realms? !

   Being able to be so cared by them,

   is bound to be impossible to be simple,

   And if you think about it like this,

   I am afraid that only the Heavenly Venerate Dao Lineage of the Eternal Immortal Realm has such qualifications.

  Conversely, the same is true. If it is said, are the first-class forces in the Jiandi Palace, the Four Buddha Temples, and even the Demon Buddha Kingdom qualified to go to the Eternal Immortal Realm? I'm afraid it's not possible at all!

If you want to make some waves in the immortal world of the eternal immortal world, which is more powerful than their blue sky immortal world, and even be remembered by some top forces, even if you are afraid, I am afraid that most of them will have to enter chaos like the reincarnation saint and sky blue. The first-class ancient gods, or even the first-class inheritance of the sacred Taoist lineage, can only have such qualifications, right? !

   So if you think about it like this,

   Right now, it is not surprising that this is the situation of the Heavenly Venerate Dao Lineage. Even of course.

   (end of this chapter)

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