Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4329: Chaos Ruins Opportunity!

   Chapter 4329 Chance of Chaos Ruins!

   "Yes, that's right!"

   Ji Fengyuan nodded,

   said slowly with his eyes flickering.

   "The 101 Dragon Mountains of the Supreme Dao Palace were also banished to the chaotic world along with the ancient temple in the forbidden area of ​​the Supreme Dao Palace that was torn apart. It became a chaotic relic in the chaotic world!"

"Generally speaking, once anything enters the chaotic world, it can basically stop thinking about it, because with our current strength, it is impossible to enter the chaotic world, and the rules of the will of heaven are not Might allow us to do this!"

"However, just a while ago, we captured the chaotic remains of the Supreme Dao Palace, and it seems to have drifted again to the area near our Azure Heaven and the Eternal Immortal! That is to say, if the timing is right, we may be able to Enter the chaotic ruins of the Supreme Dao Palace, and explore the treasures and secrets of that huge monster!"

   "And that's why I came to you!"

"Although many treasures and backgrounds of the Supreme Dao Palace have been eaten up by the major forces, under the circumstances at that time, it is inevitable that there will be omissions. If we are lucky, it would be good if we found something. It's absolutely worthless!"

"And the most important thing is that although the war at that time did not leave the slightest chance for the Supreme Dao Palace, it was, after all, the Supreme Dao Palace at its peak! The strength of the Supreme Dao Palace at that time was extremely powerful. Even if the major forces chose to join forces, it is hard to say whether they can be destroyed..."

"In other words, at that time, there were definitely many top powerhouses buried here, and even among them, there were absolutely no shortage of ancient gods and even Taoist powerhouses, so, so, so many top powerhouses Where the fighters died, the treasures, inheritances, and even many secret treasures, ancestor artifacts, etc. they left behind are absolutely top-notch super treasures!"

   "And the most important thing is... the ultimate action of the Supreme Dao Palace, the one hundred and one Longshan among the ancient temples in the restricted area, aren't you interested?!"

   Hearing this, Ji Fengyuan didn't even finish his voice,

   Chen Fei spoke directly without hesitation. Said with excitement.

   "Nonsense, of course I'm interested!"

   "When are you going? When can you go in?!"

   Ji Fengyuan laughed directly, then raised **** and said with a smile. "If it is fast, within 20 million years, if it is slow... it should not exceed 30 million years at most! That is to say, within 20 million years, you must reach the Space God Realm!"


   Chen Fei nodded without hesitation,

   His eyes were full of brilliance, and he said.

   "I know Master, within 20 million years, I will definitely reach the Space God Realm!"

"Then I won't waste your time. It just so happens that I need to go back and make some final preparations! By the way..." Ji Fengyuan slowly got up, then picked up the wine glass again, and moved towards Chen Fei and gently poked into the air. for a moment,

   Then he slowly opened his mouth and said.

"This time, it is not only our Space God Realm who received the news, the giants in the Demon Realm, the Biluotian in the Biluo Immortal Realm, the Life Dao Institute in Suzhou, etc., they should have also received news, and , According to the speculations of the old guys above, the location of the Chaos Ruins of the Supreme Dao Palace this time seems to allow people from the Eternal Immortal Domain to enter!"

   "That is to say, in this trip to the chaotic ruins, our enemies are not only the people on our side, but also the people from the Eternal Immortal Realm! They are our real biggest enemies!"

"In addition, according to speculation, the ruins of the Supreme Dao Palace today should only be able to accommodate powerhouses below a deeper level. Our Azure Heaven Immortal Realm, the Eternal Immortal Realm, and the triple counterpressure of the laws of the Chaos World have caused great disasters!"

"So, in this trip to the chaotic ruins, there should be no ancient gods beyond the level of the ancestors to break in... But this does not mean that among these people, no one has the strength of that level! In fact, some talents A guy with extraordinary talents, potential talents and extremely evil spirits, can really have the combat power of ancient gods at the level of immortal ancestors, and even the level of Daoist!"

   Speaking of this, Ji Fengyuan couldn't help but glanced at Fade Chen,

   Then he spoke again.

   said slowly.

   "I know that you should plan to retreat and break through next. Hurry up and do your best. Take advantage of this time and try your best to become stronger.

   "After all, the next trip to the Chaos Ruins is really a tough battle for us now!"

"I see…"

   Chen Fei also nodded,

   said with a solemn face.

   "During this time, I will do my best to break through and become stronger!"

   "Well, then I'll go first..."

   Ji Fengyuan smiled,


   Then he turned around and flashed, and was swallowed by a distorted space ripple. And only then did he completely reveal his true cultivation realm!

   That is the pinnacle of Immortal Ancestor's Fifth Heavenly Layer!

   Today's Ji Fengyuan is also under the cultivation of the Space God Realm, and has successfully broken through to the peak of the Immortal Ancestor's Fifth Heavenly Layer! This speed is even faster than that demon Buddha Xiao Mingwang, and it is close to two small realms!

   One can imagine the name of Ji Fengyuan's evildoer,

   is also truly worthy of the name!

   He is really strong, and a genius!

   "The Immortal Ancestor's fifth-level peak... I don't know what cultivation realm I can break through this time? Although it's useless, but the so-called Chaos Zhiyuan is really a good thing!"

   Chen Fei muttered with a smile.

   His 'core main force' for this retreat breakthrough,

   There is no doubt that it is the so-called Chaos Physician that was obtained in the Reincarnation War.

  Speaking of which, this so-called Chaos Zhiyuan is really the first time he has obtained it, and it is also the first time he has used it... So what is the effect of it, he doesn't know yet!

   But now that he has really come into contact with the so-called Chaos Zhiyuan, he already has a hunch, or a judgment. This thing is definitely a rare treasure!

   will definitely make him a good "breakthrough" this time!

   After this retreat breakthrough, his cultivation realm is very likely to be a huge surge!

   "Forget it, I don't want to, let's hurry up and make a breakthrough!"

   Chen Fei then shook his head again, then raised his head and said directly to somewhere in the void. "Senior Bo Xun, I need a place to retreat and break through!"

   Somewhere in the void, there was no response, and there seemed to be no feedback at all, but, just a moment later, in the void above Chen Fei's head, a strong wave of space power suddenly erupted.


And then,

  A huge and mysterious teleportation formation appeared directly out of thin air.

   "Thank you, senior!" Fade Chen smiled, then bowed slightly to somewhere in the void, and then, with a flash, he swept into the mysterious teleportation formation.


  The light flickered, and the power of space ran wild. In the blink of an eye, everything disappeared. Of course, along with it, there was also Fade Chen who was full of retreats and breakthroughs...



   After the teleportation formation completely disappeared, two figures slowly appeared in the void.

   One is the Demon King Bo Xun, and the other is the disciple who sat down with the Demon King Bo Xun that day. He is also one of the six ancient courts of reincarnation.

   "Master, do we really want him to go to the chaotic ruins of the Supreme Dao Palace?"

   "At that time, once the border of the ruins reaches the land, I don't know how many people will be attracted to die... Although he is indeed a genius, considering his current cultivation realm, it is really too low!"

   "Let him participate in this level of battlefield too early, Master, this is very likely to harm him!"

   Demon Heart Ancient God said worriedly.

  Obviously, they already knew all that before.

   However, after hearing the words and seeing this, the Demon King Bo Xun just glanced at him lightly that day, and didn't pay any attention to him at all. Simply silent.


   Demon Heart Ancient God shouted again,

   But he was directly interrupted by the Demon King Bosun that day.

   Looking at the void where the teleportation array disappeared, Heavenly Demon King Bo Xun's eyes were surrounded by terrifying demonic energy, a cold light emerged, and he said lightly. "Mo Xin, you have to remember that he is different from you and me! So, from now on, you don't need to talk about the unnecessary nonsense. We just need to watch his growth carefully, and that's it. Do you understand?!"

   As soon as these words come out,

   That Demon Heart Ancient God was stunned for a long time, but he finally gave a wry smile, then nodded and said.

   "I see, Master!"


   And at the same time,

   Chen Fei has also entered the place of cultivation and began to retreat and practice.

   (end of this chapter)

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