Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4351: The strength gap visible to the naked eye, the unwilling Jiang Wan

   Chapter 4351 The strength gap visible to the naked eye, the unwilling Jiang Wanchu!


   In that instant, Fade Chen's body was like a super-light torrent breaking through the void. Before everyone could even react, he had already rushed to Jiang Wanchu's body.

   glanced down,

   That vast coercion immediately devastated the sky and the earth,

   "You..." And seeing this scene, Jiang Wanchu's pupils shrank instantly, and the depths of his eyes were full of incredible horror and horror!

Obviously, he didn't expect that Chen Fei's strength would be so powerful. At the touch of a touch, he was almost completely devastated by the innate law, completely disintegrating, and in the next time, unexpectedly He didn't even have time to react, and he had already killed his approach.

   What is this concept? He was clear in his mind. This can only show Chen Fei's strength,

   Absolutely! Definitely better than him! And more importantly, now that Chen Fei killed him all at once, doesn't this mean that he will be completely dangerous next? !


"Boom rumble rumble..." And at the next moment, the world in the void trembled and swayed violently. Then, Fade Chen raised his fist lightly, looking down and staring straight at him. he,

And then,

   slammed a punch,

   At that moment, the entire sky seemed to be swinging, as if it was about to be overturned. The void in all directions exploded directly, and what was even more terrifying was that this force even directly penetrated the surrounding space barrier sky, causing it to distort in an instant, and the violent and terrifying shock waves scattered.

  In an instant, it seemed that even the heavens and the earth began to collapse.

  The terrifying cloud of smoke shot straight into the sky, piercing the nine heavens and ten places! The coercion is unparalleled, and the power is full of power.

The layers of   , the terrifying scenes appeared in front of people's eyes, which was extremely terrifying, it was simply appalling. It also made many people feel their scalp tingling. Difficult to calm down.


   "Pfft..." At the same time, there was a scream that stunned him. If you look closely, who is Jiang Wanchu from which Jiang family? !

At this time, he was directly smashed into the shattered void by Chen Fei's punch. In an instant, a large amount of brilliant blood gushed out from his body like a spring, which was extremely dazzling and made people feel shocking,

What is even more terrifying is that the terrifying innate law behind Jiang Wanchu, Panlong, was also beaten to pieces at this time, scattered in the void where explosions and roars continued to sound, awe-inspiring, and the coercion was extremely terrifying. Such a scene, Simply suffocating!

   "Okay, so strong..."

   At this moment, people are directly sluggish,

   They were dead silent in the audience, their faces were shocked, and their eyes were still full of incredible and frightening colors... Because, they really didn't expect that Chen Fei's strength was still higher than Jiang Wanchu!

   To know who this Jiang Wanchu is? That is the unicorn son of the Jiang family in the dignified Tianque Xianyu, the ancestor of the Jiang family, the direct disciple of the dignified Taoist existence, and he is also a genuine seven gods forbidden evildoer! That is to say, as long as his cultivation realm has reached the fourth level of the Immortal Ancestor, his true combat power can already match that of the Immortal Ancestor Ninth Level.

   And his current real cultivation realm,

   There is only the Fourth Heaven of Immortal Ancestor,

   But he has already reached the Seventh Heaven of Immortal Ancestor!

A Seven Gods Forbidden Demon of the Immortal Ancestor Seventh Heavenly Cultivation Realm, its real combat power can not be said to be comparable to the ancient gods, but it is definitely more powerful than the ordinary Immortal Ancestor Nine Heavens extreme powerhouse, but now what? ?

   Even so, he is still no match for Chen Fei!

   Moreover, the strength gap between the two is even a little obvious to obvious. One can imagine how strong Chen Fei's real strength is now!

   It is no exaggeration to say,

   If it weren't for the relationship between Jiang Wanchu and the ancient gods,

   is still missing the words of the Seven Gods Banning Demons of the Eighth Heavenly Cultivation Realm... They should even doubt whether Chen Fei and Chen Void already possess the combat power of the ancient gods.

   In short, the strength shown by Chen Fei at this time,

   It was really obvious that they were a little surprised.

   After all, if he really had a formidable strength that clearly surpassed that of Jiang Wanchu, he would be regarded as an extremely top hero even in the chaotic ruins where the powerhouses are like rain and there are countless evil spirits. There are not many people who are stronger than him, although it is not impossible, but there are definitely not many!

   But it was them who were shocked at this time,

   But it was Jiang Wanchu who felt extremely unwilling and aggrieved!

  Looking at Zhongzhou, although their Tianque Xianyu Jiang family is not a behemoth at the top level, they still have a powerful Taoist lineage of 'one door and two Taoists'!

   This is a two-way venerable. In their Tianque Xianyu, no matter who they are, once they mention the name of their Jiang family, they will be like thunder, and even they will not help but admire and fear them.

   Because of this,

   comes from the Jiang family, and he is even the strongest descendant of the contemporary Jiang family, Jiang Wanchu!

   He has always been so arrogant, his ambition is higher than the sky, and he has a status and status, all of which are supreme and domineering. Under such circumstances, how could he easily accept this almost devastating defeat? !

   For him,

   is a huge blow that is unacceptable!

   And even if he missed a move in chess and suffered the bitter fruit of defeat first, he still didn't believe it at this time. How could Chen Fei's strength be comparable to his Jiang family's dragon power? That's simply not possible!

   Dragon power,

It originates from the highest ancient **** among the ancestral dragon clan, Panlong. There is an ancient saying, there is a different dragon in ancient times, and its name is Pan. Its power is so great that it can destroy the sky and destroy the earth, enough to shake the sun, moon, stars and the world. Qiankun, the gods and demons of the nine heavens have been offered. The strength of its physical body, nothing can break, can block everything in the world, unmatched!

   In other words, even if there is an element of self-gilding, the so-called ancient **** Panlong should at least be at a level that is very close to the Zulong family, and most of them are even the direct descendants of the Zulong family. And under this circumstance, he is completely confident that his own power, that Panlong divine power, is absolutely impossible to be weaker than Fade Chen!

   "Chen Void, come again!"

   "This time I must beat you!"

  So, in the next moment, Jiang Wanchu spoke again, and instead of his previous decadence, he became full of domineering, like swallowing mountains and rivers, roaring out the strongest voice of the ancient **** Panlong!


   As soon as the voice fell,

Jiang Wanchu's body actually changed thousands of times directly, forming a terrifying and powerful dragon tail. Immediately, he saw the terrifying dragon tail swing, and then heard a loud 'bang', and all kinds of divine power surged. Going out, sealing all domains, suppressing all worlds, this force suddenly formed a trend that swept the heavens! It's really powerful!

   (end of this chapter)

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