Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4357: A loose state, Chen Fei's thoughts, the storm is about to come

   Chapter 4357 The loose realm, Chen Fei's thoughts, the storm is coming, the war is approaching!

This cloak, and the strong and powerful armor, cover it layer by layer, only the head is exposed, but the skin is abnormally dark, like black fairy gold iron, flowing with a faint light. Divine verve, and unusually powerful!

   As for who is he?

   Obviously, he is the 'big killing star' sent by the ancient court of reincarnation to guard Chen Fei.

   Lee Hei!

   But the expression on his face at this time was not so good-looking... he even revealed a little bit of surprise.

   At this moment, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at the other person carefully, and it was not until after a long time that he suddenly seemed to have thought of something, his pupils shrank, and then he raised his head to look at the other side, said.

   "I don't know where your Excellency is. In this land of Zhongzhou, I have met many people, but it seems that I have never seen you before."

   When the latter heard the words, he just looked at him with a faint smile, with almost no expression on his face, let alone an answer.

   And seeing this scene, Li Hei frowned slightly and continued to ask.

   "Are you from the Wanxian Sect?"

   Hearing this, the young man in the pale white robe finally froze for a moment, then smiled and glanced at Li Hei again, then turned and left without saying a word.

   Upon seeing this scene, Li Hei hesitated for a while, but in the end he didn't stop him. He just put one hand behind him, those deep eyes flickered slightly, so that he didn't know what he was thinking.

   But then,

   But someone approached and asked softly.

   "Brother Li Hei, do we have to rush over about Chen Fei?"

   As soon as these words came out, Li Hei glanced at him, then shook his head directly and said. "Why go? Can't he himself?"


"It's nothing to worry about, we're just here to protect him, not to be a dog. We can't even handle this little scene, so what are we doing to protect him? Compared with those trash, the guy just now is the real one. Dangerous character!"

   "I didn't expect the Ten Thousand Immortals Sect to release him, it's really strange!"

   "Ah, Senior Brother Li Hei, who is he?!"

"You don't need to know, it's alright, let's split up. If you want to help him, go by yourself, I have something else to do, go first!" The voice fell, and Li Hei disappeared directly in place, leaving behind The next crowd looked at each other, and no one spoke for a long time. Moreover, they are all helpless and dumbfounded.

  Although they all have the same thoughts as Li Hei more or less in their hearts. Letting so many of them go out forcibly to protect such a mere person is a bit of a fuss.

   But they are not Li Hei,

   Naturally, you can’t just do whatever you want.


   They can only look at Li Hei and do what they should do.

   "Let's go, go back and have a look, but don't let that kid die, otherwise we'll have bad luck..."

   "Hey, what a big deal..."

   "Alright, alright, after all, that kid is a forbidden god, so it's okay to be cautious. Let's go!"

"However, aren't you curious about who that person was just now? Even Senior Brother Li Hei couldn't take him down. Could it be that that guy also has the power of the Ancient God Realm? This kind of guy, he is not at home, he is in seclusion, and he runs out. What are you doing?!"

   "He must have the strength of the ancient **** realm, but it has nothing to do with us. Didn't you see that Senior Brother Li Hei went after him?! I have to say, indeed, that is a threat! What are the others!"


   And at the same time,

  In a certain cave in that small stronghold.

   Dim light, everything is silent.

   Chen Feipan sat on a dragon vein surrounded by immortal energy, his eyes closed, as if he was practicing routinely. Of course he knew that because of what he said earlier, how big is the turmoil outside now, it's almost breaking through the sky,

   But he didn't care.

   No matter how noisy he is, in his eyes, it is not as powerful as the little bit of strength that this routine retreat has improved. After all, no matter what, strength is fundamental. When you become stronger, you can be unscrupulous and fearless.


   Remembering the previous battle,

   Chen Fei couldn't help laughing.

   "Sure enough, fighting is the fastest way to become stronger!"

   "I just played with that guy casually. I didn't expect to break through again, breaking through to the sixth level of the Immortal Ancestor..."

   That's right, his current cultivation realm has indeed reached the threshold of the Sixth Heaven of the Immortal Ancestor, so he only needs a lead now, and it is almost a matter of course, and he will break through again.

   So, this is also the reason why he was so arrogant before and provoked everyone at once, because he needs opponents and leads to help him go further!


   "Sometimes people are arrogant, which is not necessarily a bad thing."

No matter who it is, they are all bullies and fears of evil. Jiang Wanchu wanted to use him as a stepping stone, but he stepped on his feet in turn. This suddenly made his fame, influence, and prestige soar. stand up.

   Although he doesn't take this very seriously,

   But in any case, this is not a bad thing, and in this way, he can also share some pressure for the Space God Realm and his master Ji Fengyuan.

   And more importantly, once he breaks through to the Sixth Heaven of the Immortal Ancestor, his true combat power can also begin to make the final step towards the realm of the ancient gods. This is also one of his most pressing things right now.

   The fairy world war is coming,

   He is also under a lot of pressure,

  So, he has to become stronger!

   And these things,

   From the moment he chose to fight,

   He had expected it.

   And he is even more aware that there are too many forces in the chaotic ruins now, so those so-called Shunan Xianzong, Wuji Zunjia, Dongfang Shenmen, etc., are just ordinary forces on the bright side.

   There are also many powerful people who are hiding in the dark.

   As for what he knew, the descendants of the Great Demon God, the Dao of Life Academy, etc., these people, these forces, have not yet appeared. Not to mention the descendants of the top forces of the Eternal Immortal Domain on the other side of the Chaos Ruins.

   those guys,

   is the real fuel-efficient lamp.

   That's the real tricky guy!

   Therefore, he must become stronger as soon as possible!

   Anyway, at the very least, we must touch the power of the ancient **** realm as soon as possible! And as for the big trouble, what will be the consequences? Fade Chen doesn't care at all. Now that he has already decided to do this, he naturally has his own confidence and trump card.

   Besides, isn't it here to quickly become stronger? Here, all fighting and fighting are right, the process is not important, the result is the most important!

   "I hope there will be a few interesting people, otherwise, if it's just some innocuous little people, it's really boring!" Chen Fei murmured, and a trace of war began to emerge from the depths of his eyes.

   And at the same time,

   Time also began to pass quickly,

   Gradually, the wind and rain gathered in this small stronghold, and before you knew it, many people, many strong people, and even many famous heirs of Tianjiao from the major forces appeared frequently.

   And so everyone knows,

  The storm is coming,

   That battle is imminent!

   (end of this chapter)

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