Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4366: Breakthrough, Immortal Ancestor Sixth Layer!

   Chapter 4366 Breakthrough, Immortal Ancestor Sixth Layer!

   No doubt,

   The death of Li Qingbai, the super evildoer of the Eastern God Sect, had a huge impact on the hearts of everyone present! After all, who would have thought that such a super genius whose real combat power is almost at the threshold of the door and reached the realm of the ancient gods, would be beheaded here today? !

  To be honest, no one could have imagined that such a reality was true,

   also really made them feel incredible, and unbelievable! Because of this, now, when they really saw it with their own eyes, after Li Qingbai died in such a tragic and tragic death at the hands of Chen Fei...

  The area in all directions, which was still somewhat sensational and noisy,

   is also at this moment, complete silence, dead silence! People stared at all this with a dull look on their faces, and their faces were already full of awe and fear!

  Li Qingbai…

  He, he actually, really died!

   "This is really going to be a big deal!"

   "He, he... that guy, is he already so powerful? But, but, what speed is this!? This is really, so unbelievable, so unbelievable!"

  After a dead silence, finally, someone couldn't help but say such words, and it was almost from his throat that such a sigh, sigh, and sigh,

   Obviously, Li Qingbai's death in battle, and Chen Fei's devastating victory,

   All of this really touched them deeply! However, what really made them feel unbelievable and astonished, no doubt... But it still belongs to Fade Chen's 'speed of becoming stronger'


   Up to now,

   I'm afraid no one will be stupid enough to doubt the gold content of Fade Chen's forbidden posture, right?

  Because of this, in fact, they will also be very clear in their hearts that the current Fade Chen is only in the realm of cultivation. If he waits until he really grows up, he will definitely throw them all away! It will definitely overtake them completely and crush them mercilessly! But here is the problem.

   It is clearly that 'should' is still growing, it is obviously 'should', and Fade Chen, whose cultivation realm is still a little far from them, why did he suddenly become so strong, and why did he grow so fast? !

   Such an incredible, monster-level strengthening speed,

   Such a completely unreasonable breakthrough speed...

  This is where they really frighten them now!

   After all, in the past, they could comfort themselves,

   Chen Fei, although he is a demon forbidden by the Eight Gods, although his potential talent is a demon, the future is vast and full of infinite possibilities, but! He is still in that 'growth stage' after all.

   Even a genius in a growing state is still just a genius. Can't be called strong.

   In other words,

   As long as Chen Fei has not been able to fulfill his potential talent, then they can rely on their own cultivation realm advantage to press Chen Fei's head and suppress him well. But what about now?

   Their silly, self-deceiving ideas,

   has been overwhelmed by Chen Fei's powerful strength,

The    place was completely smashed and destroyed!

   People who have such thoughts in their hearts,

   couldn't help looking at Fade Chen in the void with complex eyes, a chill gradually enveloped their bodies. It even caused great bitterness and bitter smiles to appear on their faces.

   "This guy has really risen up now!"

   That's right,

  Since Chen Fei can kill Li Qingbai now, for them, Chen Fei is already a rise, and he has really grown up!

   And after thinking of this, some of them even couldn't help but look strangely towards the void, towards the Holy Son of Shunan in another part of the battlefield,

   couldn't help muttering to himself, whispering in a weird tone.

   "Now, the Holy Son of Shunan and the others are in trouble..."


   In terms of strength, this Son of Shunan and Li Qingbai are definitely indistinguishable. But now even that Li Qingbai died in Fade Chen's hands, and it was obvious that there was a big gap, so how could he be better in the end of the Holy Son of Shunan?

   I'm afraid it's not much better, right?

   Coincidentally, they just thought so. In the void, Chen Fei's attention and eyes also seemed to fall on the face of Shunan Shengzi by coincidence.

   At this time, I saw Chen Fei, who was clearly still in the state of breaking the mirror and breaking through.

   actually slowly opened his eyes,

   Immediately everyone could not help but feel a little numb in their scalps,

  Because they had clearly felt it at this time, an extremely terrifying, extremely vast, and extremely unfathomable mighty aura suddenly appeared on Chen Fei's body!

   This force is really strong and strong! Even almost strong outrageous! Moreover, not only these people, but even Tianfeng Jianzi Ji Luoying, Shunan Shengzi and others, at this time, their faces changed dramatically, and their hearts trembled.

   "This guy he..."

   Tianfeng Swordsman Ji Luoying stared at Fade Chen,

   An incredible look filled the depths of his eyes!

   At this time, the Holy Son of Shunan was even more pale, biting his lips, and some of his body became cold, and some of his eyelids trembled. what is this? This is undoubtedly fear, and fear... He is a dignified immortal ancestor of the eighth-level heavenly forbidden seven gods, but now, just under the pressure of Chen Fei's momentum, he feels fear and fear!

what is this?

   This is incredible!

   "Rumble Rumble Rumble..."


   But at this time, under the gaze of countless pairs of trembling and horrified eyes, Chen Fei's body actually vibrated at this time! The next moment, circles and lines, mysterious halo scattered out of it, and then, a chaotic terrifying beam of light shot from outside the domain, suddenly plunged into the sky, and straightened Chen Fei's body. shrouded,


   And when they saw this scene, people even gasped, their faces horrified, what is this? Chen Fei, Chen Void, he actually brought the power of chaos outside the world of chaos? !

how can that be! ?

However, at this time, the changes in Chen Fei's body had already appeared completely. Under the shroud of the beam of chaotic power in the extremely terrifying extraterritorial chaotic world, Chen Fei's body began to erupt with dazzling rays of light. colorful gods,

   Infinite power of law appears,

   In the end, he was completely integrated into the chaotic divinity in Chen Fei's body,


The world trembled, and people were horrified. They stared at the void with trembling eyes, and saw there, the chaotic power of the endless extraterritorial chaotic world, like a steady stream of springs, constantly falling and merging into Chen Fei's body, In the end, the chaotic divinity in Chen Fei's body actually drifted out, floating above his head,

   makes his whole person exude a mysterious and unspeakable aura.

   "Chaos, Chaos Divinity?!"

   (end of this chapter)

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