Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4373: Storm upgrade! New threat!

   Chapter 4373 Storm upgrade! New threat!

   It has to be said that the strength of the two of them... or the combat power, is really almost equal, and the difference in combat power between the two can almost be ignored.

   In this situation, it also directly led to it. If they continue to fight like this, unless they are fighting for their lives at all costs... Otherwise, I am afraid that there is no way to tell the winner.

   And seeing this scene,

   It seems that someone is finally there...I'm getting impatient waiting!


  Suddenly, just when the Sacred Son and Fade Chen were fighting again, in the void, a shocking supreme strike suddenly erupted. A beam of halo containing the power of multiple laws suddenly pierced through the void, and then passed through the battle area between Chen Fei and the Son of God.

  In an instant,

   Those two,

   That Chen Fei and Zhan Shengzi both narrowed their eyes slightly,

   Then he immediately stepped back in unison,

   As if it was a glimpse of the aurora, they pushed each other far away.

And then.

Rumbling, rumble, rumble... A loud noise appeared, and the terrifying beam of multiple laws of power halo directly bombarded and penetrated the chaotic chaotic space that was almost broken, and then, an extremely strong beam The big explosion appeared, the heaven and the earth trembled, the rocks pierced through the air, and everyone was shocked, their scalps numb, and the cold sweat poured out.


   Such an attack is undoubtedly extremely powerful,

   Even top-level monsters like Chen Fei and Zhan Shengzi, top-level powerhouses, have to choose to avoid them.

   Then, people's gazes were also directed towards the void, where the cold eyes of Ni Jinyun, the super enchanting Biluotian, the son of God, were looking down coldly, overlooking them.

   "Have you fought enough? Stop it when you have had enough. If you keep fighting like this, you won't be able to tell the result after hundreds of millions of years of fighting. Enough is enough, we have no patience to wait for you any longer..."

   Then, Ni Jinyun's voice appeared, echoing in the void, and immediately made the face of the Sacred Son of God, suddenly become a little gloomy, blue and purple.

   seems a little humiliated.

Originally, he never thought that he would not be able to win Fade Chen with his strength. Before that, he even thought that as long as he made the shot himself, then I am afraid that it would only take a few hundred strokes, a few thousand strokes at most. effort,

   can completely defeat Chen Fei,

   thus suppressing all this situation today,

   But he never imagined it! Did he actually look away? ! Not only is Chen Fei's strength not as weak as he imagined, but he is even able to compete with him to such an indistinguishable level?

   All kinds of thoughts flooded into my heart,

  Sacred Son Zhan couldn't help glancing at Fade Chen viciously, and even wriggled his mouth a few times, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end, he still had nothing to follow.

  The matter has come to this point, his attitude and thoughts towards Fade Chen have obviously changed a lot. And even, in his extremely powerful heart, at this time, maybe there is a little bit of regret, a little regret?

   He remembered that Fade Chen was a demon forbidden by the Eight Gods,

   I remembered Chen Fei earlier, his chaotic divinity that shocked the audience...

   Such a person, once his strength catches up with him, will he be thrown away again? What's more, if one day, Chen Fei's strength surpasses him, can he continue to catch up with him? !

  These things, he didn't want to say, and he didn't even dare to think about it! But no matter what, it is undeniable that Chen Fei now seems to have really calmed him down...

At the same time, Ni Jinyun in the void first glanced at the silent beheading son in surprise, then shook his head and smiled, then turned to look at Chen Fei, and was silent for a moment, then said softly.

   "You should know why I'm here today, right?"

   Chen Fei raised his head and glanced at the other party, his face was calm, and he said lightly. "Then you should also know what I said some time ago?"

   As soon as these words came out, the audience was dead silent. Many people had strange expressions on their faces, and their heartbeats accelerated. Although Chen Fei's strength has been recognized and even shocked by them now, they still can't believe it.

   Chen Fei dared to face Ni Jinyun with this attitude.

It is true that in terms of strength and combat power, then Ni Jinyun is probably not much different from the Sacred Son of Heaven. In other words, it is not much different from Chen Fei, who can be tied with the well-known, but the problem is today. This situation really can't be calculated like this.

   Chen Fei,

   and behind him,

   How many people are there?

   Looking around, he is the only one!

   But what about Ni Jinyun?

  Ni Jinyun, the son of Biluotian, the saint Gu Meisu, and even Biluotian's strongest inheritance, Biluo's blood! No matter how powerful he is alone, what can he do? Could it be that he can still resist the unparalleled power of the other three people alone? !

   This is simply impossible!

   "I know, but so what?"

   Ni Jinyun spoke again, looked at Fade Chen, and said lightly. "To be honest, I even have some admiration for you, Wang Xuanzhi back then, you today...Chen Xukong, both of you have shown me the splendor of the Eight Gods Banning Demons, but that's all!"

"Chen Fei, you are indeed very powerful and enchanting. Maybe even if I did it myself, the result would be similar to the previous beheading of the Holy Son. I should not be able to take it on my own, but look beside me. , behind me... I, is there only one person?!"

"I alone can fight as well as you. If Gu Meisu and I fight together, you can only be beaten passively, or even join in if you behead the Son of God? Could it be that you think you alone can do it? Resist the three of us joining forces? Not to mention, my Biluotian’s most powerful heritage, Biluo’s blood, is here too!”

"People say you are the eight gods forbidden, I admit it, but do you think that I am Biluotian's Biluo Shenxue, isn't he? I'm not afraid to tell you, if he really does it himself, even if it is you, there will definitely only be a dead end. One!"

   As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes trembled.

   He stared at Ni Jinyun in the void, his eyes trembling, and he was speechless.

   Because they all understood that what Ni Jinyun said was right.

   No matter how powerful and evil you are, Chen Fei, what can you do?

   Under the pressure of the general trend, the three top demons, even the Biluo Divine Blood, are here in person, how much can you resist? No matter how powerful you are, there is only one way to go. And this is reality!

   And at the same time,

   Hearing the words and seeing the situation,

   Although Chen Fei is still so expressionless, the clouds are light and the wind is light,

   But what I have to admit is that he actually understands and admits that the other party's words are right! With his current strength, if he wants to hold three or even four of the opponent, it's probably not possible!

   But is he going to give up?


   Of course it is impossible to give up!

   (end of this chapter)

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