Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4378: The power battle of the ancient gods, the primordial magic thunder of chaos!

   Chapter 4378 The power battle of the ancient gods, the primitive magic thunder of chaos!

   The character that Yue Lianxin has shown so far,

   is more like water-like frivolity, softness, gentleness, indifference, equivalent to the strong attitude of a witch crying faintly, her performance is undoubtedly gentler and quieter,

   But having said that, it doesn't mean that her Yue pity heart is really so soft,

   On the contrary, in fact, once she wants to get serious, her domineering arrogance, even in the face of a peerless genius like Witch Weeping Youyou, will still suppress her!

  Her silence is just as vast and deep as water,

   But when she wants to make a real move, it will be earth-shattering and earth-shattering.

"Oh?" The witch Weeping Youyou heard and saw this, and immediately in her eyes, an extremely sharp demonic edge broke out, that coercion, accompanied by the last sound of Weeping Youyou appeared appears when


   I saw the hand of the witch weeping faintly,

Suddenly, black thunderbolts as thin as hair appeared suddenly. However, although those black thunderbolts were small, they were actually filled with thick, extremely suffocating and frightening sounds. Extreme coercion!

   And seeing this scene, many people's faces changed. Because they all realized that the black thunder in Xiyouyou's hands was terrifying at this time... Perhaps, it was even a deadly threat enough to kill them!

   Strong beyond imagination!

"Black magic thunder? As expected of the power of the ancient gods, it is indeed terrifying, and there are... those traces of space squeezing and zooming in and out, what are they? It means that the true power of those black magic thunders is enough to completely Is it above the dimensional space of this world?" After seeing this, Fade Chen couldn't help but muttered, with a trace of solemnity deep in his eyes!

At this moment, he can actually clearly feel that every black magic thunder as thin as a hair in the hand of Weeping Youyou is actually an illusion. Those black magic thunders seem to be under some extremely powerful force. under compression,

   is compressed to such a size that it appears a little small,

   But if you want to make them underestimate...

   That would be too naive!

Although he is still a little unsure about how powerful and terrifying the black magic thunder in Xiyouyou's hands really is, it is directly and constantly warning him that this power, the current him, I'm afraid I can't take it at all!


   Such power might be able to kill him!

   "The power of the realm of the ancient gods..."

   Chen Fei couldn't help muttering, with some emotion, he thought that after becoming the Sixth Heaven of the Immortal Ancestor, maybe he was already very close to the level of supremacy and beyond the limit.

   But now he realizes that, it seems, he is still a little too confident, or too naive. The difference in strength between the Immortal Ancestor Realm and the Ancient God Realm is indeed really huge, really exaggerated!

  If he wants to catch up again,

   I am afraid we have to continue to make breakthroughs!


   is not enough!

   "Yue Lianxin, do you still remember this Great Thousand Demon God, Primal Chaos Demon Thunder?"

   "You were just defeated by it!"

   At this moment, the witch wept faintly and spoke again, and said coldly. As soon as these words came out, many people's expressions changed drastically and they blurted out. "What, this is actually the Great Thousand Demon God, Primal Chaos Demon Thunder?!"

"What is this?!"

   And seeing this scene, Chen Fei was also interested, and couldn't help asking Ji Luoying, the sword of Tianfeng not far away.

   The latter was stunned, turned his head and glanced at Fade Chen, then shook his head and smiled bitterly.

   "This is the ultimate knowledge of the Great Demon God!"

"The Great Thousand Demon God, also known as the Chaos Demon God, is the general term for those strange demons in the chaotic world. It is said that many years ago, the Great Demon God personally fought and killed a Thunder Demon that originated from the chaotic world outside the territory, and obtained its inheritance. Later, , After countless years of deduction and perfection by the Great Demon God, it has formed today's magical power of thunder and lightning - the primordial magic thunder of chaos!"

"It is said that if the Great Demon God personally took action and displayed this Great Thousand Demon God Primal Chaos Thunder, theoretically even the powerful ancient gods who are also in the third realm will be blown up alive! know what the concept is."


   Hearing this, Fade Chen couldn't help but stare, and became a little silent. Can it blow up and kill the ancient gods of the ancient gods? This seems to be really awesome.

   "Weeping Youyou, you should understand that now I am different from what I used to be, and so are you! This Great Thousand Demon God, Primal Chaos Demon Thunder, is indeed very powerful, but it is not enough for me now!"

   And at the same time,

   That Yue Lianxin spoke again and said softly,

   As soon as these words came out, the beautiful eyes of the witch weeping faintly narrowed into a slit, and a cold light radiated in all directions. It is full of supreme magic power, and an extremely terrifying sense of oppression!

"In that case, let's try it out, whether you are being stubborn, or I am too naive, everything depends on the result! Yue Lianxin, let's do it, I was able to defeat you at the beginning, and now I am the same. can beat you..."

   "The Great Thousand Demon Gods, the Primordial Demon Thunder, the Way of Thunder, and the Destruction of Thunder..."

   "Kill me!"

   A roar suddenly sounded,

   That witch Weeping Youyou finally did it,

  In an instant,

   The countless black thunders as thin as hairs in the hands of Weeping Youyou,

All of them flew out like an aurora in an instant. At that moment, the world suddenly dimmed, and the terrifying coercion seemed to be bursting out of the universe, and it erupted violently. At that moment, countless In front of the people, it seems that there is a scene of Tianlei destroying the world and a vast sea of ​​thunder.

  Boom! Boom! Boom! thump…

   That terrifying magic thunder, covering the sky,

Even in an instant, it directly penetrated the barrier of the dimensional world barrier and restored its true body. Beyond nine days, the chaotic energy was surging, tearing apart the world, and penetrating down, the extremely terrifying magic thunder, linked with it, blazing rays of light. The jets spewed out, one after another, a breath that made one's bones shudder, even if they were separated by an endless distance, one could feel that kind of heavenly might!

"Oh my God!"

   "This is too exaggerated, isn't it?! The power of this thunder is also too terrifying, how could this happen, that witch weeping faintly, actually has such a powerful strength, this is too exaggerated?!"

   "As expected of the descendant of the Great Demon God, with such strength, I am afraid it has really reached the height of the realm of the ancient gods! Too strong!"

   "I even doubt that I can't even hold the edge power of those primitive magic thunders! It's incredible!"

   "After all, it's Weeping Youyou..."

   (end of this chapter)

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