Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4383: A long way to go for help!

   Chapter 4383 Daoyuan's request for help!

  Let's not talk about taking care of Chen Fei, it was the matter that King Zhuxian asked her, but said that Biluo Shenxue's tone and attitude are too strong now, which made her start to feel a little choked up.

   It is true that her temper is not as hot and upright as Xiyouyou's,

   But that doesn't mean she's really cowardly. On the contrary, how could a woman like her who has been suppressing the ruthless character of Weeping Youyou since her debut?

   To speak of temper,

   She has it too!

  Can't talk, can't talk?

   Then stop talking, just fight!

  Thinking of this, Princess Lianxin even faintly revealed an extremely dangerous heat within her body, and the flaming flames spurted out, making her body seem to be made of gold and iron, shining extremely.


  The world trembles! The momentum skyrocketed, and people couldn't help but change their faces dramatically.

   And seeing this scene,

  Rao is that witch weeping faintly... and she couldn't help but change her face! Because of her understanding of Yue Lianxin, he knew that Yue Lianxin seemed to be a little angry.

   Seeing this scene, Rao Shi Bi Luo Shen Xue was also silent, as for Gu Meisu, Ni Jinyun and others, their expressions changed greatly, and their expressions were full of fear!

   They are certainly not stupid,

  If it really angers Yue Lianxin, a woman from the Tianfeng family...

   The consequences are unimaginable!

   "Can you hear me finish?"

  Only the longevity beast, Daoyuan's face sank, and he said coldly. "If you want to continue fighting after I've finished speaking, then I'll leave right away, right?"

   As soon as these words came out, the Princess Lianxin Yue Lianxin was also silent. Although she was Tianfeng, the other party was also a longevity beast. Strictly speaking, they were all equal, and they were all Xeon and High Immortal beasts! There is no upper or lower. And the other party has said so, she naturally wants to give this face.

   "First, I ask you two, two questions..."

  Longevity Beast Dao glanced at Yue Lianxin and Biluo Shenxue from afar, and then asked that Biluo Shenxue first. "Bi Luo Shen Xue, your purpose is Longshan, the ancestral temple of the Supreme Dao Palace?"

   "That's right!"

   "Then what if I told you that Longshan, the ancestral temple of the Supreme Dao Palace, was already taken by our Life Dao Institute?"

   "As for the so-called key in your mouth, it's just a little trick to hide people's ears. I can give you as much as you want. But, do you really want it now?"

   "What?!" An unexpected tone came out, and Bi Luo Shenxue said in shock. "What do you mean, the ancestral temple Longshan is now, now... is already yours?"

   "Not now, but a long, long time ago."

   "In fact, this is the second time that the Chaos Ruins of the Supreme Dao Palace have returned from the Chaos World..."

   "Last time, it was our Life Dao Institute and the Longevity Orcs who took it down, and it's the same to this day, so I advise you to give up, because your thoughts are meaningless in themselves!"

   The voice fell, and the Biluo Divine Blood was completely silent. He didn't know the secret of this matter, so that he had been working hard for the secret of the ancestral temple Longshan! But now? Never thought this would happen...

  If the ancestral temple Longshan really belonged to the Taoist Institute of Life long ago, then all the efforts he has made now are really meaningless.

   But at this moment,

   That long-lived beast said suddenly. "However, if you are here for the blood of the hundred great arrogant gods in the ancestral temple Longshan... I can only tell you that there is still a chance, but the hope is very vague!"

   As soon as these words come out,

   Immediately, Bi Luo Shenxue was a little emotional and asked.


   "Could it be that you haven't taken away the divine blood of Tianjiao in the Dragon Mountain of the ancestral temple?"

"It's true that it hasn't been taken away yet... But to be more precise, even so far, we haven't even reached the place where the remaining hundred arrogant blood is hidden!" Changsheng Beast Daoyuan said slowly .

   hear this,

   That Biluo Divine Blood was silent again.

  I was silent for a long time.

   Seeing this, the long-lived beast Daoyuan no longer looked at Biluo Divine Blood, but looked towards Princess Lianxin and said softly. "You should have known about this a long time ago, right? Besides, with the pride of your Tianfeng clan, you shouldn't despise the few remaining divine blood of Tianjiao, right?"

   "Okay, don't provoke me, although I'm not arrogant to that day, but...if there is a chance, you have to figure it out, and I won't give up!" Princess Lianxin said lightly.

"Ha ha…"

   Longevity Beast Daoyuan smiled, but then shook his head again and said softly. "Yes, yes, but you shouldn't say this to me, you should be right..."

The voice of    fell, and Princess Lianxin interrupted it directly and said lightly.

   "But should I say it to the longevity orcs on the opposite side?"

   Longevity Beast Daoyuan was slightly startled, then smiled and shook his head, said. "You already know it, but it's not surprising. It's not a secret to you Tianfeng. But... this time, it's bigger than you think. Said, the reason why I came back to find you is actually to come to you for help."

   "Ask for help!?"

   As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar, and everyone was taken aback.

   What kind of person is this long-lived beast?

   That is the descendant of Dangtang Shengsheng Daoyuan, and it is the dignified Xeon Supreme Immortal Beast that has successfully returned to the ancestors - the Longevity Beast! Existing in this way, isn't it the supreme powerhouse standing high above the clouds wherever it goes? !

   is also because of this, the deep meaning behind his words asking for help is really scary. Even the dignified life Taoyuan, the super genius of the dignified longevity orcs, all need strong enemies who ask for help, how terrifying it must be. Just thinking about it can make your scalp tingle.

   "What the **** is going on? Aren't you in a civil war with those longevity orcs on the opposite side?"

   Princess Lianxin frowned slightly.

   "It used to be, but not anymore..."

   Longevity Beast Daoyuan shook his head, his eyes twinkling. "Some time ago, I don't know who, actually opened the ancestral temple that has never been opened in the Supreme Dao Palace, so that now the restricted area is completely different, it has changed a lot, and more importantly, …”

   "In order to obtain the treasures and secrets in the ancestral temple, the guys on the opposite side actually broke the rules and joined forces with the great powers of the Eternal Immortal Realm!"

"Now, they have also entered the ancestral temple in advance. Originally, I wanted to chase in, but after thinking about it, I decided to come to you first, and then go together, otherwise, it's up to me. With the strength of our Life Dao Institute alone, with few enemies, I am afraid that it is not their opponent at all!"

"Besides, didn't you still want to fight before? There are many guys in Eternal Immortal Realm who let you fight! I'm afraid that when you are not as skilled as others, you will be defeated or even killed by them. It's going to be ridiculous! Humph!"

   At the end, the longevity beast Daoyuan even snorted coldly,

   Obviously, he is still very unhappy with the previous attitude of Princess Lianxin and Bi Luo Shenxue! But this time, neither the Biluo Divine Blood nor the Princess Feng Lianxin that day refuted him... but silently pondered.

   (end of this chapter)

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