Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4386: Goodbye Tianfeng Jianzi!

   Chapter 4386 Goodbye Tianfeng Swordsman!

   When Chen Fei came to the entrance to Longshan, the ancestral temple of the Supreme Taoist Palace, he was a little surprised by the scene in front of him, because here, he appeared in a small gathering place temporarily.

Moreover, although this temporary small gathering place seems to be small in scale, it is estimated that the vertical, horizontal and square circles are only a million at most, but the atmosphere here is obviously different. Here, everyone, every strong person , On the face of every creature, there are all kinds of eagerness, desire, hope, as well as strong pressure, and chill!

   They all have a strong **** smell, extremely strong,

   You can tell at a glance that you have just experienced a lot of battles!

   In addition, the most eye-catching thing is that in the void in front of the gathering place, a huge space passage is also standing there quietly at this time. It exudes a vigorous dim light, stands above the cloudy sky, and the void swirls around, exuding an extremely astonishing sense of suffocation. At a glance, the space passage is like a huge monster vortex buried in the abyss.

While    has a suffocating huge pressure, it also has this incomparably huge attraction. It is fascinating, and I really want to enter it and explore the mystery.

   And when Chen Fei appeared here,

   also immediately aroused the attention of many people, even a sensation.

   "It's him... He's here too, the fierce man in the rumor, Fade Chen and Chen Void..." After seeing Fade Chen's arrival, many people's expressions changed. Among them, some of them may have seen Fade Chen in the previous battle, but there are many others who have not seen them yet.

   But even so, they have already learned a lot about Fade Chen through various channels, through various gossip and rumors. In particular, the title of Chen Fei and Chen Vongkong has long been heard among them. Almost become a presence that no one knows and no one knows about.

   However, Fade Chen didn't pay much attention to them, but took a step forward the next moment. With just one step, he appeared somewhere inside the gathering place like a teleportation.

   At the same time, a man appeared in front of him.

   Tianfeng Swordsman... Ji Luoying!

   "You are finally here..." The other party smiled and looked at Fade Chen, but it was obvious that he was weak and reluctant. But seeing this scene, Fade Chen couldn't help frowning slightly, and then asked softly.

"You are hurt?"

   With his current strength, it's hard to hide the opponent's situation from him. He could almost see at a glance that the Tianfeng swordsman Ji Luoying seemed to be injured, and he was not seriously injured.

   As one of the members who was able to take the initiative to fight to help him before,

   Chen Fei naturally felt that he should take the initiative to ask,

   Especially if the other party's injury was because of him, because of his previous incident... Then this matter, he felt that he should really take the initiative to take care of it.

   "Yeah, but it's not what you think..." Ji Luoying, the swordsman of that day, shook his head, smiled indifferently, and said. "It has nothing to do with them. The people who hurt me are the people on the opposite side."


   Chen Fei was startled first, then his eyes flashed, surprised. "You mean people from Eternal Immortal Realm?"


   Tianfeng Swordsman Ji Luoying nodded, and at the same time there was an extremely astonishing chill in his eyes, and then he shook his head again and said helplessly. "In today's ancestral temple Longshan, it is almost the home court of the people from the Eternal Immortal Realm. Almost 70% of the strong people are from the Eternal Immortal Realm. Although there are still many strong people on our side, But relatively speaking, it is indeed in a very weak position, and…”

   "And what?"

"And they seem to be determined to drive us away, or even kill us. Now, in the ancestral temple Longshan, as long as they meet people from the Eternal Immortal Realm, they will almost never die. Because they will definitely take the initiative and want to kill us here."

   Hearing this, Fade Chen couldn't help but be silent for a while, and then he couldn't help but ask.

   "Are they strong?"

   Tianfeng Swordsman Ji Luoying raised his head and glanced at Fade Chen, and then slowly spoke, said. "It's really amazing!"

   "In addition to their numerical advantage, they still have a great advantage over us in terms of their own strength and the limit of their cultivation realm."

   "The limit of cultivation realm?"

   Chen Fei froze for a moment, frowning slightly. "What do you mean by that?"

   "In our Celestial Realm, the strongest limit under the ancient gods and Taoists is called Xianzu, and in the eternal fairyland, the strongest realm under the Taoist monarch is called the emperor!"

"That is to say, in theory, the emperor of the Eternal Immortal Realm is equivalent to the Immortal Ancestor Realm here, but the Emperor of the Eternal Immortal Realm, the ceiling limit of its upper limit is higher than the Immortal Ancestor Realm here. , even higher!"

"As for why this is the case? It's actually very simple. Most of the time, the upper limit of the cultivation realm of a fairy world is determined by the strength of the fairy world itself. That is to say, if the fairy world itself is more powerful, then The limit of his cultivation realm will naturally be higher and stronger!"

   "Therefore, not only the emperors, but even the Daojuns, Daozu, and Tianzun in the Eternal Immortal Realm are more powerful than the ancient gods and Daozuns on our side."

   Hearing this, Fade Chen just fell silent again. Naturally, he understands this truth, because other people have said the same thing to him before. That is the reincarnation saint.

"However, things like the cultivation realm are not so scary to me. As long as the strength and fighting power are enough, no matter who he is, he can win! By the way..." Tianfeng Swordsman Ji Luoying slowly narrowed his eyes. , looked at Chen Fei and said softly.

   "Chen Fei, are you interested in working with me?"


   Chen Fei was stunned for a moment, then turned to Ji Luoying, the swordsman of the day, with a twinkle in his eyes. "Tell me, what's the matter?"

   "Do you know why I got hurt?"

   Tianfeng Swordsman Ji Luoying smiled, then without waiting for Chen Fei to answer, he continued to speak again and said softly. "That's because after I entered the ancestral temple, Longshan, and by chance, I got a piece of news about a relic of our Azure Heaven Immortal Realm Tianyuan Dao Zun."

   "The relics of Tianyuan Dao Zun powerful people?"

   Chen Fei was stunned,

   Then his eyes suddenly flickered and he looked at him quietly.

   (end of this chapter)

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