Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4394: Crush! admit defeat! A real formidable enemy!

   Chapter 4394 Crushing! admit defeat! A real formidable enemy!

With a low shout, his clothes and shining hair suddenly bulged, and at the same time, the vast coercion that destroyed the sky and the earth also came from the terrifying golden sun. emerge...

   Then, they quickly gathered in the palm of the thousand-fold gold.


  Suddenly, the power of the Great Dao seemed to be shaking,

   An extremely dangerous coercion spread violently in an instant, and I saw countless golden **** containing extremely dangerous auras appearing in the palm of the golden palm. The sphere seems to be extremely small, as if it is a speck of dust, but in fact, everyone understands that the power contained in it is absolutely terrifying, even enough to destroy countless dimensional worlds!

   And then,

That gold changed thousands of times, hum... The void trembled, his figure began to be illusory, directly appearing above the sky, and then, directly facing Chen Fei, pressed 'gently', and then , when he pressed down, his palm, the countless golden dust particles in the palm, immediately seemed like a boundless sky and sea torrent,

   instantly poured down violently.

   filled the endless void in a split second and became the only one in this world.

   "Heaven! God! It! Change... 108,000 universes, the sun is punished by God!"

   In the low voice of gold becoming a thousand layers, this extremely terrifying extreme innate vision attack has also attacked Chen Fei like a complete destruction. Horror to the extreme.

   And seeing this scene,

   Fade Chen couldn't help but narrow his eyes, as if he felt some pressure.

It has to be said that the opponent's means at this time are indeed powerful. The power alone makes him feel like the hairs on his body stand up... This also means that the opponent's attack, I'm afraid even he can't hard connect. Otherwise, it is very likely that there will be problems.

   But then Fade Chen's eyes flashed again,

   murmured directly. road.

   "But if that's the case, the winner is still me!"


The voice fell, and in the next moment, I saw Chen Fei's dark eyes that seemed to be paying attention, and there was a monstrous wave of reincarnation power, and as soon as this power appeared, it directly evolved into a difficult The gate of reincarnation that counted began to ascend towards the terrorist attack in the void,


   "The evolution of the six paths of reincarnation, the gate of reincarnation, now!"

Then, Fade Chen let out a low roar, and the countless powers of the gate of reincarnation merged together in an instant. Suddenly, the gate of reincarnation in the void became bigger and bigger, and what was even more terrifying was that the gate of reincarnation Behind the void, there is even a congenital vision of the six realms of reincarnation.

   An ancient, deep, long-term horror atmosphere spread out, and many people's faces changed.

   Even that gold becomes thousands of weights is no exception.

   But then,

   Then I saw the golden transformation of thousands of layers of vastness, the terrifying attack of the gods…

   has already bombarded the huge gate of reincarnation! Suddenly, a scene like destroying the sky and destroying the earth appeared. One after another huge and terrifying explosions appeared directly on the huge gate of reincarnation. The smoke cloud formed by the explosion, as well as the shock wave and the force of destruction, all appeared. swelled sharply in a very short period of time,

   rumble rumble rumble…

   Then, an even more terrifying big explosion appeared. The void, between the sky and the earth, everything and everything was trembling wildly, and countless space cracks appeared in the field of vision.

   And it’s still adding more,

   even spread to the end of the line of sight.

   But even so, such a terrifying power that annihilated the world, still failed to shake the defense of the huge gate of reincarnation. It seems that it is still up to you to beat the wind and the rain, and I will stand still, like a mountain.

   No one thought that,

   That powerful attack that turns gold into a thousand layers is so terrifying,

   was actually defended so easily and simply...




Almost for an instant, between the world, it seems that the immobilization method and the mute technique have been used in actual combat, not to mention the members of the Golden Transformation God Clan, at this time, even the sword of the day, Ji Luoying... Even him. It was also a little sluggish.

   One after another, he looked at Fade Chen in the void in awe, and then looked at the messed up, incredible golden transformation. The contrast and disparity between them,

   really made them a little stunned and speechless.

   What is the strength gap,

   I'm afraid, this is a real, obvious strength gap!

   At the same time, the golden pupils completely contracted. The deep horror pervaded it, making him stiff, his lips trembling, and he couldn't say it for a long time.

  Although he was actually a little mentally prepared before that, knowing that his strength might not be as good as Fade Chen, he still never imagined that the gap between him and Fade Chen would be so big...

   He attacked with almost all his strength, but he couldn't even break Fade Chen's defense. What this meant was actually completely obvious.

   The strength gap between him and Chen Fei,

   is really really much worse!

   Thinking of this, there was even a hint of sarcasm on the face of the golden transformation.

   Of course, this ridicule is not to Chen Fei, but to himself.

  If, now this area is worthy of gathering their Eternal Immortal Realm and Azure Heaven Immortal Realm, many top geniuses in the two immortal realms, among these people, although he is not a weak person, he is not a weak person.


   He still seemed to think too highly of himself.

   Thinking of this, he then shook his head directly, and then looked at Fade Chen with a twinkle in his eyes.

   "You are strong, I... lost!"

   He directly chose to admit defeat,


   This is not meant to end.

"Jin Bianxuanxiao, come out, I'm really not as good as him, so you can only do it yourself..." Jin Bianqian looked towards a place in the void with haze in his eyes, and then, he again Self-deprecating smile again,

   then looked at Fade Chen and said with a half-smile.

"Fade Chen, right? I'd like to remind you that it's too late to give up now. Maybe your strength is indeed much stronger than mine, but it's meaningless, because no matter how bad you are, you will never be able to. It is impossible to be Jin Bianxuanxiao's opponent! If he waits for him to take action in person, even if it is you, there is only one way to go!"

  ‘Trust me, I’m not kidding you anymore! "

The voice fell, and he snorted directly, then turned around and fell into the sky, and at the same time, somewhere in the void, a faint golden halo appeared, like a sun, slowly Arise, shine on the nine heavens, supreme.

   And seeing this scene,

  Whether it was the few remaining clansmen of the Jinbian Tianzhu clan, or Chen Fei, Tianfeng Jianzi Ji Luoying, and others, they all raised their heads and looked towards somewhere in the void...

   (end of this chapter)

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