Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4396: Obvious power gap! Get away for now!

   Chapter 4396 The obvious strength gap! Get away for now!


   "Rumble rumble..." Suddenly, in front of Fade Chen, there was an extremely terrifying attack that seemed to be extremely dangerous, killing him directly. At that moment, Chen Fei trembled all over, and his scalp was numb...

have to say,

   Such an attack is indeed really scary and dangerous!

   But he did not choose to retreat.

   Instead, he went forward bravely and fought directly.

   "Rumble Rumble Rumble..."

   The power of the Samsara Sword appeared in Fade Chen's hands! At the same time, the power of the Tao of Chaos, the power of reincarnation, time, and space also spewed out together, and the power of Dao Yun came out together, condensed on the reincarnation sword, and then Fade Chen's whole body was full of power. Under complete perfusion, he directly fought against the opponent's golden halberd...


   The blade of the sword and the tip of the halberd collided fiercely,

   This force seemed to detonate the world in an instant. The destructive force visible to the naked eye, the shock wave, swept away, and everything in the surroundings suddenly exploded.

   Yet all this,

   The scene in front of him seemed to be completely reversed from before. I saw that Jin Bianxuanxiao held the Heavenly God Halberd and stood there, as if he didn't even move, but what about Chen Fei? At this time, it has been blasted out!

Chen Fei's body was shot backwards like a cannonball, and finally fell heavily into the shattered void. After a ruthless trace of millions of meters was drawn in the void, he slowly stopped. down.

   And seeing this scene,

   That day, the peak swordsman Ji Luoying was silent,

   Speaking of which, he has known Chen Fei for so long, and it seems that it is the first time that he has seen Chen Fei behave so embarrassedly. Are you saying that Chen Fei is weak? Of course not, it is no exaggeration to say, I am afraid that with Chen Fei's current strength, it is completely enough to crush him...

   So this can only mean that Jin Chengxuanxiao's strength is too strong! Even a guy like Chen Fei, who was so evil, was completely defeated.


  The sky collapsed, the earth trembled, only to see the place where Chen Fei stopped, the void and the void in all directions,

   is still in a state of explosion and collapse at this time, what does this mean? It shows that the aftermath of Jinxuanxuan's attack power is not even over yet, it is still surviving and raging!

   Look at Chen Fei again,

  Is there ever a similar scene?

   seems to be exactly the same scene as the previous golden transformation! It was as if it had been hit hard. It was extremely messy and messed up. Even on the chest, the extremely terrifying Heavenly God Halberd split a terrifying bloodstain deep into the bones!

   Looking at Fade Chen like this,

   That Jin Bianxuan Xiao smiled without saying a word,

   just looked condescendingly like this,

   But it was his actions that undoubtedly carried deep ridicule and irony. At the same time, Chen Fei also seemed to be finally slowing down. He slowly raised his head and stared at Jin Bianxuanxiao in the void. Whether it was his eyes or his face, he was full of Deep fear and solemnity!

   "It's just one blow, it can beat me like this... I have to say, it's really powerful!"

   Chen Fei muttered.

"So, do you want to continue? I'm not afraid to tell you that the previous attack was only about 70% to 80% of my power. If I'm really serious, it's up to you, I'm afraid I won't even have a chance to survive..." Jin Bianxuanxiao smiled and said indifferently. It seems that he has completely controlled the overall situation. Whether it is his tone or posture, it is full of a kind of victorious arrogance and humiliation!

   But I have to say that he is indeed qualified to say this. After all, looking at the past, it is really rare to be able to make Chen Fei like this! And he Jinxuanxiao, is one!

   However, greatness is great, but that's all, after all, he has no tendency to be abused, and he knows that he can't beat him, so wouldn't he not run? !

   raised his head and glanced at Jin Bianxuanxiao, who was ridiculed and ridiculed by the winner, and then, Chen Fei also showed a hint of mockery on his face. When seeing this scene, Jin Bianxuanxiao was stunned for a moment, then frowned slightly, stared at Chen Fei coldly, and said indifferently. "why are you laughing?"

   "Nothing?" Fade Chen shook his head and said lightly. "Now, I'm really not as good as me, so this battle can only be waited for next time, and it will be delayed first."

   As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned, and then stared at Fade Chen with a strange face, as if they never expected to hear such ridiculous words in Fade Chen's mouth.

"Are you joking?"

   "Do you think you can still run in this situation?"

  Jin Zhan opened his mouth a thousand times, and sneered with disdain on his face. But that Jin Bianxuanxiao didn't speak, but his eyes flickered, and there was a little more uncertainty and solemnity in the depths of his eyes, although he didn't think that in this situation, Chen Fei could still make a comeback,


   He's not stupid enough to think...

   Chen Fei is the kind of idiot who is too stupid to recognize the situation.

   Thinking of this, Rao was the city mansion where Jin changed to Xuanxiao, and his face changed slightly, and then he stared at Chen Fei and said slowly. "Looks like you still have a hole card?"

   "Who wouldn't have the trump card?" Then he suddenly took a step forward, and at that moment, the space in all directions suddenly reversed, and the surging power of space blossomed in an instant, causing everyone's complexion to change dramatically.

"not good!"

Jin Bianxuanxiao reacted very quickly. Almost at that moment, he shot directly. Holding the halberd of the day, he brazenly killed Fade Chen. In the void, a terrifying and gigantic halberd congenital vision appeared, that terrifying Coercion, pressing forward fiercely, as if to fix Chen Fei's whole person there, but...

   He was still a step too late.

   "Rumble Rumble Rumble!"

  In an instant, I saw that the halberd had already smashed through the sky that day, and the terrifying coercion was like a violent storm, suppressing everything, but even so, these attacks still failed to achieve merit when they killed Fade Chen. At that moment, the power of the halberd of the gods seemed to pierce into nothingness, but it didn't catch Fade Chen's entity.

   It was a very fast moment that was almost like Sumeru,

   Chen Fei, disappeared!

   And not only that, but also disappeared with him, the Tianfeng Swordsman Ji Luoying, who was horrified and stunned before!


   Deathly suffocation! After seeing this scene, whether it is the golden transformation Xuanxiao, or the golden transformation thousand-level and other people from the golden transformation of the gods, their faces are completely stunned, and even their faces are ashen.

  No one would have thought that the meat they got would fly like this.

   And they also didn't expect that Chen Fei's attainments in space can be so strong,

  Are they careless?

   Really not,

  From beginning to end, from beginning to end, Jin Bianxuanxiao's attention was focused on Chen Fei, so that almost as soon as Chen Fei escaped, he reacted directly and wanted to intercept it...

   But the problem is that he is still a step too late.

   What does this mean?

   This is not the effect!

   But it is completely strength!

   In other words,

   Even if this scene is repeated again, it is very likely that he will still be unable to stop Chen Fei! will be escaped by them. Especially Chen Fei's escape, not only was he alone, but also took another person with him,

   What this means, no one will not understand!

   This can only explain Fade Chen's space approach,

   is really stronger than they imagined!


   Having said that, I’m not reconciled but I’m still really reconciled! Why would he lose like this? Why did the meat you get in your hands fly like this? ! Why is this! ?

   (end of this chapter)

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