Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4405: Fade Chen who died in battle? Jin becomes Xuanxiao's abnormality!

   Chapter 4405 Fade Chen who died in battle? Jin becomes Xuanxiao's abnormality!

   In the vast world,

   The self-destructing aftertaste of Fade Chen's body and soul... even continues! The incomparably terrifying blast shock wave power is still tearing and destroying that area, and everything there, such as space, dimensional void world, light, time, everything, etc., are completely shattered. When it was empty, it became a chaotic existence of nothingness!

   But at the same time,

   All but this,

   That day, the peak swordsman Ji Luoying,

   That gold becomes a thousand weights,

   The other arrogances of the other golden-transforming gods,

   even includes the Jinxuanxiao who has been infected with the poison of time at this time...

   All of them!

   also fell into a dead silence at this time,

   Complete silence! There was a dead silence.

   This is because neither one of them would have imagined that the final result of this battle would turn into such a scene as it is today.

   Chen Fei,

   Under the high-pressure and powerful attack of Jinbian Xuanxiao, he was forced to blew himself up and died?

   And that dignified gold turned into a mysterious sky, but Chen Fei was forced to such a point that he was infected with the legendary super poison - the poison of time? ! Is this a lose-lose? Everyone doesn't know...



   All of them were obviously caught in the battle between Chen Fei and that Jinxuanxiao...

   was deeply shocked!

   is just a point of shock for both of them, but there are also differences. Not quite the same.

   The shocking and unexpected point of the peak swordsman Ji Luoying that day was,

In his eyes, it is almost like a monster. Their super evildoer in the Celestial Realm, Chen Fei, was also forced to such a self-destructed end by Jin Bianxuanxiao. How strong should this opponent really be? ? !

   Such an ending,

   makes him a little unbelievable!

   And that gold changed into a thousand layers, and the Tianjiao clan of those gold-turned gods,

   They were horrified, even unbelievable, that,

   They never thought that a guy who seemed to have only the level of strength at the level of Jin to Thousand Layers, could actually be able to turn the strongest genius of their Jin to Heavenly God Clan, Jin to Xuanxiao, to such an extent!

   After all, you have to know them, but they are really very clear,

   The level of strength possessed by the Golden Transformation Thousand Layers and that of the Golden Transformation Xuanxiao are definitely two completely different worlds! Between the two, there is a huge gap that cannot be bridged at all!

   In fact,

  If the two of them fight,

   I'm afraid it doesn't take a single stick of incense. Gold becomes a thousand layers, and it is definitely a fiasco in the hands of Jin becomes Xuanxiao... But now? But now, in their eyes, Fade Chen, who is only a little more powerful than Jin Bianqianzhong at most, can actually push Jin Bianxuanxiao to such a point, even if he loses, but in this ending and process in their view,

   is still extremely incredible,

   is even terrifying!

   What's more, in their opinion,

   If this matter is passed back to their Eternal Immortal Realm, nothing else is needed. Just based on the gold content of this battle, it is absolutely enough to make Chen Fei's name spread in their Eternal Immortal Realm completely, even spread!

   This is entirely by the power of one person,

   The record and the signboard that you fought with your life!

  Thinking of this,

   They are all a little complicated,

To be honest, they are really envious of such records and signs, but when they think of the terrifying strength of Jin Zhanxuanxiao, and after Chen Fei's self-exploding ending, they are also quite interesting. shook his head,

   also let go of the unrealistic idea.

   Maybe today's battle is a miracle for them, but this kind of miracle should never happen again. To be able to force Jin Bianxuanxiao to such an extent, even if he was forced to die by self-destruction... it should be considered very worthwhile, right? !


   Envy and jealousy gradually dissipated,


   A proud smile that is unique to the victor, and that deep sarcasm.

   That's right!

   They should have laughed,


   They have won!

"Next, it's your turn..." At the same time, the opponent of that day's peak swordsman Ji Luoying, Jin Zianqianzhong, also sneered proudly on his face, and at the same time, he was condescendingly indifferent. He glanced at Ji Luoying, the swordsman of that day.

   Then, said coldly. "That guy, he can have such good luck to make Jin change Xuanxiao shriveled, but you... but you can never have such good luck!"

   "Give me a good neck wash and wait to die!"

   Upon hearing this, Ji Luoying's eyelids twitched violently that day, and his face was ugly, but he still did not refute.

Not to mention Jin Tianqianzhong's strength, he is indeed stronger than him. In the previous battle, he was almost completely suppressed from the beginning to the end. If he continues to fight like this, his chances of winning are almost impossible. It is almost certain to lose! What's more, this "almost exhausted situation" has completely made him lose the qualification to be able to talk hard with each other!

   After all, he can't even beat that gold change thousand weights,

  What if those people from the Jinbian Tianjiao tribe who had not yet joined the battlefield would also take action?

   There is also that Jinxuanxiao. If he is free to shoot, what about him?

   After reaching that point,

   He absolutely, must have only a dead end!

   can't live at all.


   At this time, he was still a little unwilling in his heart, he didn't believe it!

   He didn't believe that Chen Fei really died like this? !

He couldn't bear the thought in his heart, and he couldn't help but raise his head and look at Jin Bianxuanxiao who was the winner... Then, he suddenly froze for a moment, then his eyes flickered, his eyes subtle up.

  Because he actually found that Jin Bianxuanxiao's expression at this time,

   doesn't seem to be as fun as he imagined.

   And that look and expression are not like the look and expression of a victor who has already won the victory, but... instead, it is more like a disbelief as a loser, and a face full of livid!

   "Is it because of the poison of time?" Regarding the somewhat abnormal Jinbian Xuanxiao, Tianfeng Swordsman Ji Luoying couldn't help but murmur, but soon, he immediately shook his head.

  This poison of time, although it is indeed very powerful, even for ordinary monks with slightly weaker potential talents, this thing is definitely not an invitation to the gate of hell. Once infected, there is almost no way to survive...


   But this is only for those 'ordinary monks with slightly weaker potential talents',

   In fact, once any race, any creature, as long as it can reach the potential talent category of the Seven Gods Forbidden, any so-called peerless poison, any so-called deadly means of all kinds, the threat and harm to it will be greatly weakened!

   This is because once the potential talent category of the Seven Gods Forbidden is reached,

   Whether it is its life level or its various potential powers, it will skyrocket and improve in a balanced way! To put it simply, that is to say, in a sense, they have no shortcomings. As long as they reach the category of the Seven Gods Forbidden, for those ordinary monks who have not reached the Seventh Gods Forbidden, they are all-round powerful, and they also have no flaws, weaknesses, and flaws!

   So this poisonous...

   is the same.

   (end of this chapter)

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