Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4412: The escaped Jin becomes Xuanxiao! The obliterated golden god

   Chapter 4412 The escaped Jin becomes Xuanxiao! The arrogances of the golden gods who were obliterated!

   To be honest, he really didn't expect that all of the other party's previous performances were actually acting, just to pave the way for his escape at this time! What about the pride and dignity of the promised super evildoer? What does it mean to make him feel hopeless? !

   Chen Fei's face was really blue and purple,

   But after a while,

   But seeing it suddenly let out a long breath,

   Then, in a somewhat admiring tone, he said slowly. "As expected of the first guy who can beat me so badly! No one at this level is a fuel-efficient lamp!"

   At first, he felt angry because he was tricked by Jin Zhanxuanxiao, but when he calmed down a little, it also made him think of something deeper,

   You want to say that Jin Bianxuanxiao is a super evildoer of his level, can he not have a bit of arrogance and dignity? Of course he has! In fact, as long as the so-called geniuses with some potential talents are definitely more proud than the other, and the others are more temperamental!

   And this golden transformation into Xuanxiao, he can become the strongest evildoer of the golden transformation of the gods! It can even be one of the representative figures of the younger generation in the Eternal Immortal Realm, which is obviously even more so!

   But even so,

   He was still able to suppress it. The pride and dignity in his heart was only after the previous fight... After that judgment, he immediately and decisively made the choice to avoid the fight.

   This is undoubtedly a very scary thing!

  He conquered his emotions,

   Moreover, this judgment and execution ability have been brought into full play! Such a person is indeed really scary enough to describe! It's not really a fuel efficient lamp.


   And at the same time,

  In addition to Chen Fei, Ji Luoying, the swordsman of that day, and Jin Bianqianzhong and others were also shocked by the sudden escape of Jin Bianxuanxiao, and they were dumbfounded!

   "Then, that Jin Bianxuanxiao, he actually ran away?!"

  Obviously, none of them would have imagined that Jin Bianxuanxiao actually ran away? That is a real top super evildoer, super strong! Did it really run like this? !

   Such a reality,

   really made each of them feel like they were dreaming,

   is too unreal, too incredible,

"not good!"

   But then, they saw the rest of the Jin Biantian gods, Jin Bianqianzhong and others, immediately their pupils shrank, and their faces changed dramatically, because at this time, they mainly realized that even Jin Bianxuanxiao had run away,

  Aren't they in danger now? !

"Let's go!" Then, I saw that I didn't know a loud shout, and then, he couldn't care about anything at all, his figure flashed, and he instantly escaped, as if he wanted to respond before Fade Chen had time to respond. Before you come, escape to heaven,

   But no matter how fast he reacts like this,

How could    be faster than Fade Chen today?

   "Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the dimensional void world in all directions and the trajectory of the various spaces were instantly blocked by an extremely terrifying space force.

"If this is run away by you again, I'll be so shameless!" Fade Chen murmured, and then he took a step forward, stepped into the void, and shot at the Jinbian Qianzhong and others. ,


   "Rumble Rumble Rumble..."

The supreme divine power suddenly rose, and in the void, a large number of black stars emerged directly. Each of these black stars was like a huge black hole, filled with endless fluctuations of the power of space, spilling out. After coming down, he turned the gold into a thousand layers and others, and received them all.

  Whether it was the Jin Bianqianzhong who once fought with Chen Fei, or the other Tianjiao people of the Jin Biantian God Clan, they were all attacked by Chen Fei, and they didn't even have the ability to resist. Weak like an ant.

   Not that they are all too weak,

   But because of Fade Chen, he is too strong, too strong!

  What is a genius? What is a monster?

   When you are weak, you can deal with, stalemate, and even fight to the death. When you are strong, you can directly push and crush it like a destructive force! There are no flaws and weaknesses. This is the real monster! true genius!

   Chen Fei's current cultivation realm strength,

   has completely surpassed them,

  So, it really should be like this, pushing and crushing them horizontally.

   "Really strong..."

   And seeing this scene,

  Rao was that day's peak swordsman, Ji Luoying. At this time, he already had a psychological construction, but his face changed greatly. muttered to himself. "In this case, I am afraid that even if I am in front of him, I will not be able to withstand this trick!"

   You have to know that before that, he had fought with that Jin Tianqian for a long time. Under the rounding, the actual combat power of the two of them should be really not much different. But now?

   is as strong as gold and becomes a thousand layers, but he has not been able to withstand this move in the hands of today's Chen Fei, so what about him, Ji Luoying? I'm afraid it's really not much different!

   Thinking of this, he couldn't help shaking his head,

   smiled wryly,

   He naturally understood,

   From now on, not only will Chen Fei become stronger than him, but the strength gap between them will also widen with the passage of time! In the end, it's all one day and one place. It was impossible to catch up with him at all.


   At this moment, there was a flash of light in the void, and Fade Chen's figure had already appeared in front of him.

   "It's finally over..." Fade Chen said lightly after glancing at Tianfeng Swordsman Ji Luoying, who was worried about gains and losses. "Then, no one should bother us anymore."

   Tianfeng Swordsman Ji Luoying was stunned for a moment,

   Then he couldn't help looking up at Fade Chen and asked.

"where are they?"

   he means,

   Naturally, he is the one who turns gold into a thousand weights.


   Chen Fei smiled and said. "What do you say?"

   Tianfeng Swordsman Ji Luoying was stunned again, and then she smiled bitterly and said. "Blame me, I'm a little stupid. Since they were all taken by you, then they should not survive! It's just that Jin Bianxuanxiao... I didn't expect him to run away."

   "Run and run..."

   Chen Fei shook his head, his eyes flickering. "He just doesn't want to fight me, otherwise, with the Jin Yaotian God form of his previous ultimate evolution body, with my current strength, I will definitely not be able to keep him!"

   "A guy of this level is more troublesome than the other, and it's not so easy to solve him!"

   He naturally understood that Jin Bianxuanxiao did not choose to run away because he thought he would die in his hands. I am afraid it was just because he simply felt that he had no confidence that he could defeat him. I also don't want to entangle with him anymore, so I choose to escape, and these are two completely different concepts!

   To win is indeed to win,

   But he still knew,

   From start to finish,

   He didn't expect Jinbian Xuanxiao to stay at all.

   So, just run and run.

   Anyway, this is something that can’t be helped.

   (end of this chapter)

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