Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4422: The second ten thousand immortal king in history, Chi Die Dan Zun obsessed

   Chapter 4422 The second ten thousand immortal king in history, Chi Die Dan Zun is not convinced!

   "It's really funny enough!"

   That blazing butterfly Dan Zun's obsession just laughed out loud,

   The laughter was full of sarcasm, "There is a saying that the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole is behind. Sure enough, until the end, who can know if he can really have the last laugh?"

   "We were completely a joke back then, but compared to us, this ninth emperor old dog thief doesn't seem to be much better, hahaha, hahahahahaha..."

   Having said this, the obsession of the blazing butterfly Danzun even laughed again,

   But although he seemed to be laughing very happily at this time, the laughter fell into the ears of Chen Fei and Tianfeng Jianzi Ji Luoying, but he couldn't help feeling a little sad, even sympathetic.

   After all, who wants to be a chess piece?

   Especially this kind of chess piece,

   is fake from start to finish. It's all just a game, it's all just a game of chess arranged by someone else. Especially when they themselves are still such powerful Tianyuan Daozun powerhouses, such powerhouses have become chess pieces, even clowns!

   The disparity and taste between these are really really uncomfortable!

   And at the same time,

   The obsession of the blazing butterfly Dan Zun also seemed to sense something,

   Gradually, the laughter stopped,

   Then he looked at Fade Chen and Tianfeng Swordsman Ji Luoying, with some expressionless faces, without saying a word. Immediately, the pressure on Chen Fei and Tianfeng Swordsman Ji Luoying began to soar exponentially. The heart is shaking.

   "That's all..."

   But at this moment,

  The obsession of the blazing butterfly Dan Zun suddenly seemed to be a little disillusioned and sighed, and then he shook his head again when he saw it, and at the same time withdrew the terrifying momentum, and asked in a low voice.

   "That little guy called Shen Tiandu... what happened to him later?"

   "The power of the bloodline of the Ten Thousand Immortals and God King fell on him. If you think about his future achievements, it shouldn't be too bad, right?"

   As soon as these words came out, Fade Chen and Ji Luoying, the swordsman of Tianfeng, looked at each other, and Fade Chen spoke slowly. said softly.

"Wan Xianwang Shentiandu, he later became one of the three sacred Dao Venerables of our Qingtian Immortal Realm! He also became the second strongest in history who almost surpassed the Wanchu God King! And at the end of the sixth immortal world war In the decisive battle, the Ten Thousand Immortals were the gods of the heavens, and by his own strength, he killed one of the Heavenly Venerate powerhouses in the Supreme Academy with one enemy and two, and also seriously injured another Supreme Dao who participated in the siege of him at that time. Gong Tianzun is a strong man, the Ninth Emperor!"

   "What, what!?"

   As soon as these words came out, even the obsession of the blazing butterfly Dan Zun could not help but froze, and then his eyes were full of surprise, and even stared at Fade Chen in shock.

   One against two,

   killed a celestial being,

   And also seriously injured the Ninth Emperor? !

   "Okay! Okay..." But then he was immediately excited, and he nodded his head a few times involuntarily. That kind of appearance, it even seemed to be savagely out of anger. Very relieved.

   But think carefully,

   I can really understand him...

   After all, if he heard this from his point of view, the rise of the Ten Thousand Immortal King Shentiandu, and even the counter-killing of the Ninth Emperor, should surely make him feel very relieved, right?

"and after?"

   he asked again. "How is he now?"

   "Later..." Fade Chen paused, then shook his head and said. "In that battle, although the Ten Thousand Immortal King Shen Tiandu successfully killed a Tianzun and seriously injured the Ninth Emperor, he still paid the price with his life. Therefore, he has been dead for a long, long time now. "

   As soon as these words come out,

   The obsession of the blazing butterfly Dan Zun couldn't help but stunned,

   then became a little quieter,

  I was speechless for a long time…

   Not long after that, he suddenly shook his head and said with emotion. "Dust returns to dust. Everything begins and ends, and the end of everything also means a new beginning! Our era is over! Flowers bloom and fall, and a new cycle will begin. Perhaps... this is not It's a bad thing."


   After a pause, the obsession of the Chi Die Dan Zun suddenly paused again, and then looked towards Chen Fei, his eyes flickered. "You said he was the second in history, so who is this first...?!"

   "This terrifying record of the existence of the two Heavenly Venerates, one death and one injury, can only be ranked second? Is that really the case?!"

   As soon as these words came out, whether it was Chen Fei or Ji Luoying, the swordsman of that day, all of them immediately became a little weird.

  Because they all seem to have heard it at this time, the obsession of the blazing butterfly Danzun actually seems to be the second strongest in the history of the Ten Thousand Immortal King Shentiandu, and some feel unconvinced for him?

   But think carefully,

   But I can still understand,

   Because in a sense, the Ten Thousand Immortal King Shentiandu who inherited the blood of the Ten Thousand Immortals God King, in his mind, may be no different from the child they created.

   Although everything was false at the beginning,

   They are just pitiful chess pieces without knowing it, but what they really hate is only the Eternal Immortal Realm, the Heavenly Venerate of the Supreme Academy exists only as the Ninth Emperor!

   If it wasn't for him who set up this monstrous chess game,

   Then they can't get caught up in it, just like clowns, being used by it.

   As for the will of the Celestial Realm, which finally won the victory of the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole, for them, although it is not a good impression, it is still not a hatred.

   Because in a sense, they are more like a kind of people. Both of them are victims! The only difference is that these old guys from the Supreme Dao Palace have all lost, and they are complete losers. And the will of the Heavenly Dao in the Celestial Realm not only won, but even overturned the game of the Ninth Emperor.

   in turn took away all its triumphs!

   became the final winner!

   Therefore, this is obviously the same victim, but in turn overturned the will of the Celestial Realm of the Celestial Realm of the Ninth Emperor's chess game. In a sense, it is actually a revenge for them.

   Because of this,

   Although it is possible that they will feel very complicated about the will of the Celestial Realm,

   But there is absolutely nothing like hate.

   At most, they can only blame themselves for being too greedy, but their skills are not as good as others. been counted.

   As for the Ten Thousand Immortal King Shentiandu, who was controlled by the will of the Heavenly Dao in the Celestial Realm,

   For them, it is more like a symbol.

   symbolizes their highest vision, hope and pursuit!

That is to say, the dissatisfaction of this blazing butterfly Danzun's obsession at this time is not aimed at anyone, but it is for their highest dream and all the efforts they have made, and they are not reconciled. Convinced!

   (end of this chapter)

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