Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4424: Three things please! The key to the final array eye

   Chapter 4424 Three things please! The key to the final array eye!

   Obviously, he is now 'wanting to see', how many surprises, or how many shocking bombs, the so-called strongest Nanli Fengzu in history, is waiting for him...

"Also, Nanli Fengzu, her old man, is a pure-blooded phoenix! It is said that long before the last immortal world war, she had already received the attention and attention of the powerhouses of the phoenix master clan in the chaotic world, It's important! So... it seems reasonable that she can become the strongest in history, become the Nine Gods Forbidden Demon, and even become the first ancient **** of the Broken Void in the fifth realm in history."

   Tianfeng Swordsman Ji Luoying said with a wry smile.

   From what he said at this time, it can be seen that,

  The strength and power of the Feng family that day were indeed deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Because even a genius of his level would subconsciously subconsciously associate the title of the strongest man in history, the potential talent of the Nine Gods forbidding Demons, and the level of the Fifth Realm Shattering Void Ancient God, all with that day. The Feng family draws an equal sign.

   And it seems to be subconsciously,

   This is for granted! As a pure blood Tianfeng, Nanli Fengzu can surpass everyone and become the strongest. To do this, all of these are reasonable and reasonable, as they should be!

  What is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people,

   This is what goes deep into the hearts of the people!

   You can also imagine how terrifying the strong and powerful infiltration of the Feng family that day was! At least even the blazing butterfly Pill Venerable obsession, after hearing the words of Ji Luoying, the swordsman of the day, still did not refute.

   Not even the slightest bit of dissatisfaction!


   The obsession of the blazing butterfly Dan Zun couldn't help sighing, and then he actually skipped the topic, and then looked at Chen Fei, his eyes flickered. "Little guy, I don't have much time left, so it's time to talk to you about the business."

   "Senior may wish to speak bluntly."

   Chen Fei nodded and said softly.

"The Pill Dao inheritance I gave you earlier, I have done some tricks, although I know that it may not be able to stop you, but it doesn't matter, I have three things to ask you... Of course, it is only just Just please."

   The obsession of the blazing butterfly Dan Zun said slowly.

   "First, I want to ask you to help me kill that old dog of the Ninth Emperor!"

   As soon as these words came out, Fade Chen couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled bitterly. "Senior, do you look down on me a little too much? You asked me to kill Tianzun? Seriously?!"

   But seeing the obsession of the Chi Die Dan Zun, he only took a deep look at Fade Chen with a little deep meaning, and then he didn't say much, but continued to speak again. road.

   "Secondly, we were tortured so badly by the old dog of the Ninth Emperor. To be honest, I want to get revenge, so I want to ask you to help me with this. Go hunt the seeds of the future of the Supreme Academy!"

   "Seeds of the future?"

   Chen Fei's eyes flashed.


   The obsession of the blazing butterfly Dan Zun nodded and said calmly. "In the heritage of the Supreme Academy, there is a saying of 'the Daozhenzi'! What is the Daozhenzi? In fact, it is the top descendant of the younger generation who has been recognized by the source of the ancient powerhouse of the Supreme Academy. With such recognition and identity, they will also have a protective power called the 'Golden Pattern of the Supreme Dao'!"

"As long as you can kill them, you can use the power of the golden pattern of the supreme avenue to unlock the final seal of my body's inheritance of the alchemy! However! This level of super genius descendant, even if it is the supreme academy, Not every generation has it. I heard that there are often vacancies for the seat of Daozhenzi in the Supreme Academy, so I will give you another choice!"


  The obsession of the blazing butterfly Dan Zun looked at Fade Chen, and his eyes flickered. "If you can kill a certain direct blood relative of the Ninth Emperor, or a direct disciple of the old dog, it also counts."


   This time, Fade Chen didn't even think about it, he just agreed.

  Although it is actually just as the blazing butterfly Dan Zun said obsessively, the hands and feet of the other party's Dan Dao inheritance light group can't help him at all, but he still remembers his kindness as a person. Take people's money to save people's disasters. Once you get something, you have to do it!

   So he will definitely agree.

   As for the obsession of the blazing butterfly Pill Venerable, can he fulfill it?

  What if he was asked to kill the Ninth Emperor and the Heavenly Venerable Powerhouse? This is indeed a bit too much to look at him. Even if he can really go that far in the future, he can't agree now.

   But if he just let him kill a few, the younger generation of the same generation as him... How difficult can this be for him? Not difficult at all.

   So of course it doesn’t matter.

   "And, third..."

   At this moment, the obsession of the blazing butterfly Pill Venerable spoke again, and this time, both Chen Fei and the Tianfeng swordsman Ji Luoying could clearly feel the obsession of the blazing butterfly Pill Venerable,

   is starting to feel a little out of place.

   became a little sluggish and weak.

   Sure enough…

   When they raised their heads again,

   It was already discovered that the golden body of the blazing butterfly Danzun obsessed, and at this time it began to be a little blurred.


   Tianfeng Swordsman Ji Luoying opened his mouth,

   But the obsession of that blazing butterfly Dan Zun directly shook his head and said indifferently.

   "Listen to me!"

   After a pause, he spoke again, looking at Fade Chen with a twinkle in his eyes. "Third, if possible, have the opportunity to kill Luo Canyang and Ye Kuangxue for me, they were all one of the so-called Supreme Five Kings back then, and at the same time they were still in our Supreme Dao Palace back then. , the leader of the Wang Ting Yi line! For countless years, the Wang Ting Yi line has always held the authority of the Supreme Dao Palace. It is also the only orthodox! But to say the real traitors, they are actually just them..."

"The existence of this royal lineage is like a puppet on the bright side supported by the Ninth Emperor. At the beginning, everything was because they came forward to guide and act, and step by step, they lured us into it and entered the game! So I hate them to the core, I can't wait to rip their bones, drink their blood, eat their meat... But now, I have no chance!"

   "I can only put hope on you!"

Speaking of which,

   The obsession of the blazing butterfly Dan Zun stared at him, and a suffocating aura emerged from his body, and said coldly. "If you have a chance, help me kill them! As a thank you, I think you should be interested in this thing..."


The voice of    fell,

   The body of that blazing butterfly Dan Zun's obsession actually flew out another golden beam and landed in front of Chen Fei.

"This is?"

   Chen Fei's eyes flashed and he asked.

   "The key to finding and unlocking the final formation of Longshan in that ancestral temple!"

"With it, you can activate the power of the final formation, and at the same time, once again open the path of evolution, squeeze out the last trace of the power in the blood pool of the hundred arrogant gods, integrate it into yourself, and use it for your own use. Although those powers are no longer comparable to those of the past, they should still be of some help to your current cultivation realm..."

   "I hope it can impress you too."

"But even if it doesn't work, it doesn't matter. I'm very happy to see you at the last moment of my life! Back then, although we were not traitors, we were also sinners. But you are the hope of a new life! It is the future of this world. Everything is like smoke, like illusions, and disappears with the wind. Now, it's time for us old things to disappear!"

   "Two little guys, in the future, you have to work **** your own!"

   The voice fell, and the obsession of the blazing butterfly Danzun also directly closed his mouth and said no more.

   Then, his body began to become more and more blurred and transparent. In the end, it gradually became countless golden light spots, which fell into the void little by little and disappeared completely.

   (end of this chapter)

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