Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4427: Mad Blood Daozu! Ninth Heavenly Venerate!

   Chapter 4427 Mad Blood Daozu! Ninth Heavenly Venerate!

   "Do you still remember his name and surname? Ye Daojin! His surname is Ye... Jin becomes Xuanxiao, what can you think of this surname?" Shi Tianjun shook his head and said lightly.

   "Ye?" Jin Bianxuanxiao frowned slightly, and after thinking for a long time, he suddenly seemed to remember something, his eyes flashed a few times, and then he looked at Shi Tianjun and asked softly.

   "You mean the top Taoist Patriarch of Supreme Academy, the Patriarch of Mad Blood? I remember that he seems to have just become the new leader of Yingliu, one of the six major academies of Supreme Academy! Are you referring to him?"

   As a dignified Taoist lineage,

   That Supreme Academy is naturally impossible to be an empty shell or an empty shelf, but a real, extremely huge, ultimate behemoth! Its existence is like an extremely large, complex, but perfect spider web, with countless veins, branches and branches, and beyond that, it is its core—the six courtyards!

   You must know that in the hierarchy of the Supreme Academy, these six academies are definitely second only to the Heavenly Venerate powerhouses, or the absolute supreme cores that are second only to those Heavenly Venerate-level heritage!

   In other words,

   As long as Tianzun does not appear,

   They can represent the entire Supreme Academy, hold the highest power, command everything, and have everything! From this, we can actually see how terrifying and prominent the identity of the six masters of the Supreme Academy is!


   This is not the point,

   The point is, if you want to become the master of the six courtyards of the Supreme Academy,

   Even the lowest starting point requires the strength of the top Taoist ancestors to be eligible! You must know that it is the top Taoist ancestor! What concept? If Tianzun does not appear, then they are the strongest combat power in the Eternal Immortal Realm!

An existence like   , even in their Eternal Immortal Realm, can be called an invincible overlord! And such a character must be able to be proud of the world and amaze the past and present!

   Because of this,

   No matter who it is, definitely, no one dares to despise them.

   Even if he turns into Xuanxiao from gold... it's the same!


  Jin Bianxuanxiao thought about it carefully, and then frowned for a few more times,

   Then he suddenly shook his head again and said quickly.

   "No, no..."

"Shi Tianjun, even if this is the case, it is impossible for the Supreme Academy to break the rules of their Daozhenzi? You know, this is a sign that they have maintained for countless years! Once this is broken, it will be punished. People are ridiculed, and! There will be no more credibility to speak of..."

   "Even if he is a top Taoist ancestor, he can't have such a big face, right?"


   Hearing the words and seeing this, Shi Tianjun nodded, his eyes flickered.

   "I heard it at the time, and the reaction was similar to yours now. I also think that a mere top Taoist ancestor is indeed unlikely to let the Supreme Academy break the rules of the Taoist Zhenzi, but I only learned later..."

   "What if there is someone behind him?"

   "Anyone else?"

  Jin Bianxuanxiao was stunned for a moment, and then directly pouted and said with some disdain. "Who else can there be? It's impossible for him to have a Tianzun standing behind him, right?"

   As soon as these words came out, Shi Tianjun was stunned for a moment, and then looked directly at Jin Bianxuanxiao with a strange expression on his face. And after seeing this scene, the complexion of Jin Bianxuanxiao gradually began to become a little weird.

"What's wrong?"

   "Don't tell me, is it really Tianzun?"


  Shi Tianjun nodded and said calmly. "This Ye Daojin is the descendant of the mad blood daozu, and with the help and request of the mad blood daozu, he also successfully became the disciple of the ninth-generation Tianzun of the Supreme Academy!"

   "Ninth Heavenly Venerate?"

   hear this,

  Jinxuanxiao's eyes also began to change a little. With his potential talent and aptitude, he may dare to judge Daozu, or even the top Daozu, because he is very confident! You will be able to reach that height in the future!

  Since this is the case, self-confidence can also do it, then naturally there is nothing to worry about. Say whatever you want. But Tian Zun... he really didn't have the courage for the time being!

   In his eyes, Tianzun and the top Taoist ancestor are still different.

   After all, that is the strongest in the true sense!

   Since it is the strongest,

   Then, you should be in awe, respect, respect!

"If it's just a top Taoist ancestor, even if he is now one of the six masters of the Supreme Academy, it is still impossible for him to break the signboard and rules of Daozhenzi, but... If this top Taoist head is on the head, If you add a Heavenly Venerate, it will be different! There is nothing in this world that can compare to the will of Heavenly Venerate!"

  Shi Tianjun said softly,

   When Jinbian Xuanxiao heard the words, he also nodded his head as if he was convinced.

   It was only then that he suddenly shook his head,

   said with a sigh.

   "It seems that this Supreme Academy is really beginning to decline. If they were in the era of the two Heavenly Venerates, this kind of thing would definitely not have happened!"

   In his opinion, Daozhenzi is equivalent to the golden signboard of the younger generation of the Supreme Academy.

  Who would joke about their golden signboard?

   Even if it is the will of God,

   is also impossible to be so casual and chaotic, so the reason why such a situation occurs is that it is already going downhill, or there are some other special circumstances that make it a last resort.

   Because of this,

In his opinion,

   Something like this will happen,

   must be the beginning of the decline of the Supreme Academy,

   But that Shi Tianjun... doesn't seem to think so.

   He glanced at Jin Bianxuanxiao and said indifferently. "Gold becomes Xuanxiao, this is not something you and I should be concerned about. Besides, the Supreme Academy has Tianzun in charge, and where will it decline again? Ups and downs, peaks and valleys, it's all a process."

   "Also..." Jin Bianxuanxiao nodded, and he seemed to be awake at this time, and he really thought too much! After all, no matter how bad or declining the Supreme Academy is, it is still the line of Heavenly Venerate!

   As long as the Heavenly Venerate of Supreme Academy is still there,

  Then they will never fall for one day!

that's enough.

   "But since Ye Daojin is a fake, why can he help us?"

  Jin Bianxuanxiao spoke again and said indifferently.

   "Did you forget who he is again?"

  Shi Tianjun shook his head and said coldly. "He is the descendant of Mad Blood Daozu, and he is also the disciple of the Ninth Heavenly Venerate. You forgot what this place is from? Who else built it?!

  Jinxuanxiao was stunned for a moment,

   Only then did I react,

   "You mean..."

   (end of this chapter)

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