Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4430: The Ultimate Immortal Array - The Great Array of God King Fei Immortals!

   Chapter 4430 The Ultimate Immortal Array - God King Fei Immortal Great Array!

"Yeah, but I finally let you catch up. From now on, it's really up to you to be better than blue... I'm getting old, I'm really getting old. Hahahaha!" Ji Fengyuan is also very obvious is aware of this.

   couldn't help feeling a little emotional for a while.

   Over the years, in order to maintain his last dignity as Master Chen Fei,

   He almost tried his best to improve and strengthen himself!

  Results so far…

   I can't take it anymore.

   This stinky boy, finally let him catch up!

   Ji Fengyuan couldn't help shaking his head, feeling a little lost, a little complicated, but also a little relaxed and happy. The tight string has been around for so many years, and finally let him relax a bit.

to him,

   I am afraid it is not a bad thing.

   So soon Ji Fengyuan packed up his mood, then looked at Fade Chen and asked with a smile. "You're also here for the Array Eye Tower here?"

   Hearing Ji Fengyuan mention this, Chen Fei suddenly became interested,

   Then he immediately shook his head and said.

"What it is?"

"I have no idea!"

"Don't you know? Then you..." This time it was Ji Fengyuan's turn to be stunned. He thought that Chen Fei was also coming towards the tower, but it was just a coincidence that he installed it with them, but he didn't expect that Chen Fei Fei actually doesn't even know what the Array Eye Tower is?

"Before, I had some adventures in this ancestral temple Longshan, and I also got a key that is said to be able to control the final formation of the entire ancestral temple Longshan. According to the guidance, I found this place! But what is the tower... "

   Chen Fei paused, looked towards Ji Fengyuan, and his eyes flickered.

"I really do not know!"

   "So that's how it is..."

   Ji Fengyuan nodded,

   Then he spoke directly, saying.

"This is the news from the Eternal Immortal Realm. It is said that among the 101 Dragon Mountains in the land of the ancestral temple, there is an extremely large and powerful super array that can even cover the entire forbidden area. !"

   "They call it... the Ultimate God King Feixian Great Array!"

"And the one I mentioned before, the so-called blood pool of the 100 great gods and gods, is not only in the core formation of this **** king Feixian great formation, but also, if you want to get the power of the gods' blood in the blood pool , and also must be able to restart this great formation of the God King Feixian, through the absorption and transformation of the formation, in order to obtain the power in it!"

"It's just that this God King Feixian Great Array, even for us today, is still a little too profound, too difficult, too mysterious, and too profound! We can't grasp its existence at all, and we can't find its details at all. s position!"

   "Originally... we were even about to give up,"

   "But at this moment, a message suddenly came from the Eternal Immortal Realm!"

   Speaking of this, Ji Fengyuan paused slightly, then glanced at Chen Fei again, and then continued to speak, said. "They said that in the one hundred and one Dragon Mountains in the land of the ancestral temple, there are also ten branches of the formation eye of the God King Feixian Great Formation!"

   "It is said that as long as all the ten eyes of the formation can be excited, the great formation of the God King Feixian can be activated again! Get the power of the arrogant blood!"


   Chen Fei froze for a moment, and was also a little surprised.

   "Ten seats... Formation eyes?!"

   "According to what they said, it's true..." Ji Fengyuan's eyes flickered.


   Chen Fei paused,

   There was also a hint of doubt on his face.

   "Why would they publish this stuff?"

   "What if they deceived us?"

   "I don't know exactly why..." Ji Fengyuan shook his head, his eyes flickering. "However, there is a gossip that it is not as easy as imagined to activate these ten formation eyes, and secondly, once you really want to act, the movement will be too great, and you won't be able to hide it at all. us, so they have no choice but to do so."

   "Is that so?" After Chen Fei murmured, he looked at Ji Fengyuan again and asked. "Master, how long has this news been out? Has anyone tried it?"

   "This news should have appeared not long ago, and even we have only just learned about it. As for whether anyone has tried it, or whether it has been successful? I don't know..."

   Ji Fengyuan shook his head and said. "It's just that the specific locations of the ten array eyes have been announced by the people from the Eternal Immortal Realm. And the place we are in now is one of them!"

   Upon hearing this, Fade Chen paused slightly, then suddenly laughed again and said softly. "Master, I seem to have found the thing you mentioned, why don't we go over and take a look?"


"So fast?"

   Ji Fengyuan froze for a moment,

   Then he was immediately surprised, looking at Fade Chen in astonishment,

   You must know that he has tried before, trying to sweep the entire supercontinent, but failed.

  This supercontinent seems to be a bit special in itself.

   With the power of his spiritual sense, it is simply impossible to completely cover it. At most, it is only one tenth, or even less. But what about Chen Fei now? Wei Wei had already found it after a while? !

   "It seems that you should have the strength of the ancient **** realm now, right?"

   Ji Fengyuan looked at Fade Chen,

   The look in his eyes is a bit complicated.

   He was a little suspicious before,

   Does Chen Fei have the strength of the ancient **** realm? But now, it seems that there is no need to doubt that the power of spiritual sense between the two of them can be so different? There must be a qualitative change!

   And this so-called qualitative change,

   is undoubtedly the transformation and evolution of the ancient **** realm.

  The realm of ancient gods!

   Can't think of this kid, he is now,

   Has it really been achieved? That's amazing!

   "The strength of the realm of the ancient gods? That is indeed almost there..."

   Chen Fei nodded,

   Then he glanced at Ji Fengyuan again, and then laughed directly and said. "However, Master, I see that you are not far from the strength of the ancient **** realm, right?"

   He has long known Ji Fengyuan's potential talent level,

   should be forbidden by the Eight Gods,

   And if it is calculated according to the potential talent of this level, it is almost necessary to cultivate a realm around the peak of the Eighth Heaven of the Immortal Ancestor in order to have the combat power of the ancient **** realm, but now?

   He felt Ji Fengyuan's strength...

   seems to be far from the realm of the ancient gods,

   is just the last bit.

   In other words, if Ji Fengyuan's current cultivation realm can have the Eighth Heaven of Immortal Ancestor, I am afraid he can already have the strength of the ancient **** realm!

   That is to say, if it is deduced by this logic, then I am afraid that Ji Fengyuan's potential talent level should be more than the ordinary Yashen ban.

   Maybe...even more than that.

   still say not necessarily.

   But if you really have to think about it...

   is understandable. Some even take it for granted. After all, if it's 'really just', 'that ordinary level of Yashen's potential talent', how could it be possible to suppress Chen Fei for so many years?

   Anyway, Chen Fei is also a real Jiujin...

   The idle eight gods were restrained in front of him,

   is really nothing.

   "The strength of the realm of ancient gods?" At the same time, when Ji Fengyuan heard Chen Fei's words, he also showed a slight smile, then looked at Chen Fei and nodded lightly, his eyes twinkling.

   "Indeed, it should be soon, right? But... I still have to wait until then!"

   "After all, who would dare to say for sure before reaching that point?"

   Hearing the words and seeing this, Fade Chen couldn't help but nodded with a smile, and then directly raised his hand. Suddenly, in front of them, a space channel filled with amazing space power fluctuations appeared directly.


   "Master, let's go."

   "Friends of the Space God Realm, please come with me."

The voice of    fell,

   Chen Fei walked in directly towards the space passage. And seeing this scene, Ji Fengyuan, and the rest of the arrogance of the space gods, also immediately followed, and together with Chen Fei, stepped into the space passage!

   And almost in a blink of an eye,

   Their destination has already arrived!


   (end of this chapter)

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