Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4447: Shock the audience!

   Chapter 4447 Stun the audience!

   the blood-stained void,

  The torn chaotic space!

   is filled with continuous bursts of powerful shock wave ripples, making people horrified,

   And at the same time, there was the one that was already nailed to the void... 'Mo Feng's body'! And the soul power and will of Mo Feng, who had already vanished at this time... All of these are also deeply affecting the hearts of everyone! It made them twitch violently involuntarily. Trembling all over!

  Mo Feng, dead?

   One of the ceiling figures of the younger generation of Eternal Immortal,

   The most powerful descendant of the young generation in the ancestral land! Even the future hope of that step in the ancestral land, but now, it really died in Fade Chen's hands like this! Killed by him? !

   Such a reality,

Not only those who have nothing to do with it are stunned, even those who originate from the eternal fairyland, and even other people in the ancestral land, they suddenly become extremely suffocated at this time. And be quiet!

  Everyone, the entire space was completely plunged into a dead silence at this time!

   Their brains seem to have lost the ability to think. Trapped in chaos. It was as if none of them could have imagined that Chen Fei would actually be able to kill Mo Feng? And he actually dared to kill Mo Feng? !

   "Phew..." Finally, someone let out a long sigh of relief, how quickly he looked at Fade Chen, his eyes flickered, and the depths of his eyes were full of shock and fear. At the same time, he also muttered to himself, said.

   "I didn't expect that even such a character... would die in his hands?"

   "How strong is he now?!"

"If this matter spreads out, I'm afraid it will make many people doubt life, and even more can't believe that this is actually true? Such a young generation supreme figure who already has the strength of the ancient **** realm, actually can Being killed... It's like a dream, it's incredible. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't even believe it!"

   As his voice came out,

  Other people also came back to their senses one after another, and even joined with it. There was a lot of discussion, and there was an uproar! After all, after witnessing that Mo Feng's death in battle, how could they be so indifferent?

   That Mo Feng's death,

   It's like a turbid spring pouring into a frying pan!

   As soon as I entered it,

   just exploded! It directly detonated everyone in the audience.

"Yeah, if it wasn't for what I saw with my own eyes, who would believe it, who would dare to believe it! Mo Feng... He would lose so badly, and he would even be killed here? Although he is indeed not as good as Shi Tianjun and Jin. The people who changed Xuanxiao are so powerful, but he is also considered to be the most powerful and supreme figure among the younger generation of our eternal fairyland! But who would have thought that he would end up like this? It's incredible, It's really unpredictable!"

   "The most unfortunate thing is still the ancestral land. They worked so hard to cultivate such a Mo Feng, but now? They were actually slaughtered. Years of hard work have been burned, it is simply tragic!"

"Yeah, to be able to cultivate such a peerless monster! It's not easy, but now they have been slaughtered, which is equivalent to cutting off their roots! If they know this, I think, I am afraid that the whole step Everyone in Zhan Ancestral Land must go crazy!"


   The discussions from all directions are still continuing, and at this time, the remaining people who are fighting in the ancestral land are finally awake as if they were just waking up from a dream!

   "Mo Feng!" After seeing Mo Feng's death, the people who fought in the ancestral land trembled fiercely, their faces twisted, and they felt the pain in their hearts! That's Mo Feng! They are fighting the best hope of the younger generation in the ancestral land! The strongest monster! They have also placed high hopes on their sects and regarded them as the patron saint and hope of the future...

   And such a hope, in their opinion, as long as there is no accident halfway, if it falls halfway, it will definitely become a Daojun strong in the future! Board the seat of that Daojun. even! Their expectations for Mo Feng were more than just this "mere" Daoist, it was that simple! For them, their future expectations for Mofeng are...


   That's right! They even regarded that Mo Feng as the seed of the future Dao Ancestor powerhouse!

   And such a powerhouse, even in their Eternal Immortal Realm, is definitely a peak power! A strong man who has grown to the realm of Taoist ancestors is their patron saint! able to protect them for a long time.

  But now,

  Mo Feng is dead...

   Their future hope is gone!

   For a moment, the out-of-control emotions of anger and rampage directly filled their chests. All those who were fighting in the ancestral land were all staring at Fade Chen with eyes full of hideous eyes, killing intent in their eyes, and hideous expressions on their faces!

   seems to want to rush forward immediately,

   tear Chen Fei into pieces,

   Avenge that Mo Feng!


   But this is only the incompetent rage in their hearts, which belongs to them alone, these humble and weak people,

   Revenge? To whom? Chen Fei? Even Mo Feng died in Fade Chen's hands, let alone Fade Chen, even compared with that Mo Feng, they are just a mob! no use at all,

   So, how does this get revenge?

   hit from the beginning,

   They don't have the qualifications at all!

Because of this, although they hated Chen Fei very much at this time, although they were full of murderous intentions and wished to die in their hearts, Chen Fei, but at this time, they could only tremble all over, silently bowing their heads, like a Only the defeated beast stood there in fear, and even did not dare to say a word!

   This is because, this is the reality!

  If they were victors, then they could naturally get everything they deserved and enjoy everything, but now, they are just the same as that Mo Feng, a 'poor loser'.

  The fall of Mo Feng,

   also means that they can only bow their heads softly,


   Unless they don't want to live anymore,

   Prepare to work hard with Fade Chen! But what's the point? Mayfly shake? They are not even qualified to hurt Chen Fei, what kind of desperate effort is this? Just die! So, of course they weren't that stupid...

   But having said that,

   Let them do nothing like this,

   They are naturally a little unwilling,

  So, after this world was silent for a long time, finally, among the people who were fighting the ancestral land, someone suddenly walked out slowly, and then walked towards Chen Fei step by step,

   (end of this chapter)

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