Chapter 446 Luo Zun

"Old man, do you really think that my apprentice of Ming Daochuan is easy to bully?" But just when the terrifying black light turned into sharp claws, and was about to grab Chen Fei, there was also a sound from a certain direction on the other side. Leng Lie asked, as cold as the cold winter and twelfth lunar month, followed by a silver light like a silk thread that suddenly appeared in the air, shaking violently on the black and sharp claws...

A terrifying shock wave turbulent, the silk-like silver light stretched to the limit and almost broke, but the black and sharp claws seemed to be suddenly defeated, turned into the body, a cloud of dark fog, panicked Sneak into the black box in the hands of a short old man.

With a    click, the edge of the box was slightly cracked.

   "Ming Daochuan, you..."

  I saw that the little old man almost burst his lungs with anger when he saw this scene, his face was full of anger and hideous color, and he felt extremely distressed.

"You are Luo Zun? Well, very good... Want me to stop? I'm sorry, you don't want me to kill, but I will kill this young master! Today, this person, I will kill Chen Fei. Chi Yan Lan will explode for me. !" At this time, Chen Fei's face was also gloomy to the extreme, and then he suddenly clenched his palm, and the falling speed of the real red flame lamp hovering above Qinghu's forehead more than doubled instantly, and slammed onto him.


   "Rumble! Rumble..."


   Followed by an extremely dull hum, a suffocating explosion suddenly opened the turmoil.

   And at that moment, Qinghu's whole person seemed to be stupid, his body seemed extremely rigid, and even the screams were half stuck in his mouth, making it difficult to send out. Then, the terrifying explosion directly swept him into it, causing everyone present to see this scene, their eyes shrank suddenly, and chills came out of their spines.

   Terrible power. The scalding, scorching Sanyang True Fire Sword Qi was like a blade, attached to the seemingly white milky white sitting and forgetting scripture aura, like a volcanic eruption, bursting violently. Then the ripples and even the shock waves, like the mushroom cloud set off by the missile, caused the surrounding air to ripple instantly and become hot!

   Even the ground beneath everyone's feet seemed to be unable to hold up. In the blink of an eye, pieces collapsed downwards, smoke and dust rose everywhere, and rocks flew horizontally... making everyone not far away unable to stand still.

   "This, this, this..."

   "What exactly is that, and why is it so scary. Is that kid a monster? Master Qinghu..."

   Faced with this scene, almost everyone present felt a chill at this moment, from the soles of their feet to the sky, their bodies were icy cold, and their legs trembled. And when they looked at the ferocious young man in the center of the battlefield again, their eyes were full of horror.

   Because none of them thought that this kid would be decisive and strong to such an extent that even Lord Luo Zun showed up in person, and he actually dared to kill without hesitation like this, killing Lord Qinghu completely. And the method just now... is too scary, isn't it? Why does this young guy have such a good means, killer?

   "Could this be that kid's new method? This, too..." Even characters like Yama couldn't help but look dumbfounded when they saw this scene again.

   His strange sword formation was already the limit of Fade Chen, but now, there is still such a show?

   How many tricks does this kid have yet to expose?

   This is simply, simply, too…

"Okay, very good, very good! You little bastard, how dare you kill me in front of me from the Tiger and Leopard Hall. If I, Luo Zun, don't smash your body into ten thousand pieces today, I will not give up!" It's just this kind of solidified The atmosphere didn't last long, and a voice full of rage and extreme haze exploded in the ears of everyone in vain. Immediately after that, a terrifying murderous intent that seemed to be substantive rushed towards him, and anyone could feel how furious the master of that murderous intent was at the moment.

   After all, you must know that it is a green tiger! He was Luo Zun's first general, and his cultivation strength was about to reach the peak of the mid-innate, but now, he was actually killed by that little bastard! It was undoubtedly a huge loss, and just thinking about this kind of loss made Luo Zun feel unable to restrain the killing intent in his heart.

"Hey! Hall, Hall Master, he is angry!" And when he heard this voice, the hearts of the members of the Tiger and Leopard Hall base camp suddenly jumped wildly, their feet became weak, their scalps burst... and even their faces turned pale with the naked eye. , bloodless.

   Obviously, as Luo Zun's subordinates, they naturally know best that if this lord is really angry, it will be a terrible thing! I'm afraid... this land will be dyed red with blood!

   "The corpse is broken into ten thousand pieces? It's up to you?" But at this moment, a cruel, extremely cold voice suddenly resounded, causing many people to panic and their pupils to shrink.

  Damn, even now, this kid still dares to provoke Lord Luo Zun. Don't implicate us if you want to find death.

"Okay, come behind me, and let me handle the next thing." Even Ming Daochuan wrinkled slightly when he heard the words, glanced in the direction of the short and old figure with some fear, and then scolded Fade Chen. . If this kid was still in his prime, he wouldn't be so worried, but now... that weird and amazing move seems to have been emptied out of his body.

   In this state, if the old guy Luo Zun really wants to kill, I am afraid that even if he knows Daochuan now, with his current strength, he does not know if he can stop it. So this risk cannot be taken.

"Ming Daochuan, it seems that you are here to take revenge today? Very good, very good... I have worked so hard to manage the Tiger and Leopard Hall for decades. Today, most of it has been destroyed by your hands. Very good, very good!" Hearing that, Luo Zun glanced at Dao Chuan, trembling all over, because of the rage... The terrifying killing intent in his old eyes was completely unsuppressed, and he released it madly and hideously.

   You must know that this Tiger and Leopard Hall has been in operation for decades, and it has reached the level of prosperity and splendor it is today! But now, four of the five early stage guardians have died, and the most powerful Qinghu in the two middle stages of innate has also been killed by Chen Fei, which makes him almost become a bare commander, how can he not be angry?

"Hehe, it's not just Tiger and Leopard Hall. Today, you old man will die too, go to bury your subordinates... After all, from the very beginning, we came for you, Luo Zun." However, Chen Fei But in order to obey his master's words, he shut up and sneered fiercely.

   "...Little bastard, you said, your target me? Is it my Luo Zun!?" That Luo Zun's extremely sensible eyes slammed into Fade Chen's face, making it as if he was being stared at by a poisonous snake.

   "Congratulations for your answer. Today, we will let you die!" However, Fade Chen was not afraid of him at all, instead he subconsciously licked his lips, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he became more ruthless.

"Let me die? It's a new-born calf who is not afraid of tigers, you know? I actually hate a self-righteous kid like you the most. If it weren't for you..." Luo Zun's eyes swept away violently when he said this. After an uncontrollable killing intent, he saw his finger hook, a ray of black aura like a ghost, unexpectedly appeared ten centimeters above Chen Fei's head, flashing a dark black light. .

   Not to mention Yan Luo and others, even Ming Daochuan didn't notice it in advance.

   And even if he noticed it now, it would be too late.

   "Luo Zun, you... get out of the way, it's dangerous!" Immediately, Na Ming Daochuan couldn't help but change his color and shouted.

   And that Yan Luo, Ruan Jing and others looked extremely ugly and panicked. Because they all discovered it later than Ming Daochuan, it was too late before they could speak out.

I saw the dark black light that appeared strangely ten centimeters above Chen Fei's head at some time, as if it was driven by some kind of drive and ordered to fall down towards Chen Fei's head... Hmph, that Luo Zun disdains it He snorted coldly, a sneering smile formed on the corner of his mouth.

   What kind of a stinky young boy is he in front of Luo Zun? But then the smug sarcasm on his face suddenly froze.


  Because I only heard such a powerful impact, the dark light, unexpectedly, hit a broken stone mirror.

   But that broken stone mirror is a downright low-grade magic weapon!


   Suddenly, seven or eight dark rays of dark light appeared from the profound stone mirror, which instantly drowned out the jetted black light, making a piercing sound of destruction. And Chen Fei shook his head as if disappointed, his dark eyes as clear as glass stared at each other, and said lightly: "Do you think this kind of trick can kill me? You underestimate me too much. Oh, or am I overestimating you? The famous Tiger and Leopard Hall master in the world, Luo Zun... It seems that this is the case."


  Nara Zun's face was extremely blue, and his body was filled with killing intent.

"Don't be so pretentious here. If you have the ability, you will kill us all today, otherwise, just stick out your neck and let us cut it to save trouble. Others are afraid of you Luo Zun, but I am not afraid at all... I really think You don't know that the three-legged cat magic method you learned from there can go to heaven?" Chen Fei looked at him coldly and said.

   "Three-legged cat magic trick?"

   Hearing that, Luo Zun was so angry that his lungs almost exploded, and his chest was extremely heaving. There were even some very faint waves somewhere in the dark, but they went unnoticed.

   "Okay... I'm afraid you'll be mad at you if you continue. Leave the rest to me."

At this moment, Ming Daochuan reached out his hand to stop Fade Chen who wanted to continue talking, and then slowly turned his head to look at Luo Zun who was more than ten meters away with a terrifying aura, his face gradually turned cold. Said: "Luo Zun, the hatred between the two of us, let's settle it today." As he spoke, a ray of terrifying infuriating pressure emanated from his body.

   "You, you actually broke through!?" Luo Zun's expression suddenly changed. Unexpectedly, the old man Ming Daochuan not only solved his black demon blood poison, but even broke through the strength of his cultivation base again?

  Damn, isn’t that…

   (end of this chapter)

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