Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4458: Peerless array! The tempering of the bright blazing dish divine fire!

   Chapter 4458 Peerless Great Array! The tempering of the bright blazing dish divine fire!


Immediately, the power of the big formation started to run wildly, and Fade Chen also clearly felt that the formation platform under his feet began to emerge with a steady stream of powerful power, and then, he could only see his formation on the formation platform. In the endless void,


   As if the multidimensional worlds were torn apart,

   One after another space cracks appeared, and the forces of the peerless great formation, which were extremely powerful and terrifying, began to merge into the void, and then, these forces began to merge into one.

   In the end, there was actually a huge prismatic crystal-like boulder suspended at the top and end of the endless void.

   At a glance, this incomparably huge crystal boulder is almost too majestic to see the end, but it exudes an incomparably ancient aura, slowly descending from the sky... But it is not an entity, but a phantom!

   But even so,

   When the crystal-like huge, prismatic boulder slowly landed, Fade Chen, he, and the world where he was, obviously had an extremely terrifying oppression!

   With that kind of power, even Chen Fei trembled a little at this time.

With a    hum, the chaotic divinity in his body actually revolved and bloomed independently.

   protect the body in it.

   "The end of this thing has even been connected to the other side of the barrier of the chaotic world... That is to say, part of the power of this peerless array now really comes from the chaotic world?"


   Chen Fei was also completely shocked at this time,

   staring at all this,

   His face was full of shock and horror.

   He can now clearly perceive that the other end of the phantom of the prismatic, crystal-like boulder actually left the chaotic world! In other words, the prototype of this peerless formation was actually a double world formation capable of spanning the Celestial Realm and the Chaos World! You can imagine what the concept is.

   Not to mention, even with his current strength, when facing such an incomparably powerful and peerless formation, I am afraid there is no room for him to fight back. If this is to compete with it, I am afraid it is at least the least... and it has to be three or five stages stronger than his current strength!

   If you calculate it like this... In the face of such a peerless formation, I am afraid that even the ancient gods of the third realm, such as the Heavenly Demon King Bo Xun, have to avoid its edge.

   And that's not the point,

   The point is! The formation in front of him is obviously still a incomplete remnant formation. The mere remnants of the formation are already terrifying to such an extent that if they were at their peak... Then what? !

   But if you really think about it,

   is also reasonable,

After all, this is the huge Supreme Dao Palace, the countless top powerhouses like the Optimus Prime of the Supreme Dao Palace, and even the Supreme Heavenly Venerate of the dignified Eternal Immortal Realm - the Ninth Emperor, is all of them I don't know how much they paid and how much effort they paid to get what they wanted, and finally succeeded in creating this ultimate layout!

   Because of this,

   This should naturally be so terrifying and powerful!

"Stimulate the power in it and help us cultivate... That's what he said, right?" Chen Fei raised his head and glanced at the huge prismatic crystal phantom in the void, and then glanced at the man in the pale white gown. side,

   Then I found out,

   In the void world above him,

   is the same as here.

   also has a majestic, incomparably terrifying huge prismatic crystal phantom.

   The only difference is that the prismatic giant crystal phantom on his side is still in a forbidden state because the power in it has not been activated.

   And the gigantic prismatic crystal phantom on the other side of the man in the pale white gown,

   seems to have been activated,

   So he can clearly feel at this time that the world the other party is in is completely covered by an extremely terrifying wave, what exactly is in it? he does not know!

   But look at this,

   Like the power in that gigantic prismatic crystal phantom,

It seems that    can indeed be used to activate cultivation and temper oneself!

"In this case, it's not too late, let's try it out..." Fade Chen murmured, and then tentatively directed his own power towards the huge prismatic crystal phantom in the void world above his head. blended in,


   "Rumble Rumble Rumble..."

Immediately, the high platform of the formation under his feet boiled directly, and hundreds of millions of peerless large formation patterns flew out continuously and merged into the void. An incomparably gigantic peerless formation spread out and enveloped the world.

   What is even more terrifying is that as soon as this great formation appeared, it became a world of its own and evolved into a huge, crimson fireball! Inside and outside this world are two completely different worlds.

  The outside world is still the same, standing above the heavens, calm and quiet.

   But in this inner world,

  The whole world seemed to be boiling with fire.

   The space in front of you is distorted as much as possible! There are even extremely terrifying fairy fires dancing everywhere, burning the sky and boiling the sea, absolutely terrifying! And above those nine days, the huge fireball that formed a world of its own was also exuding a terrifyingly high temperature at this time.

   And seeing this scene,

   Chen Fei's complexion also changed directly.

   "It's actually this thing..."

   He was still a little curious at first,

   This so-called can help cultivation, tempering and improvement, in what way?

   Now he knows...

   This **** is actually a bright fire!

   "呲...呲呲呲..." Under this terrifyingly high temperature, he didn't even have time to resist, the clothes and outer clothes on his face were already turned into ashes and dissipated...

   And the protective power beyond his skin and flesh,

   is also being gradually evaporated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   And then, that terrifyingly high temperature actually directly broke through the protection of his body protection.


   One after another extremely terrifying high temperature, eroded and rushed into his flesh, and suddenly made Chen Fei's whole skin red as fire. Even the blood, hair, bones, muscles, meridians, etc. in his body seemed to have some signs of being on fire at this time.

   Immediately after, a fire was lit directly outside his body! surround him.

   "What a powerful fire... what a terrifying high temperature!"

   Chen Fei couldn't help baring his teeth,

   He now understands that this thing is definitely the handwriting of that blazing butterfly Dan Zun! The legendary eternal fire that can even compete with the fire of the phoenix - the bright fire of the blazing dish! This thing is really scary!

   Fortunately, the original intention of these bright blazing dishes and divine fires exists here is to help those in the formation to temper themselves and enhance their strength.

   If one counts as one, they must all be burnt to ashes! Not a single hair is left.

  Thinking about it,

   Chen Fei immediately sat down on the spot.

  I am ready to use the power of this terrifying high temperature to temper myself and improve my strength. Although the terrifying high temperature of this bright blazing dish is indeed very torturous! But it works really well!

   With such a good opportunity in front of him, he must hurry up and race against time!

   Soon, Fade Chen began to accept the baptism of the terrifying high temperature power,

   began to sit in the air on the high platform of the formation,

   Quietly tempered itself,



   As the power of that terrifying high temperature continued to invade his body, his body became more and more hot. Even the burning pain began to multiply, and then began to spread throughout his body!

   To the depths of the soul!

   Until the end, he even let go of the protection of his own body protection,

   Then let his fleshly body be completely submerged under that terrifying high temperature, that terrifyingly scarlet beam of light, and that blazing blazing fire that filled the sky!

   As a result, this terrifying high-temperature power also began to crazily erode and capture his body, and at the same time, his body began to enter a state of deep self-evolution and tempering!

   at this moment,

   Chen Fei didn't find it,

  I don't know when,

  The young man in the pale white gown had already quietly opened his eyes, and then he also stared at him with a look of surprise, even inconceivable…

   (end of this chapter)

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