Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4464: Battle Ye Daojin! The power of words!

   Chapter 4464 Battle Ye Daojin! The power of words!

  Speaking of which, he was indeed interested in Ye Daojin,

   After all, the request of the blazing butterfly Dan Zun before is obsessed,

   Of course he hasn't forgotten. The front foot over there just received such a request. Here, this guy actually delivered it to the door just so well.

have to say,


  Some things it really is, there is such a coincidence!

   Maybe this is God's will?

   As for why Ye Daojin was stupid enough to find him? It's actually very simple.

   First, those who are qualified to come here are not too weak, and even they are definitely the kind of 'super monsters who have absolute confidence in their own strength'!

   In this case, unless they have really played against each other, they have played a few games. Between each other, they already know the strengths and weaknesses of both of them, and they know it. Just like that Jinxuanxuanxiao and Biluo Divine Blood, otherwise, it is impossible to be afraid of each other, unwilling to fight, or even afraid to fight with them!

   The second and most important point,

   That is Ye Daojin, I haven't seen him at all before,

   And this Ye Daojin doesn't seem to have the strength of Shentiandu, Biluo Shenxue, Jinhuaxuanxiao and others, so naturally it is even more impossible to see his depth. So he didn't dare to fight with him.

   In this case, for Naye Daojin,

   I'm afraid it's the same for everyone,

   Most likely it was just a real coincidence,

   just picked him Chen Fei's head...

"It just so happens that I don't like to owe promises and favors. You have already taken the initiative to send it to your door, so I will naturally, you're welcome... Hehe..." Chen Fei murmured in his heart, and then also He sneered, and then, his figure flashed! He walked directly towards the oncoming Ye Daojin Void...

   Suddenly, Ye Daojin also greeted Fade Chen with a sneer on his face.

   The same figure,

   Shuttle, flash!

   Void Stride,

   rushed to the outer sky that day!


   "Rumble Rumble Rumble..."

   Soon, the space between them was already a hurricane of destruction!

   That storm, roaring loudly! I saw that Ye Daojin was the first to take the shot, and he slammed out with a calm palm, and the supreme characters appeared overwhelmingly, and the world seemed to tremble...

   And seeing this scene,

   That Ji Fengyuan couldn't smile...

   At this moment, he couldn't help but glanced at the gods with helplessness on his face... He only felt that his head was big! Smile bitterly. Although he has now successfully broken through to the Eighth Heaven of Immortal Ancestor, how could he be so clueless in his heart?

   Even Chen Fei is so afraid of that guy...

   What about him? Then he's probably going to have bad luck.

   is gone!

   "Hey, forget it, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I didn't expect to get the chance to get the great formation of the God King Feixian... It's already pretty good to be able to fight like this."

   Ji Fengyuan sighed,

   Then he shook his head again and muttered to himself.

   He still has a lot in mind.

   From start to finish,

   He didn't even expect to get the chance of the God King Feixian Great Array. After all, how many chances did this God King Feixian Great Formation have? Only this one! What about competitors? A full nine! The number of competitors is really too many!

   And more importantly,

   His strength is not enough!

  This is the key!

   Among these ten people today,

   In his view, the disparity is also quite obvious.

   One, of course, is Fade Chen.

   Chen Fei, Shentiandu, and Biluo Shenxue, Jin Zhuangxuanxiao, these four of them are absolutely impossible for Ji Fengyuan to compete with! This is also the first step among the ten of them!

   And the other six,

   is naturally the second ladder among these ten people.

   Although the strength of these six people,

   The difference should not be too big,


   But there is still a more detailed distinction between upper and lower strengths. For example, if he wants to make him and Princess Feng Lianxin that day, or that Li Hei and Changsheng Beast have a long way to go, and Shi Tianjun will face each other, he is almost unsure.

   The only thing that can make him feel a little bit better,

   I am afraid that there is only the true son of the Great Dao of the Supreme Academy of the Eternal Immortal Realm - Ye Daojin.

   In other words,

   Among these ten people today,

   According to his feeling, he and Ye Daojin should be the weakest two people!

In this situation,

  If he can still hope too much for himself...

   That is really a ghost.

   This is simply impossible!

   Therefore, he can only hold the mentality of doing his best now,

   Finally, we have a good fight with that God Tiandu!

   After all, if the gods are really that powerful and powerful, such a battle should still be very valuable and helpful to him!

   And at the same time,

   The battle between Chen Fei and Naye Daojin,

   has also officially started!


   "Nine precepts of the law! The heavens are nothing!"

  I saw Ye Daojin shouting loudly, and suddenly there were a lot of tiny words in the void. Each of these teeny small characters emerges with an incomparably magical and vast sacred scroll, and then evolves into an entity, and evolves into a large area of ​​nothingness! In an instant, the whole world was wrapped in it...

   Immediately, the figure of Ye Daojin flew directly into the void area.


   The aura of that supreme sacred scroll suddenly surged! Breaking into the high sky, there are thousands of Rui Cai, as if the heaven and earth are pouring backwards, and there is a large, even endless, terrifying airflow!

   And as soon as this airflow appeared,

   also directly detonated that void!


   rumble rumble rumble…

   The loud noise ripped apart the day and the earth!

  The supreme energy permeates the air, surging and surging! Terrifying!

   also seems to be covered with a thick layer of frost for the sake of the world of the heavens! At the same time, Ye Daojin's mouth was also at this time, and there was even a cold voice that was enough to shake the sky...

   "Boundary Break!"

   "Nine Precepts of the Law of Words... All worlds are broken!"

   "Boom!" That destructive power broke out completely, and the heavens and the world seemed to have descended the sacred law, with characters everywhere, and the brilliance of the sacred scrolls everywhere! Then this force also attacked directly towards Chen Fei,

   Looking from afar,

   That power is like the nine-day galaxy pouring down,

   Dragging huge and long heavy shadows!

   Brilliant to the radiance of billions of feet!

   When it is the supreme divine power!


   "What a miraculous power..." Fade Chen's eyes condensed for a moment, and his eyes also revealed a bit of curiosity about Ye Daojin's attack method and power form! It is said that the core of the power of the Eternal Immortal Supreme Academy is the words, the scrolls, and the collection of books! In this regard, he was still a little puzzled before...

   But now, he seems to understand something!

   (end of this chapter)

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