Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4467: Kill Ye Daojin!

   Chapter 4467 Kill Ye Daojin!

   "Thousand-character picture, thousand-character wall!"

   Ye Dawkin suddenly exploded! A series of terrifying words lingered quickly, exuding immortal brilliance, and the power of the extremely tough law fluctuated, and then, a multi-dimensional space barrier without any dead ends appeared directly out of thin air, rising from the ground, In front of Fade Chen's fist,


   "Rumble Rumble Rumble..."


When his punch fell on the wall of the **** wall of Ye Daojin's thousand-character text map, the latter's power was not even able to stop Fade Chen for a few breaths, and then he was directly hit by that punch. Smashed, smashed, pierced!


  The heaven and the earth trembled, and the loud noise rose to the sky,

  The power of countless words suddenly collapsed and was extremely fragile!

   ripples visible to the naked eye,

   also spread quickly and violently.

   made the eyes of Ye Daojin, who was horrified and even a little desperate,

   even shrank fiercely at this moment! His face trembled.

   But at this time,

   Fade Chen's fist,

   has even bombarded him to Ye Daojin's approach.


With a muffled sound, Ye Daojin's body exploded out of thin air.

   Like an out-of-control cannonball, it flew upside down.

   puff. A large mouthful of blood spurted out of Ye Daojin's mouth... His body slammed into the chaotic space barrier of the multi-dimensional space, and a loud noise broke out. It shredded countless spaces and set off an extremely astonishing vast wave!

   But that's it,

   That Ye Daojin actually survived under the astonishing punch of Chen Fei.

"It's really hard to kill... If you want to replace it with the previous Mo Feng, I'm afraid I don't know how many times I've died." Chen Fei murmured, and couldn't help but put Ye Daojin and that Mo Feng together. Do a comparison!

   I have to say that although the cultivation realm strength between the two is indeed not too much, but this is specific to the actual combat power of actual combat, this Ye Daojin really wants to obviously throw out that Mo Feng a lot!

   And this is actually the difference in the background!

   disciples of the gods,

   Son of Dao Zun,

   Dao Zhenzi of the Taoist lineage!

   This pile of horror titles that are almost enough to scare people to death,

   After all of them were brought up to him one by one...

   This is really really obvious difference!


   is nothing more than that,

   Chen Fei shook his head, then flickered directly in the void, shuttled towards Ye Daojin, who was already very miserable at this time, and when he saw this scene, Ye Daojin seemed to realize something,

He couldn't help but shrink his pupils, his face changed dramatically, and then his face sank, and he roared: "This time you are cruel, I, Ye Daojin, admit it! I gave up the opportunity of the great formation of the gods and kings! I will retire now. !"


   He had clearly noticed Fade Chen's killing intent towards him... But even if he had already chosen to compromise at this time, Fade Chen still acted as if he didn't hear it at all, and walked over with an expressionless face,

   At the same time, an extremely powerful qi burst out from his hand!

   "Rumble Rumble Rumble!"

  A huge and terrifying space-shattering scene suddenly appeared,

   When Jin Bianxuanxiao saw it in the distance, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he even took a breath, because he obviously recognized it, what exactly was Fade Chen's attack...

   This is obviously the first and strongest attack method that claims to be the way of space,

   The precursor to the attack of the Destruction Blade of the World!

   Then he just shook his head,

  Because he understood, I am afraid that Ye Daojin should be helpless this time.

  Since Chen Fei has already killed him...

   Then he is probably dead this time!

   And since he can recognize the lineup of Chen Fei's attack, as the disciple of the day, the son of Daozu, and even Ye Daojin of the Daozhenzi of the Supreme Academy, of course he can recognize it!

   But the more this is the case, the more fearful he is at this time, and his face is pale, because he really did not expect that Chen Fei would dare to kill him, and he would actually kill him Ye Daojin!

   "Chen Fei! I warn you, if you dare to kill me, my master, my father, they will not spare you!"

   "When the time comes, my Xia family, my supreme academy, will definitely make you pay a heavy price! Don't seek death!"

   Ye Daojin's face became a little ferocious,

   shouted sharply.

   And after he said this,

   Chen Fei's movements actually stopped for a while,

   When Ye Daojin saw this, he finally seemed to be relieved, and there was a little bit of joy in his heart. Although Chen Fei's strength is indeed terrifying, he also seems to understand the consequences of daring to offend him Ye Daojin and their Supreme Academy!

   Just as Ye Daojin raised his head again,

   When meeting Chen Fei's gaze...

   His pupils shrank again, his face changed drastically,

  Because he didn't see the solemnity, fear, and hesitation on Fade Chen's face as he expected, instead, what he saw was the deep ridicule, contempt, and ridicule in Fade Chen's eyes!

   "It's like if I let you go, they won't come to trouble me! Also, Ye Daojin, you won't take me Chen Fei as someone from your eternal fairyland, right?"

   "The price? Let's talk about it when you come to our Azure Heaven Immortal Realm!"

   Chen Fei was full of sarcasm and smiled coldly. Originally, the people of these two immortal worlds were already feuding, even deadly, so is it not natural and natural for you to kill me and I to kill you?

   Besides, he is from the Celestial Realm!

   Unless the Eternal Immortal Realm can really break through the Immortal Realm battle and kill them in the Celestial Realm, otherwise, Tian really doesn't know what he needs to be afraid of. The sky fell down and there was a tall one on top. In front of him, there are many people who support him!

   And not to mention that he still has the request and the request of the blazing butterfly Danzun,

In this situation,

  Why didn't he kill it?

   Chen Fei smiled coldly, and then started directly.

   "Myriad Realms Destruction Blade!"


   The terrifying space fluctuations like the destruction of the sky and the earth directly swept and drowned Ye Daojin's body! At that moment, the supreme divine might rushed out surging, directly smashing everything like burning the sky and boiling the sea. The countless dimension space worlds in the heavens and the world seemed to be completely destroyed by the explosion of this power. Collapse into nothingness! As for Ye Daojin?

   Of course, it also erupted with the power of the Ten Thousand Realms Destruction Blade,

   is directly smashed to pieces by strangulation! Not even the last trace of existence was left behind...

   And seeing this scene,

   In the distance, Jin Bianxuanxiao fell into silence.

   His eyes flickered and his eyes narrowed slightly.

   "He really killed this Ye Daojin? How courageous!"

   (end of this chapter)

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