Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4470: Shi Tianjun's challenge!

   Chapter 4470 Shi Tianjun's challenge!

   "Your strength is indeed good!"

  Bi Luo Shen Xue took a deep look at Jin Zhan Xuan Xiao, and then it was the same...

   Rumble Rumble Rumble! An extremely terrifying momentum suddenly erupted, covering the whole world! Immediately in the void, at the feet of Bi Luo Shenxue, the peerless sword formation appeared out of nowhere, and it was running like crazy!


   This is the grandeur of the sixth killing formation, reproduced!

   "Humph! Come on!"

  Jin Bianxuanxiao snorted coldly,

   directly escaped into the outer world of that day and opened up a new battlefield! At the same time, Bi Luo Shenxue did not hesitate, and followed the terrifying sixth killing formation without saying a word.



   A new battlefield was opened up,

  The world seemed to tremble.

   At the same time, Chen Fei's eyes began to fall on Shi Tianjun and Shen Tiandu... His eyes flickered and he fell silent.

   In fact, in his opinion, the strength of this Shi Tianjun is definitely inferior to that of Jin Bianxuanxiao. As for why Biluo Shenxue chose Jinxuanxiao instead of this Shi Tianjun? To be honest, he didn't quite understand.

   But that doesn't matter,

  Because, after all, this is not a real knockout battle,

   The unanimous goal of all of them is just the chance of inheriting the power of the God King Feixian Great Array. That is to say, as long as you don't have the last laugh, to put it bluntly, there is actually no difference. They're just losers in the competition.

   And if you look at it from this point of view,

   He suddenly had some understanding, why did Bi Luo Shenxue choose that Jinxuanxiao, anyway, there is no difference, it is the same in the morning and evening, it is better to just choose it first,

   "Chen Fei..."

   Just when Chen Fei was still thinking a little,

   But suddenly came the voice of Shi Tianjun,

   Chen Fei was stunned,

   Then looked up, and at the same time, he also realized that Shi Tianjun seemed to be in the comparison between him and Shentiandu, and he would eventually choose Chen Fei!

   "Then fight!"

   Chen Fei shrugged,

   Then he just took a step forward,

   At the same time, his body rose into the air and swept toward the outer world that day, but his attention at this time was not on Shi Tianjun, but on Shen Tiandu!

   "I didn't choose the wrong person, that guy... is the biggest trouble!"

   Chen Fei muttered.

   That Shen Tiandu actually noticed Fade Chen's gaze again,

   raised his head and smiled at him indifferently,

   Immediately, Chen Fei's eyes narrowed directly, his eyes flickering constantly, like sharp edges, constantly splitting and flickering in it.

   "Wait, it should be soon, there will always be a battle between us in the end... I don't know what the other nine gods ban except me will be like?"

   Chen Fei murmured,

   Then he moved his eyes away,

   Towards Shi Tianjun who is not far away, he walked over with indifferent eyes.

   The opponent he really expects is not the opponent,

   So he is not going to linger any longer in this battle,

   Start early,

   is over as soon as possible!

   "When you fight with me, Shi Tianjun, you are still paying attention to other people, boy, are you looking down on me too much?" However, at this moment, a cold and angry voice suddenly came from the void,

   This also made Chen Fei stunned for a while, and then looked sideways, only to find that Shi Tianjun was at this moment, his eyes were cold, and his face was like frost, he was above the outer world that day,

   stared at him from afar,

   What's more, the Shi Tianjun at this time not only has cold eyes, but also has a very cold and indifferent expression, and even the powerful aura surging out of his body at this time is extremely terrifying and intimidating!

"If you can't see it, it's not what you say, but your strength! If you think you are strong, then let me see it! Even, if you can beat me, then I will naturally not be distracted in front of you. …”

   Immediately Chen Fei opened his mouth and said lightly,

   These words also made that Shi Tianjun's eyes flash, and then he sneered, and then, his eyes suddenly became extremely gloomy! Impressive, very intimidating!

   "In that case..."

   "Then as you said, everyone should rely on their abilities, and their subordinates will see their true abilities!"


   At the moment when Shi Tianjun’s voice fell,

   As soon as I saw Shi Tianjun's body, it just moved!

   "Rumble rumble rumble..." In the void where the terrifying and mighty coercion was floating, the space suddenly split open, and the mighty aura of life force shot straight into the sky, as if it were a pillar of heaven, piercing through the sky and the ground!

   At the same time, the figure of Shi Tianjun had already turned into that one at this time, like a rapid afterimage like a super-beam, it was almost instantaneous, and there was no time for people to react.

   his figure,

   already appeared in front of Fade Chen,

   punched out.


   "Rumble Rumble Rumble..."

  The supreme breath rushed up,

The surging life force actually merged with it directly under this punch, and then extremely quickly, in the void, a surging white light appeared in the whole body, and the hair was strong, as if it was that The huge palm like the paw of a white bear, and then facing Chen Fei, he pressed it down fiercely, sweeping the sky, destroying the ground, destroying the sky and destroying the earth!


   As soon as this force appeared, it was about to smash the world and pierce the entire world. Looking closely, there are actually mysterious lines on the terrifying and unparalleled white palm, and among those lines, there are countless vast, immortal, and destructive Qi machines, which are very terrifying. Scalp tingling!


   Even after seeing such a terrifying scene, Chen Fei, who was under that terrifying, white huge palm, was still very indifferent and calm. Not even the slightest expression fluctuations!

  Although I have to admit, the physical strength of this Shi Tianjun now seems to be really powerful and strong... But! But this is just the longevity beast clan, as the Xeon and High Immortal beast race, 'one of the standard'!

   It is no exaggeration to say,

  Except for those rare exceptions,

   All the remaining so-called Xeon and High Immortal beast races, if they have one, they all definitely possess the most top and most powerful super-top physical strength among the immortal worlds!

Therefore, Chen Fei already knew all of this in his heart, and more importantly, even if Shi Tianjun's physical strength was really strong, it could be that Chen Fei's physical strength was weak. Yet?

of course not!

   (end of this chapter)

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