Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4481: Magical please!

   Chapter 4481 Please magic!

   "Aren't you very confident before? Why is it like this now? Haha, it seems that you Chen Fei are just like that... Hahaha, hahahahaha..."

   Seeing the horrified look on Chen Fei's face at this time, Ye Daojin's soul power also burst into laughter! This laughter is also full of deep irony, and hideous and unruly!


at the same time,

   In that Ye Daojin's soul power, another light actually flew out... Look closely, it turned out to be Ye Daojin's soul power, Yuanshen! From a distance, it looks like a scaled-down version of Ye Daojin's doll!

   But at this time, he

   was already 'tight all over' and stood up!

   And then, his distorted, terrifying crazy eyes stared directly at the terrifying giant phantom, and then faced him from a distance... kneeled down.

   "Supreme Dao Sutra... Please magic!"

   "Father, please come here now!"


The overwhelming terrifying coercion shot out from the huge phantom in an instant. At the same time, the huge phantom also began to evolve rapidly. In the end, a red-haired Yingwei Zhong appeared. old people. His figure went from virtual to real, and he walked out step by step. At the same time, his eyes swept away, and the world collapsed directly!

   And seeing this scene,

   Chen Fei's face was also extremely solemn, even extremely solemn!

   Because he knew very well what such an almost invincible terrifying might meant. It is no exaggeration to say that this is probably even better than the strength of the previous Shentiandu clone!

   In this way,

   is actually very obvious! To have such a terrifying and amazing invincible power! I'm afraid, at the very least, it is only possible to have the strength of the Daojun powerhouse of the Eternal Immortal Realm in person!

   That's right,

   is not that strong monarch,

   It is the strength of the real Daojun strong! It is possible to have such power.

   Thinking of this, Fade Chen's face became even gloomier again.

   The look on his face was a little ugly.

  Because I have to say, he does seem to have underestimated Ye Daojin's trump card... Although he doesn't know who the 'God' invited by Ye Daojin is, who is he, what a big man,


   But it's just this near-real Daojun-level coercion and strength!

   is enough to make him feel extremely difficult,

   After all, strictly speaking,

   His current peak strength is the strongest, and if he is dead, I am afraid that at most it is "just the level of that Taoist",

  Although the strength of this Taoist level is not weak, but! But it is still weaker than the Daojun powerhouse of the Eternal Immortal Realm. Just like in the Celestial Immortal Realm, the relationship between Dao Zun and Ancient God Realm is the same!

   "This is trouble..."

   Chen Fei murmured,

   at the same time tightened his palm,

   At the same time, Ye Daojin's soul power Yuanshen, who was kneeling and bowing, also slowly raised his head, and immediately looked at the red-haired Yingwei middle-aged man,

   There was a strong excitement on his face,

   In the depths of his eyes, there is still a trace of fanaticism and madness!

   "Father, I succeeded!"

   Ye Daojin said heavily,

   When the red-haired Yingwei middle-aged man heard the words, he also glanced at him, and then raised his head again, looking around, in all directions...

   After seeing the world in all directions a lot,

   Then suddenly he shook his head again,

   seems to be somewhat emotional. murmured. "I didn't expect that I would be able to come here again... The past is like smoke, and there are many disturbances. I have to say, I really miss it!"

   talking and talking,

   His body also began to become more solid and real, and in him, the supreme energy and coercion that belonged to the super strong began to emerge! In his eyes, there are even countless words taking off, paragraphs of witty words, classics, converging and intertwining of the magical innate visions!

And then,

   His eyes began to fall on Fade Chen...

   After looking down for a while,

   suddenly saw it grinning again, said.

"What's your name?"


   Immediately, Ye Daojin's expression changed, and he couldn't help but blurt out immediately. "Father, this is the man from the Celestial Realm. He almost killed me before, so I can't keep him! Please do it yourself and kill him!"

   But the red-haired Yingwei middle-aged man seemed to ignore him,

   Just still staring at Fade Chen with such interest,

   There are a few different colors in his eyes,

   Upon seeing this scene, Fade Chen frowned slightly, then raised his head, stared at the other party, and asked slowly. "What about you? Who are you?!"

   "Me? Hehe..." The red-haired Yingwei middle-aged man smiled and seemed to be very kind, but he still looked at Fade Chen with a grin and said softly. "My name is Ye Kuangxue, do you know who I am?"

   As soon as these words come out,

   Suddenly, Chen Fei's brows were raised.

   Even the expression on his face became a little gloomy and changed. Indefinite.

   "One of the five supreme kings of the Supreme Dao Palace, the ancestor of the mad blood dao, Ye Kuangxue?"

   stared at the other party, and the other party said slowly.

   "The supreme five kings?"

   Ye Kuangxue was stunned for a moment, then he laughed, and there seemed to be some memories in his eyes. "It's still a very distant term. Speaking of which, I don't know how many years I have been called by no one. I didn't expect anyone to mention it in front of me..."

   Ye Kuangxue said calmly,

   But Chen Fei's mood,

   However, some inevitably fell into a trough,

   I didn't expect it to be him...

   Mad Blood Dao Ancestor Ye Mad Blood!

   Once one of the strongest in the Supreme Dao Palace, the super-power of the Supreme Five Kings!

   The current Six Great Courts of Supreme Academy, the existence of the master level, the super powerhouse of the top Taoist ancestor!

   There is no doubt that this is definitely a real big shot! Even in their Celestial Immortal Realm or the Eternal Immortal Realm, the other side, Tian Duo, is definitely the most powerful group of people.

  Although he once regarded the other party as a hunting target in his heart, but that is all in the future and in the future... Looking at it now, compared to the other party, he is really a little too tender!

   For a while, Fade Chen was a little confused,

   At this moment, Ye Kuangxue suddenly threw out an earth-shattering sentence.

"Little guy, I think you have a fate with me, so, do you want to consider joining us? If you want, I can accept you as my adopted son, and I can even give you the opportunity to become the true son of my supreme academy! In the future! In my Supreme Academy, and even in the Eternal Immortal Realm, you will become a supreme being that everyone admires and all races respect!"

   (end of this chapter)

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