Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4492: British flow fire! War is on!

   Chapter 4492 Yingliu ignites! War is on!

   "Chen Fei Chen Void?"

   Ancestor Hailan froze for a moment, a little dazed.

You must know that for him, as long as he is a slightly more powerful person in the Celestial Realm, even if he does not know him, he should have heard of the other party's name... However, the name of Chen Fei and Chen Void, But he really had no clue, he was at a loss, as if he had never appeared before, and had never heard of it at all.

   "Yes, it's him!"

   Ye Kuangxue nodded quietly, gnashing his teeth,

   That strong killing intent,

   also directly made that Ocean Blue Ancestor... Immediately a little sober!

"I see... I will let our people do it immediately!" Ancestor Hailan took a deep look at Ye Kuangxue, and then imprinted the name of Chen Fei and Chen Void in his mind. Just nodded again. express understanding.

   "Second... The preparations and deployment of our British forces for war should have been completed by now, right?"

   Ye Kuangxue spoke again,

   At the same time, he lowered his head, stared at the sea blue ancestor, and said slowly.


   Ancestor Hailan nodded immediately and said softly. "The pre-war preparations and deployment of the major legions have been completely completed. Next, we only need to wait for the order of the Immortal World War to be issued, and we can..."

   But he hasn't finished his words yet,

   was directly interrupted by that Ye Kuangxue,

   "Everything is ready, that's it! If that's the case, let them all go out!"

   As soon as these words come out,

   That old Hailan ancestor was stunned,

   Then he saw that his face changed greatly, stared at Ye Kuangxue and said.

   "House Master... What do you mean by that?"

   "I said, go to war!"

   Ye Kuangxue stood up slowly,

  Boom! An extremely terrifying monstrous weather spread directly, causing the entire Yingliu Cloud City, and even the immortal land of Luo Xingzhou, to be affected!

   "Go ahead, the major legions! And all the vassal forces of our heroes, everyone, start immediately! All set off immediately, go to Bianyuan, and be ready to attack the imperial city in the Celestial Realm!"


   Hearing the words and seeing this, the complexion of the ancestor of Hailan also changed completely!

   He couldn't help but take a deep look at Ye Kuangxue who was full of murderous intent...

   hesitated again,

   Only then did he bite the bullet and open his mouth again.

"But, but, the head of the academy, Luozu's side, is now negotiating with the people of the Sun Moon God Court on behalf of our Supreme Academy! Didn't it all have been agreed before? The matter of the Immortal World War, after the negotiation is over. , act together again, so, so..."

   "Why don't we wait?"


   Ye Kuangxue looked at the Hailan ancestor expressionlessly and said indifferently. "Hai Lan, what do you mean by this, do you want to use Luo Canyang to oppress me? Or, do you think that Luo Canyang should be the master of our heroic courtyard, and I, Ye Kuangxue, are not qualified to issue orders here, I Ye Kuangxue's words are useless at all! That's what you mean, right?!"

   "No, no, no! The head of the hospital misunderstood, that's not what I meant..."

   Immediately, the expression of the ancestor of Hailan changed!

   Even some cold sweats flowed out,

  The friendship between him and Ye Kuangxue has been going on for many, many years, and the relationship between them is deeper than many others! This is also why as soon as Ye Kuangxue's killing intent appeared, he immediately took the initiative to come to this Yingliu Cloud City!

   But even so, after so many years, this was the first time he saw Ye Kuangxue, and he would actually speak to him in such a tone... So he is really a little scared now!

   "Then tell me, what do you mean?"

   Ye Kuangxue looked at him coldly,

   Ancestor Hailan paused for a while, then immediately smiled bitterly, waved his hands again and again, and said. "Don't be angry, I didn't know you had such a big fire... Then let's start a war, I'll arrange it right away!"

   "I will send them all to the Bianyuan battlefield in the shortest possible time."

   "Humph!" Ye Kuangxue snorted coldly, then took a step forward, passed by the side of the Hailan ancestor, and even walked out of the Yingliu Cloud City!

   "House Master, where are you going?"

   Ancestor Hailan stretched out his hand and shook it subconsciously,

   But that Ye Kuangxue had already disappeared without a trace at this moment,

   seems to have completely left this place,


   Seeing this scene, Ancestor Hailan couldn't help but sigh,

   Then he smiled bitterly, shaking his head,

   Then, he saw that on one side he pressed his own head several times with a headache, but on the other side, he had walked out of Na Yingliu Cloud City slowly! At the same time, Ye Kuangxue's war order was also passed on...


   "Rumble Rumble Rumble!"

   Immediately, Ying Liu, and even the entire Luo Xingzhou... this 'war machine'! It started to run like crazy! A strong man has been recruited to go to the major legions! Legions, powerful forces one by one, also began to set off overnight, and the hurried army pressed into the border city of the eternal fairyland...

  The fireworks of war were lit,

The    war is also imminent!

   has attracted the attention and sight of countless people!

  Some people are horrified, some are trembling, some are terrified,

  Some people are surprised, excited, excited…

   Although war is dangerous for most people,

   Especially in front of the peak fairy world battle that has already involved the two great fairy worlds, it is even more ants under the Taoist! Under the Taoist ancestors, they are all cannon fodder! Even the powerful existence of the Daojun and Daozu levels will be in great danger!

   However, there are still a small number of people who want war and long for war, because for them, this is the biggest chance for them to truly rise!


  The wind of the battle in the fairy world has been floating for a long time, and they are all waiting, waiting for the person who is willing to stand out and break the balance to appear! And now, they finally got it!

This action of    Yingliu,

   is undoubtedly telling everyone,

   They will set fire,

   They are getting ready for war!

   As one of the six cores of the dignified Supreme Academy,

  This heroic stream is of course qualified to be that early bird, to start the shot of this new prelude and a new round of fairyland war for all the living beings in their eternal fairyland!

   This wind,

   finally drifted to the end,

   This war,

   is finally here!


   At the same time, after waiting for an unknown amount of time, Chen Fei finally waited until the devouring and refining of the God King Feixian Great Array was completed!

"All the preparatory work has now been completed. The power of Ye Kuangxue's Gorefiend Stove has also been thoroughly refined by the God King Feixian Great Array, and integrated into the Heaven's Chosen Blood Pond in the Great Array, so Next, it's time for you to enjoy this opportunity and the fruits of victory! You, come with me..."

With a sound of   咻, I saw the skinny monkey-like old man appear in front of Fade Chen, and said slowly,

   After Chen Fei heard the words and saw this, he was directly excited.

   nodded quickly.

   "Thank you, senior!"

   (end of this chapter)

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